Library Services

¢Reference Services: On demand reference service provided to the students & faculty members by using open source on internet and reference books

¢Circulation: Issue & return of reading material such as books, journal & periodicals, project reports, multimedia, etc.

¢Internet Facility for e-Resources: Ten dedicated computers with internet connection are provided to the students and faculty members for using the e-resources such as e-journals, online digital library etc.

¢Inter-Library Loan Service: The Institute has memberships with National Digital Library and Jayakar Library, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

¢Literature Search Service: It is a service through which relevant research articles will be searched by DYPIEMR Library staff and will be sending to you through email.

¢Newspaper clipping Service: Maintain Newspaper clipping file for up-to-date record of information regarding new trend in education

¢Information Display and notification: Library information such as new arrivals, library rules, list of journals, notices, news paper clipping, FAQ, etc. are regularly displayed on the Library Notice Board.

¢Home Lending service to all the students and Book Bank facility (for certain Subjects)

¢Question papers and Syllabus Consultation facility

¢Wi-Fi facility