
I'm continuously looking for smart and hardworking students for postgraduate studies. If you are interested in doing research leading to a research degree or Postdoc, please get in touch with me at nalin.jayakody at

*** Postdoc Vacancies ***

  • FCT funded Postdoc position will become available in Jan 2023 for 12 months on UAV Network Slicing for 5G Wireless Details .

  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships within the European Horizon framework program. If you are interested to apply to one of these fellowships to join my team, get in touch as soon as possible. Next deadline: April 14, 2023.

* Postdoc Position open for Dec 2018 (Filled)

* I'm inviting applications for Postdoc positions (2 positions) in the area of wireless communications and signal processing for 5G. The application deadline is 30th Oct 2018. More info.


* Postdoc Position open for June 2018 (Filled)

* I'm inviting applications for Postdoc positions (1 position) in the area of wireless communications and signal processing for 5G. The application deadline is 30th June 2018.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Postdoc Position open for June 2017 (Filled)

* I'm inviting applications for Postdoc positions (2 positions) in the area of wireless communications and signal processing for 5G. The application deadline is 30th May 2017. More Info


*** PhD Positions* **

* PhD Position open for Fall 2020 (NEW)

A couple of Ph. D. positions available in Secure Simultaneous Wireless Information (SWIPT) and Power Transfer for IoT with artificial intelligence. The deadline for application is 30th Dec 2019 for Fall 2020 admission.


The benefits of SWIPT techniques relies on availability and accuracy of channel state information at the transmitter side. To study the impacts of imperfect knowledge of channel on the system performance, a MIMO SWIPT system with full duplexing will be proposed in this project. The project will also resorting to the interference exploitation in the presence of hybrid beamforming at the transmitter.


  • good academic records in computer science, electronics engineering, physics or related discipline

  • good mathematical, analytical and programming skills

Interested students should get in touch with me: nalin.jayakody at


* PhD Position open for Fall 2019 (Filled)

A Ph. D. position available PHY layer wireless communications system design for 5G with artificial intelligence. The deadline for application is 30th Dec 2018 for Fall 2019 admission.


  • good academic records in computer science, electronics engineering, physics or related discipline

  • good mathematical, analytical and programming skills

Interested students should get in touch with me: nalin.jayakody at


* PhD Position open for Fall 2018 (Filled)

One fully funded Ph. D. position available on IoT enable PHY layer wireless communications system design. Attractive stipend and other benefits will be provided.


  • good academic records in computer science, electronics engineering, physics or related discipline

  • good mathematical, analytical and programming skills

Interested students should get in touch with me: nalin.jayakody at


2016-2017 Posts

I currently have a part funded Ph. D. studentship (tuition and accommodation costs) and a coupe of MSc thesis positions available in the field of wireless communications. Project details, as well as information, are given below.

  • Wireless Energy Harvesting in Wireless Lossy Forwarding Scheme (New - Spring 2016) - position is filled

    • The project aims to study the Lossy-Forwarding based decode-and-forward (DF) relaying system. In this scheme, the relay always forwards the decoder output to the destination regardless of whether errors are detected after decoding in the information part or not. The results apply to practical fading scenarios where all the links between the nodes suffer from independent block Rayleigh fading. The key idea of the system is that the signal sequence forwarded by the relay is highly correlated with the original information sequence sent from the source, and hence with a proper joint decoding technique at the destination, the correlation knowledge can well be exploited to improve the system performance. The relay in this system will be based on the wireless energy harvest from a separate access point.

  • Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks (PhD) - position is filled

    • We are currently looking for a Master's student, who would be interested in a research topic of Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks and related questions. The project is in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications, University of Sydney, Australia. It is envisaged that research will begin in Summer 2017 or soon afterwards.

    • Short description of the project

    • As a sustainable solution to prolong the lifetime of energy constrained wireless networks, energy harvesting technique has recently drawn significant attention. It enables wireless nodes to collect energy from the surrounding environment. Apart from the conventional renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, radio frequency (RF) signals radiated by ambient transmitters can be treated as a viable new source for energy harvesting. We study the performance of cooperative communications in large scale networks, where the relays are able to harvest energy emitted by wireless transmissions.

  • MIMO Cooperative Wireless Networks (PhD)- position is filled

    • The relays are employed in mobile cellular systems to extend coverage and increase the transmission rate at cell-edge. The project concentrates on the design and analysis of cooperative communication techniques suitable for the next generation wireless networks. The project will target a unified construction of advanced Alamouti space time block coding (The Multi input multi output (MIMO) Alamouti scheme is an ingenious transmit diversity scheme for two transmit antennas that do not require transmit channel knowledge and is a simple space time block code) and network coding operations. Further, project aims to design associated signal processing algorithms for detections and the receivers and relay processing. As the relay processing is central to the cooperative communication and in order to reap the benefits of this technique, a new set of physical layer relay scheme will be designed together with the distributed space time Alamouti block codes.

Funding: different scholarship options could be available.


  • good academic records in computer science, electronics engineering, physics or related discipline

  • good mathematical, analytical and programming skills

Interested students should get in touch with me: nalin.jayakody at