
Current Postdocs 

Current Ph.D. Students 

Current MSc/M. Phil Students 

Current Research Assistants/ Affiliates 


Past Postdocs/Research Scientists 

Supervised Theses


1. PhD Thesis – Tharindu Dilshan Ponnibaduge Perera, Multi User Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer for 5G and Beyond, School of Computer Sc. & Robotics, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, (Sept 2016-  2021).

2. PhD Thesis – Rabia Khan, Non-orthogonal multiple Access Technology for 5G, School of Computer Sc. & Robotics, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, (Sept 2016- 2021).

3. PhD Thesis – Akashkumar Rajaram (Co supervise with Prof Rui Dinis, University of New Lisboa, Portugal), Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer for 5G, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal (2017-  2022).

4. PhD Thesis – Navuday Sharma (Co supervise with Prof Maurizio Magarini, POLIMI, Italy), Increasing Capacity of Wireless Networks using Aerial Base Stations, School of Computer Sc. & Robotics, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia/ Polytechnic de Milano, Italy  (Sept 2015- Sept 2018).

5.  PhD Thesis – Arkadi Guncharov, "Development method for adaptive machine learning model selection in industrial manipulator data analysis" , National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, (co-supervise with Dr. Alex Saveiley). Sept 2020–Sept 2022.

6. PhD Thesis – Anand Pushparaj, "Performance Investigation of Self-energized UAV-assisted Communications for 5G Wireless Networks ", Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India, Sept 2018-July 2022. (co-supervised with Prof. P. Muthuchidambaranathan.)

7. PhD Thesis – Vishaka Basnayaka, Advanced Full Duplex Non-orthogonal access techniques for 5G Wireless Networks,(co supervise with Hakim Mabed, University of Frenche Comte, France) Sept 2019–Sept 2023, Sept 2019–Sept 2022.

MSc/M. Phil

1. Master in Engineering (Cybersecurity), Akashkumar Rajaram, “Wireless Energy Harvesting for Cooperative Communications” (Co-supervisor Dr. Vitaly Skachek), Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia June 2016. 

2. A. Rajaram- MSc thesis, University of Tartu, Estonia, "Energy Harvesting in Wireless Cooperative Networks", (Vitaly Skachek -- Co-supervisor), 01/2015 to 05/2016. Best thesis prize for MSc hardware and systems category, ICT thesis contest 2016, Tallinn. 

3. Abdulaziz  Olaseni - MSc thesis, University of Tartu, Estonia, "Alamouti  Space time Block Coding in Cooperative Wireless Networks", (Vitaly Skachek -- Co-supervisor).

4. Alessandro Visintini - MSc thesis, Politecnico de Milano, Italy, "Trajectory optimization in UAV-aided Wireless Communication System", (Co-supervised with Prof. Marco, Politecnico de Milano, ITALY).

5. M. Phil Thesis – Sumali Morapitiya, "Perfroamnce Analysis of Simultaneous Light wave Information and Power Transfer (SLIPT)", University of Moratuwa , (co-supervise with Prof. Udayanga). Jan 2019 - March 2022. 

6. MSc By Research Thesis – Hassan Hydher, "Machine Learning in UAV assisted  Wireless Networks", University of Moratuwa  (co-supervise with Dr. Kasun Hemachandra and Dr.  Tharaka Samarasinghe), Jan 2019- March 2022. 

7. MSc By Research Thesis – Kasun Wickramasinghe, "Soft information Relaying in Wireless Networks", University of Moratuwa  (co-supervise with Dr. Kasun Hemachandra and Dr.  Tharaka Samarasinghe). Jan 2020 - Sept 2022. 


1. B.Eng. (Electronics Engineering) Thesis - Waheed Ejaz, Naem Karim, Muhammad Bilal,  “Performance Comparison of Coded OFDM with Viterbi Decoding of Different Input Quantization Levels  over Rayleigh Fading Channels and FPGA implementation”, Dawood University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, April 2011. 

2. B. Sc. (Statistics Special) Thesis - Basitha Kavinga, “Understanding the Behaviors of Dengue Fever with respect to Climatic and Biological Factors” (Co-supervisor W. D. D. M. Jayasundara), Dept. of Statistics & Computer Sc., University of Kelaniya, April, 2013.

3.  B. Sc (Eng)    K. Vithusan, A.G.C Lakmali, T.M.S.M. Nafly,   A Transceiver for Visible Light Communication ( co-supervised with Mr. Priyashantha Tennakon), 2020. 

Completed list to appear

Past Research Assistants/ Affiliates 


Some tips for research students

What qualities characterize a great PhD student?

Four indispensable qualities on "What qualities characterize a great PhD student?":

0. Intelligence

1. Curiosity

2. Creativity

3. Discipline 

4. Productivity

In the "nice to have but not essential" category, I would add

5. Ability to teach/communicate with an audience

6. Ability to communicate with peers

By Prof. David Karger, Computer Science Professor at MIT.