Dush Nalin Jayakody

Personal Information                       


Research Group:


Activities in 2022 


Prof. Dush Nalin  Jayakody, Ph. D. (Dublin),  IEEE Senior Member, IET Fellow 

Marie Curie Fellow

Professor, Lusófona University, Portugal

Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Sri Lanka


nalin.jayakody AT ieee.org or jayakody2005 AT gmail.com

 Postdoc position available to start in Feb/March 2023. Link  Official Call

                                                    Short Bio  

Dr. Dush Nalin Jayakody,  received the  MSc degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the  Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey (under the University Graduate Scholarship) and ranked as the first merit position holder of the department. He received the Ph. D. degree in  Electronics and Communications Engineering, from the University College Dublin, Ireland under the supervision of Prof.  Mark Flanagan (under the Science Foundation Ireland Grant).  From 2014- 2016, he has held  Postdoc position at the  Coding & Information Transmission group,  University of Tartu, Estonia and University of Bergen, Norway. Since 2016, he is a professor at Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia. From 2021, he is a professor at Autonoma TechLab, Department of Engineering & Computer Science, Autonomous University of Lisbon, Portugal. Since 2019, he is also with the Centre for Telecommunication Research as founding head, Sri Lanka Technological Campus, Sri Lanka. From 2016-2021, he was a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Robotics, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia. Dr.  Jayakody is a Senior Member of IEEE and Fellow of IET  and he has served as session chair or technical program committee member for various international conferences, such as Globecom 2018/19/20/21, IEEE PIMRC  2014, IEEE WCNC 2014/2016/2019/2020, IEEE VTC 2015 etc.