
Publications in Journals

Navarro-García, M., Guerrero, V. and Durban, M. (2023). On mathematical optimization for shape-constrained non-parametric multiple regression using P−splines. (submitted)

Hernández, M.A., Lee, D.-J., Rodríguez-Álvarez, M.X. and Durban, M. (2023). Derivative curve estimation in longitudinal studies using P-splines. Statistical Modelling (in press)

Navarro-García, M., Guerrero, V. and Durban, M. (2023). On constrained smoothing and out-of-range prediction using P-splines: A conic optimization approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, M.X, Durban, M., Eilers, P., Lee, D.J. and González, F. (2023). Multidimensional adaptive P-splines with application to neurons' activity studies . Biometrics, 79,1972-1985.

Eilers, P. and Durban, M. (2022). Iain David Currie (1946–2022). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, 185, 2287–2288.

Cabras, S., Cascos, I., D’Auria, B., Durban, M., Guerrero, V. and Ochoa. M. (2022) . Biological Age Imputation by Data Depth: A Proposal and Some Preliminary Results. In: , et al. Building Bridges between Soft and Statistical Methodologies for Data Science . SMPS 2022. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1433. Springer, Cham.

Mínguez, R.,  Basile, R. and Durban, M. (2022) An introduction to pspatreg: A new R package for semiparametric spatial autoregressive analysis. REGION 9 (2), R1-R15.

Ayma, D., Durban, M, Lee, D.-J. and van de Kassteele, J. (2022). Modelling spatio-temporal disease incidence using composite link models. PLOS ONE.

Durban, M. Lee, D.-J., Aguilera-Morillo, M.C. and Aguilera, A.M. (2022). From spatio-temporal smoothing to functional spatial regression: a penalized approach. In: J. Mateu and R. Giraldo (Eds.), Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis, Wiley Book, ISBN: 978-1-119-38784-8.

Carballo, A., Durban, M., and Lee, D.-J. (2021). Out-of-Sample Prediction in Multidimensional P-Spline Models. Mathematics.  9, 1761.

Carballo, A., Durban, M, Kauermann, G. and Lee, D.-J. (2021).  A general framework for prediction in penalized regression. Statistical Modelling, 21, 293-312

Basile, R., De Benedictis, L., Durban, M., Faggian, A. and Miguez, R. (2021). The Impact of Immigration on the Internal Mobility of Natives and Foreign-born Residents: Evidence from Italy. Spatial economic Analysis, 16, 9-26

Minguez, R., Basile, R., Durban, M. (2020) An alternative semiparametric model for spatial panel data. Statistical Methods & Applications , 29, 669-708

Oliveira, W., Diniz, C.A. and Durban, M. (2019) A class of bivariate regression models for mixed discrete and continuous responses. Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, 48, 2359–2383 

 Moreno-Oyervides, A., Martín-Mateos, P.,  Aguilera-Morillo,M.C.,  Ulisse, G., Arriba, M.C.,   Durban, M.,  Del Rio, M., Larcher, F., Krozer,V.,  and Acedo, P. (2019). Non-Invasive Sensing of Sustained Hyperglycemia in Mice Using Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy. Sensors, 19, 3347.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, M.X, Durban, M., Lee, D.J. and Eilers, P. (2019) On the estimation of variance parameters in non-standard generalized linear mixed models: Applications to penalized smoothing. Statistics and Computing 29, 487-500

Simpkin, A, Durban, M., Lawlor, D.A., MacDonald-Wallis, C., May, M., Metcalfe, C., Tilling,K. (2018). Derivative estimation for longitudinal data analysis: examining features of blood preassure measured repeatedly during pregnancy. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 2836–2854 

Mazzucchelli, R., Crespí, N., Perez-Fernandez, E., Durban, M., et al. (2018). Short-Term effect of outdoor air pollution on osteoporotic hip fracture. Osteoporosis International, 29, 2231-2241

Mazzucchelli, R., Perez-Fernandez, E., Durban, M., et al. (2018). Weather conditions and their effects on seasonality of incident osteoporotic hip fracture. Archives of Osteoporosis, 13:28

Ariza, F., Cóbreces, F., Durban, M and Rodriguez-Pardo, J.M. (2017). Proposal for the recalibration of mortality and longevity shocks under Solvency II framework. Technical Note. Fundación MAPFRE

Sánchez-González, M., Durbán, M., Lee, D.-J., Cañellas, I. and Sixto, H. (2017) Smooth additive mixed models for predicting aboveground biomass. Journal of Agricultural Biologial and Environmental Statistics 22, 23-41

 Durban, M. and Aguilera, M.C. (2017) On the estimation of functional random effects. Statistical Modelling 17(1-2), 1-9 

Aguilera, C., Durban, M. Aguilera, A. (2017) Prediction of functional data with spatial dependence: a penalized approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment  31, 23-38

Ayma, D., Durban, M., Lee, D.-J. and Eilers, P. (2016) Penalized composite link models for aggregated count data: a mixed model approach. Spatial Statistics 17, 179-198. 

Eilers, P, Marx, B. and Durban, M. (2015). Twenty years of P-splines. SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions), 39, 2, 149-186. Invited paper

Rodríguez-Alvarez, M.X., Lee, D-J., Kneib, T., Durban, M. and Eilers, P. (2015) Fast algorithm for smoothing parameter selection in multidimensional generalized P-splines. Statistics and Computing  25, 941-957 

Basile, R., Durban, M., Minguez, R., Montero, J.M., Mur, J. (2014). Modeling regional economic dynamics: Spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearities. Journal of Economic Dynamic & Control, 48, 229-245

Espasa, A. and Durban, M. (2013). Comments on: Short-TermForecasting the Daily Load Curve for Residential Electricity Usage in the Smart Grid. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 29, 621-623.

Lee, D-J., Durban, M., Eilers, P. (2013). Efficient two-dimensional smoothing with P-spline ANOVA mixed models and nested basis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 61, 22-37.

Durbán, M. (2012). Discussion on Analysing visual receptive fields through generalised additive models with interactions (by Rodriguez Alvarez, et al.). SORT, 36, 33-34.

Bayarri, M.J., Cadarso, C., Durbán, M., Gómez, G., López-Fidalgo, J., Martín-Andrés, A., Nuñez-Antón, V. (2012) . BioStatNet: an interdisciplinary Biostatistics Network.  Boletin de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (BEIO). 28, 185-200.

Montero, J.M., Mínguez, R., Durbán, M. (2012).  SAR models with nonparametric spatial trends: A P-spline approach. Estadística Española, 177, 89-111.

Sánchez-González,M., Sixto. H., Durbán, M. (2012). Modelos mixtos semiparamétricos basados en splines con penalizaciones: Aplicación en el ámbito forestal. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 34, 227-234 

Iñaki Galán,  Lucía Díez-Gañán, Ana Gandarillas, Nelva Mata, Jose Luis Cantero, María Durbán (2012). Effect of a smoking ban and school-based prevention and control policies on adolescent smoking in Spain: a multilevel analysis. Prevention Science 13, 574-583.

Alicia Padrón, Iñaki Galán, María Durbán, Ana Gandarillas, Fernando Rodríguez-Artalejo (2012)- Confirmatory factor analysis of the general health questionare (GHQ-12) in a population  of Spanish adolescents. Quality of Life Research, 21, 1291-1298.

Iñaki Galán,  Lucía Díez-Gañán, Ana Gandarillas, Nelva Mata, Jose Luis Cantero, María Durbán (2012). Individual and contectual factors associated to smoking in school premises. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 14, 495-500. 

Lee, D-J. and Durbán, M. (2011). Pspline ANOVA type interaction models for spatio temporal smoothing. Statistical Modelling, 11, 49-69. 

Zorrilla B., Pires, M., Lasheras, L., Morant, C., Seoane L., Sanchez L.M., Galán  I., Aguirre, R., Ramírez, R. and Durbán M. (2010). Intimate parner violenc: last year prevalence and association with socio-economic factors among women in Madrid, Spain. European Journal of Public Health, 2, 169-175. 

Ugarte, M. D., Goicoa, T., Militino A. F. and Durbán, M. (2009). Spline Smoothing in small area trend estimation and smoothing. Computational Statistics and data Analysis, 53, 3616-3629.

Lee, D-J. and Durbán, M. (2009). Smooth-Car mixed models for spatial count data. Computational Statistics and data Analysis, 53, 2968-2977.

Durban, M. (2009) An introduction to Smoothing with Penalties: P-splines. Boletín de la sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (BEIO), 25, 195-205.

Martínez, M.A., Pantoja, M., Abenojar, J., Velasco, F., and Durbán, M. (2007). Analysis of  shear strength of cylindrical assemblies with anaerobic adhesive using Weibull statistic. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 21, 1659-1669.

Pantoja, M., Abenojar, J., Velasco, F., Martínez, M.A., and Durbán, M. (2007). Analysis of substrate preparation and curing position on mechanical properties of adhesive joints using statistical methods. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 21,1045-1058.                         

Zunzunegui, M.V., Nuñez,, O. Durbán, M., Yébenes, M. J. and Otero, J. (2006). Decreasing prevalence of disability in activities of daily living, functional limitations and poor self-rates health: a 6 year follow up study in Spain. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research,18, 352-358.

Currie, I. Durbán, M. and Eilers, P. (2006) Generalized Array Models with Application to Multidimensional Smoothing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 68, 259-280.

Eilers, P., Currie, I. and Durbán, M. (2006) Fast and Compact Smoothing on Large Multidimensional Grids. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50, 61-76

Durbán, M., Harezlak, J., Wand, M. and Carroll, R. (2005) Simple Fitting of Subject Specific Curves for Longitudinal Data. Statistics in Medicine, 24, 1153-1162

Currie, I, Durbán, M. and Eilers, P. (2004) Smoothing and Forecasting of Mortality Rates. Statistical Modelling, 279-298. Most Full-Text Cited Article in Statistical Modelling

Durbán, M. and Currie, I. (2003) A Note on P-spline Additive Models with Correlated Errors. Computational Statistics, 18, 251-262.

Durbán, M. Hackett, C., McNicol, J.W., Newton, A.C., Thomas, T.B. and Currie, I. The Practical Use of Semi-parametric Models in Fiels Trials. Journal of Agricultural Biologial and Environmental Statistisc, 8, 48-66.

Currie, I. and Durbán, M. Flexible Smoothing with P-splines: A Unified Approach. Statistical Modelling, 2.

Durbán, M. and Glasbey, C. Weather Modelling Using a Multivariate Latent Gaussian Model. Agricultural and Forest Metheorology, 109.

Durbán, M. and Currie, I. Exact Adjustment of the Profile Likelihood for a Class of Normal Regression Models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 27.

Durbán, M., Currie, I. and Kempton, R.A. Adjusting for Fertility and Competition in Variety Trials. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 136.

Durban, M., Hackett, C. and Currie, I. (1999) Approximate standard errors in semi-parametric models Biometrics, 55.


Splines con Penalizaciones: Teoría y Aplicaciones (2007)

Colección de Monografías del Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Editorial:  Universidad Pública de Navarra

El Riesgo de Longevidad y su aplicación Práctica a Solvencia II: Modelos actuariales avanzados para su gestión (2014).

Editorial: Fundación MAPFRE

The Risk of Longevity and its Practical Application to Solvency II: European Harmonization for Management Purposes (2015)

Editorial: Fundación MAPFRE

Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance: MAF 2018

Editorial: Springer