Fees and Payments
Club subscriptions are paid at the start of the season.
The Duns Club Subscription is £20.00 with a discount of £3.00 offered if payment is made before October 31st.
In addition members who have nominated Duns as their mother club for their Royal Caledonian Curling Club membership are billed for their RCCC subscriptions with their annual bill. Mother club members will also be billed for Borders Ice Rink annual subscriptions.
Ice costs for all of club's the league matches are also calculated and paid for by members at the start of the season. This enables the club to meet all of it's commitments as they fall due.
Subscriptions are due by the end of October and members should pay the amount shown in their subscription letter direct to the club bank account before that date. Please do not wait to "catch up on the ice" as this risks missing the deadline and the discount.