
  1. L. Chicchi, L. Giambagli, L. Buffoni, T. Carletti, M. Ciavarella, D. Fanelli “Training of sparse and dense deep neural networks: Fewer parameters, same performancePhysical Review E 104 (5), 054312 (2021).

  2. T. Biancalani et al. “Deep learning and alignment of spatially resolved single-cell transcriptomes with TangramNature Methods 18 (11), 1352-1362 (2021).

  3. G. Cecchini et al. “Cortical propagation tracks functional recovery after strokePLoS Computational Biology 17 (5) (2021).

  4. L. Chicchi et al. “Reconstruction scheme for excitatory and inhibitory dynamics with quenched disorder: application to zebrafish imagingJournal of Computational Neuroscience 49 (2), 159-174 (2021).

  5. T Carletti, D. Fanelli, R. Lambiotte “Random walks and community detection in hypergraphs”, Journal of Physics: Complexity 2 (1), 015011 (2021).

  6. R. Arbel-Goren et al. “Robust, coherent, and synchronized circadian clock-controlled oscillations along Anabaena filamentsElife 10 e64348 (2021).

  7. L. Giambagli, L. Buffoni, T. Carletti, W. Nocentini, D. Fanelli “Machine learning in spectral domainNature Communications 12 (1), 1-9 (2021).

  8. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino “How to fairly share a watermelonPhysics Education 56 (1), 015010 (2020).

  9. S. Nicoletti, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, G. Battistelli, L. Chisci “Generating directed networks with prescribed Laplacian spectraJournal of Physics: Complexity 2 (1), 015004 (2020).

  10. I. Adam et. al. “Inferring network structure and local dynamics from neuronal patterns with quenched disorderChaos, Solitons & Fractals 140, 110235 (2020).

  11. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, S. Nicoletti “Dynamical systems on hypergraphsJournal of Physics: Complexity 1 (3), 035006 (2020).

  12. T. Carletti, M. Asllani, D. Fanelli, V. Latora “Nonlinear walkers and efficient exploration of congested networksPhysical Review Research 2 (3), 033012 (2020).

  13. M. Asllani, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, P. K. Maini “A universal route to pattern formation in multicellular systemsThe European Physical Journal B 93 (7), 1-11 (2020).

  14. D. Fanelli, F. Piazza, “Analysis and forecast of COVID-19 spreading in China, Italy and France” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 134, 109761 (2020).

  15. G. Cencetti, F. Battiston, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli “Generalized patterns from local and non local reactionsChaos, Solitons & Fractals 134, 109707 (2020).

  16. G. de Vito et al. “Two-photon light-sheet microscopy for high-speed whole-brain functional imaging of zebrafish neuronal physiology and pathologyNeurophotonics 11360, 1136004 (2020).

  17. C. Pereti, D. Fanelli “Stabilizing Stuart-Landau oscillators via time-varying networks” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 133, 109587 (2020)

  18. G. de Vito et al. “Two-photon high-speed light-sheet volumetric imaging of brain activity during sleep in zebrafish larvaeNeural Imaging and Sensing 11226, 1122604 (2020).

  19. T. Carletti, F. Battiston, G. Cencetti, D. Fanelli “Random walks on hypergraphsPhysical Review E 101 (2), 022308 (2020).

  20. M. Galanti, D. Fanelli, S. D. Traytak, F. Piazza “Diffusion to capture and the concept of diffusive interactionsChemical Kinetics: Beyond the Textbook, 321-352 (2020).

  21. R. Muolo, M. Asllani, D. Fanelli, P. K. Maini, T. Carletti Patterns of non-normality in networked systemsJournal of theoretical biology 480, 81-91(2019).

  22. S. Nicoletti et al. “Resilience for stochastic systems interacting via a quasi-degenerate networkChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (8), 083123 (2019).

  23. I. Adam, D. Fanelli, T. Carletti, G. Innocenti “Reactive explorers to unravel network topology” Europ. Phys. J B 92 99 (2019).

  24. C. Zankoc, D. Fanelli, F. Ginelli, R. Livi, “Desynchronization and pattern formation in a noisy feedforward network” Phys. Rev E 99 (1) 012303 (2019)

  25. M. Lucas, D. Fanelli, A. Stefanovska “Nonautonomous driving induces stability in network of identical oscillators” Phys Rev E 99 (1) 012309 (2018)

  26. R. Arbel-Goren, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, J. Stavans, “Noise seeded developmental pattern formation in Filamentous Cyanobacteria” Life 8 58-70 (2018)

  27. S. Nicoletti, N. Zagli, D. Fanelli, R. Livi, T. Carletti, G. Innocenti, "Non-normal amplification of stochastic quasicycles" Phys. Rev. E 98, 002200 (2018).

  28. G. Cencetti, P. Clusella, D. Fanelli, “Pattern invariance for reaction-diffusion systems on complex networks” Nature Scientific Reports 8 16226 (2018).

  29. G. Cencetti, F. Battiston, D. Fanelli, V. Latora, “Reactive random walkers on complex networks”, Phys. Rev. E, 98 052302 (2018).

  30. G. Cencetti, F. Bagnoli, G. Battistelli, L. Chisci, D. Fanelli, “Spectral control for ecological stability” Europ. Phys. J. B 91 264 (2018).

  31. S. Nicoletti, N. Zagli, D. Fanelli, R. Livi, T. Carletti, G. Innocenti, “Non normal amplification of stochastic quasi-cycles” Phys. Rev E 98 032214 (2018).

  32. F. Di Patti, L. Lavacchi, R. Arbel-Goren, L. Schein-Lubomirsky, D. Fanelli, J. Stavans, “Robust stochastic Turing patterns in the develpment of a one-dimensional cyanobacterial organism” Plos Biology 16(5): e2004877 (2018).

  33. M. Lucas, D. Fanelli, T. Carletti, J. Petit, “Desynchronization induced by time varying networks” Europhys. Lett 121 5 (2018).

  34. D. M. Busiello T. Carletti, D. Fanelli “Homogeneous-per-layer patterns in multiplex networks” Europhys. Lett. 121 4 (2018).

  35. M. Asllani, T. Carletti, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, F. Piazza, “Hopping in the crowd to unveil networks topology” Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 158301 (2018).

  36. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, F. Miele, T. Carletti, "Ginzburg-Landau approximation for self-sustained oscillators weakly coupled on complex directed graphs" Comm. Non. Sci. and Num Sim. 56 447-456 (2018).

  37. D. Fanelli, F. Ginelli, R. Livi, N. Zagli, C. Zankoc “Noise driven neuromorphic tuned amplifier” Phys. Rev. E 96 062313 (2017). Selected as Editor’s Suggestion.

  38. D. Fanelli, T. Carletti, "Quantifying the degree of average contraction of Collatz orbits" Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (2017).

  39. J. Petit, B. Lauwens, D. Fanelli, T. Carletti, "Theory of Turing Patterns on Time Varying Networks" Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 148301 (2017).

  40. G. Cencetti, F. Bagnoli, G. Battistelli, L. Chisci, D. Fanelli "Control of Multidimensional systems on complex networks" PlosOne 12(9): e0184431 (2017).

  41. C. Zankoc, D. Fanelli, F. Ginelli, R. Livi, “Intertangled stochastic motifs in network of excitatory and inhibitory units” Phys. Rev E 96 022308 (2017).

  42. C. Zankoc, T Biancalani, D. Fanelli, R. Livi, "Diffusion approximation of the stochastic Cowan-Wilson model", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 103 504-512 (2017).

  43. G. Cencetti, F. Bagnoli, G. Battistelli, L. Chisci, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, "Topological stabilization for synchronized dynamics on networks" Europ. Phys. J B 90 9 (2017).

  44. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, F. Miele, T. Carletti "Benjamin-Feir instabilities on directed networks" Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 96 8-16 (2017).

  45. Parras-Rojas, J. D. Challenger, D. Fanelli, A. J. McKane, "Suppressing escape events in maps of the unit interval with demographic noise" Phys. Rev. E. 94 052133 (2016).

  46. M. Asllani, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli “Tune the topology to create and destroy patterns” Europ. Phys. J B 89 260 (2016).

  47. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, T. Carletti, “Drift induced Benjamin-Feir instability” Europhys. Lett. 114 6 (2016).

  48. M. Galanti, D. Fanelli, S. Agioletti-Uberti, M. Ballauff, J. Dzubiella, F. Piazza “Reaction rate of a composite macrocell core-shell nanoreactor with encapsulated nano-catalysts” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 20758-20767 (2016).

  49. J. Petit, M. Asllani, D. Fanelli, B. Lauwens, T. Carletti, “Pattern formation in a two component reaction-diffusion system with delayed processes on a network” Physica A 462 230-249 (2016).

  50. G. Cencetti, F Bagnoli, F Di Patti, D Fanelli, “The second will be first: competition on directed networks”, Nature Scientific Reports 6 27116 (2016).

  51. M. Galanti, S.Traytak, D. Fanelli, F. Piazza “Theory of diffusion influenced reactions in complex geometries” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 15950-15954 (2016).

  52. S. Contemori, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli and F. Miele “Multiple-scale theory of topology-driven patterns on directed networks” Phys. Rev. E, 93, 032317 (2016).

  53. G. Martelloni, G. Martelloni, P. de Buyl, D. Fanelli “Generalized maximum entropy approach to quasi-stationary states in long range systems” Phys. Rev. E 93, 022107 (2016).

  54. M. Galanti, D. Fanelli and F. Piazza “Conformation-controlled binding kinetics of antibodies” Nature Scientific Reports 6 18976 (2016).

  55. J. Petit, T. Carletti, M. Asllani, D. Fanelli, “Delay-induced Turing-like waves for one-species reaction-diffusion model on a network” Europhys. Lett. 111 58002 (2015).

  56. J. D. Challenger, R. Burioni, D. Fanelli, “Turing-like instabilities from a limit cycle” Phys. Rev E 92 022818 (2015).

  57. A. Turchi, D. Fanelli, X. Leoncini, “Emergence of a collective crystal in a classical system with long-range interactions”, Europhys. Lett. 111 30011 (2015).

  58. D. M. Busiello, G. Planchon, M. Asllani, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, “Pattern formation for reactive species undergoing anisotropic diffusion” Europ. Phys. J B 88 222 (2015).

  59. M. Asllani, D. M. Busiello, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, G. Planchon, “Turing instabilities on Cartesian product networks” Nature Scientific Reports 5 12927 (2015).

  60. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, F. Piazza, “Optimal search strategies on complex multi-linked networks” Nature Scientific Reports 5 9869 (2015).

  61. M. Asllani, D. M. Busiello, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, G. Planchon, “Turing patterns in multiplex networks” Phys Rev E 90 042814 (2014).

  62. C. Parra-Rojas, J.D. Challenger, D. Fanelli, A. McKane “Intrinsic noise and two-dimensional maps: Quasicycles, quasiperiodicity, and chaos” Phys Rev E 90 032135 (2014).

  63. O. Crociani, A. Bechetti, D. Fanelli, A. Arcangeli “Adhesion-Mediated Signalling in Cancer: Recent Advances and Mathematical Modelling” Biophysical Review and Letters 9 (03) 285-300 (2014).

  64. M. Asllani, J. Challenger, F.S. Pavone, L. Sacconi, D. Fanelli “The theory of pattern formation on directed networks” Nature Communications 5 4517 (2014).

  65. M. Galanti, D. Fanelli, A. Maritan, F. Piazza “Diffusion of tagged particles in a crowded medium” Europhys. Letters. 107 (2) 20006 (2014).

  66. J. D. Challenger, D. Fanelli, A. McKane, “The theory of individual based discrete-time processes” J. Stat. Phys. 156(1) 131-155 (2014).

  67. Tarcísio N. Teles, Duccio Fanelli, and Stefano Ruffo, “Ensemble inequivalence in systems with wave-particle interaction” Phys Rev E Rapid 89 050101 (2014).

  68. N. Carlevaro, D. Fanelli, X. Garbet, P. Ghendrih, G. Montani, M. Pettini, “Beam Plasma instability and Fast Particles: the Lynden Bell Approach” Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 56 035013 (2014).

  69. L. Cantini, C. Cianci, D. Fanelli, E. Massi, L. Barletti, M. Asllani “Stochastic Turing patterns for systems with one diffusing species”, Mathematical Biology 69 1585-1608 (2014).

  70. L. Cantini, C. Cianci, D. Fanelli, E. Massi, L. Barletti “Linear noise approximation for stochastic oscillations of intracellular calcium” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 349 92-99 (2014).

  71. J. Challenger, D. Fanelli, A. McKane “Intrinsic noise and discrete-time processes” Phys. Rev. E Rapid 88 040102 (2013).

  72. M. Asllani, T. Biancalani, D. Fanelli, McKane “The linear noise approximation for reaction diffusion systems on a network”, Europ. Phys. J. B 86 476-486 (2013).

  73. D. Fanelli, A. McKane, B. Tiribilli, G. Pompili, M. Vassalli, T. Biancalani, “Diffusion of two molecular species in a crowded environment: theory and experiments”, Physical Biology 10 045008 (2013).

  74. C. Cianci, D. Fanelli “Stochastic patterns and the role of crowding” Discontinuity, Non linearity and Complexity 2(4) 301-319 (2013).

  75. P. De Buyl, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, C. Nardini, A. Patelli, F. Piazza, Y.Y. Yamaguchi, “Absence of Thermalization for systems with long range interactions coupled to a thermal bath, Phys Rev. E 87 042110 (2103).

  76. D. Fanelli, C. Cianci, F. Di Patti, "Multispecies reaction diffusion models and the Turing instability revisited" Europ. Phys. J B 86 142 (2013).

  77. Marika Masselli, Pasquale Laise, Giulia Tonini, Duccio Fanelli, Serena Pillozzi, Valentina Cetica, Martina Da Ros, Iacopo Sardi, AnnaMaria Buccoliero, Maurizio Aricò, Lorenzo Genitori, Andrea Becchetti and Annarosa Arcangeli,”Deregulation of ion channel and transporter encoding genes in paediatric gliomas”, Frontiers in Pediatric Oncology 2 53 (2012).

  78. M. Asllani, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, “Stochastic Turing patterns on a network”, Phys. Rev. E 86 046105 (2012).

  79. C. Cianci, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, L. Barletti, “Analytical study of non Gaussian fluctuations in a stochastic scheme of autocatalytic reactions”, Europ Phys. Journal Special Topics 212 5-22 (2012).

  80. P. Laise, D. Fanelli, P. Liò, A. Arcangeli, “Modeling TGF-beta; signaling pathway in epithelial-mesenchymal transition” AIP Advances, 2 (1) (2012).

  81. D. Fanelli, G. De Ninno, A. Turchi ”On the paradoxical behavior of a cyclic device working with a non-Boltzmannian fluid” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (11) 4174-4180 (2012).

  82. P. De Buyl, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, “Phase transitions of quasistationary states in the Hamiltonian Mean Field Model”, Central European Journal of Physics, 10 (3) 652-659 (2012).

  83. M. Asllani, D. Fanelli, A. Turchi, T. Carletti, X. Leoncini, "Statistical theory of quasi stationary states beyond the single water-bag case study " Phys. Rev E 85 021148 (2012).

  84. G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “Out of equilibrium statistical ensemble inequivalence” Europhys. Letters 97 20002 (2012).

  85. P. Laise, D. Fanelli, A. Arcangeli, “A dynamical model of apoptosis and its role in tumor progression”, Comm. in Nonlinear Science. and Num. Sim. 17 1795-1804 (2012).

  86. P. Laise F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, M. Masselli, A. Arcangeli, “Deterministic and stochastic aspects of VEGF-A production and the cooperative behaviour of tumoral cell colony” Journal of Theoretical. Biology, 272(1) 55-63 (2011).

  87. C. Cianci, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli “Non Gaussian fluctuations in stochastic models with absorbing barriers” Europhys. Letters, 96 50011 (2011).

  88. A. Turchi, D. Fanelli, X. Leoncini, “Existence of Quasi-stationary states at the Long Range threshold” Comm. in Nonlinear Science. and Num. Sim. 16 (12) 4718-4724 (2011).

  89. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, S. Righi, “Emerging structures in social networks guided by opinions' exchanges”, Advances in complex systems, 14(1) 13-30 (2010).

  90. R. Morris, D. Fanelli, A. McKane, “Dynamical description of vesicles growth and shape change” , Phys. Rev E 82 134123 (2010).

  91. D. Fanelli, A. McKane, “Diffusion in a crowded environment”, Phys. Rev E 82 021113 (2010).

  92. F. Staniscia, A. Turchi, D. Fanelli, P.H. Chavanis, G. De Ninno, “Negative specific heat in the canonical statistical ensemble”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 010601 (2010).

  93. P. de Anna, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, A. J. McKane, T. Dauxois, “Spatial model of autocatalytic reactions” Phys. Rev E 81 056110 (2010).

  94. R Bachelard, T Manos, P de Buyl, F Staniscia, F S Cataliotti, G De Ninno, D Fanelli and N Piovella, “Experimental perspectives for systems based on long-range interactions”, J. Stat Mech, P06009 (2010).

  95. A. Barucci, G. Macaluso, D. Mecatti, L. Noferini, D. Fanelli, A. Facchini, M. Materassi, M. Pieraccini, C. Atzeni “Universal fluctuations in tropospheric radar measurements” Europhysics Letters, 89 20006 (2010).

  96. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, “On the molecular mechanisms driving pain perception and emergent collective behaviors” Comm. in Nonlinear Science. and Num. Sim. 15 1385-1399 (2010).

  97. T. Biancalani, D. Fanelli, F. Di Patti “Stochastic Turing patterns in the Brusselator model” Phys. Rev. E 81 (4) 046215 (2010). Recommended with a commentary by Mehran Kardar, MIT (

  98. T. Van Den Berg, D. Fanelli, X. Leoncini “Stationary states and fractional dynamics in systems with long-range interaction” Europhysics Letters, 89 (5) (2010).

  99. F. Sbrana, D. Fanelli, m. Vassalli, L. Carresi, A. Scala, L. Pazzagli, G. Cappugi, B. Tiribilli “Progressive pearl necklace collapse mechanism for cerato-ulmin aggregation film” European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 39 (6) 971-7 (2010).

  100. R. Bachelard, D. Fanelli, “Short-time dynamics in presence of wave-particles interactions: a perturbative approach”, Comm. in Nonlinear Science. and Num. Sim. 15 1 40-47 (2010).

  101. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, “Can a microscopic stochastic model explain the emergence of pain cycles in patients?” J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp. 1 P01004 (2009).

  102. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, “A stochastic reaction scheme for drug/metabolite interaction” Journal of Theoretical Biology 259 382-388 (2009).

  103. R. Bachelard, C. Chandre, A. Ciani, D. Fanelli, Y. Yamaguchi, “Analytical results on the magnetization of the Hamiltonian Mean Field model”, Physics Letters A. 373 46 (2009) 4239.

  104. F. Staniscia, P.H. Chavanis, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “Out-of-equilibrium phase re-entrance(s) in long-range interacting systems” Phys. Rev. E 80 021138 (2009).

  105. D. Fanelli D., A. McKane, Reply to “Comment on ‘Thermodynamics of vesicle growth and instability’ ” Phys. Rev. E 80 1539-3755 (2009).

  106. J. Barrè, A. Ciani, D. Fanelli, F. Bagnoli, S. Ruffo, “Finite size effects for the Ising model on random graphs with varying dilution” Physica A 388 3413-3425 (2009).

  107. P. De Buyl, D. Fanelli, R. Bachelard, G. De Ninno, “Out-of-equilibrium mean-field dynamics of a model for wave-particle interaction” Phys. Rev. S T- Accel . Beams 12, 6 (2009).

  108. X. Leoncini, T. L. Van Den Berg and D. Fanelli, “Out-of- equilibrium solutions in the XY-Hamiltonian Mean-Field model” Europhysics Letters, 86 20002 (2009).

  109. T. Dauxois, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, A. J. McKane, “Enhanced Stochastic oscillations in autocatalytic reactions” Phys. Rev. E 79 036112 (2009).

  110. D. Fanelli, A. J. McKane, “Thermodynamics of vesicle growth and instability” Phys. Rev. E 78 051406 (2008).

  111. R. Bachelard, C. Chandre, D. Fanelli, X. Leoncini and S. Ruffo “Abundance of Regular Orbits and Nonequilibrium phase transitions in the Thermodynamic limit of Long-Range Systems” Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 260603 (2008).

  112. F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, R. Pedersen, C. Giuliani, F. Torricelli, “Modelling the Pharmacokinetics of Tramadol: On the difference between extensive and poor metabolizers” J. of Theoretical Biology 254 3 568 (2008).

  113. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, F. Bagnoli, A. Guazzini, “Birth and death in a continuous opinion dynamics model – The consensus case”, Europ. Phys. J. B. 64 2 285-292 (2008).

  114. R. Bachelard, C. Chandre, D. Fanelli, X. Leoncini, “Stabilizing the intensity for an Hamiltonian model of FEL”, Nuclear Methods and Instruments in Physics Research: Section A, 593, 94 (2008).

  115. D. Fanelli, O. Öktem, "Electron Tomography: A short overview with an emphasis on the absorption potential model for the forward problem”, Inverse problems 24 013001(51pp) (2008). Topical Review.

  116. F. Bagnoli, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, A. Guazzini, “Modelling the role of affinity in opinion dynamics” Phys. Rev. E. 76 066105 (2008).

  117. A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, R. Johal, S. Ruffo, “On the origin of quasi stationary states in a model of wave-particles interactions” Comm. in Nonlinear Science. and Num. Sim. 13 2 (2008).

  118. R. Bachelard, A. Antoniazzi, C. Chandre, D. Fanelli, M. Vittot “Enhancement of particle trapping in the wave-particle interaction”, Comm. in Nonlinear Science. and Num. Sim., 13 660-665 (2008).

  119. F. Curbis, A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli “Maximum entropy principle and coherent harmonic generation uing a single pass free electron laser: A recipe to predict the saturated intensity”, Europ. Phys. J. B 59, 527-533 (2007).

  120. A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, Y. Yamaguchi, “Non equilibrium tricritical point in a system with long-range interactions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 040601 (2007).

  121. L. Bongini, D. Fanelli, F. Piazza, P. De Los Rios, S. Sandin, M. Sanner, U. Skoglund, “A dynamical Study of antibody-antigen encounter process” Physical Biology, 4 172-180 (2007).

  122. L. Bongini, D. Fanelli, S. Svensson, M. Gedda, F. Piazza, U. Skoglund, “Resolving the geometry of biomolecules as seen by Cryo-Electron Tomography”, Journal of Microscopy 228 174-184 (2007).

  123. F. Sbrana, L. Bongini, L. Cappugi, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, L. Pazzagli, A. Scala, M. Vassalli, C. Zoppi, B. Tiribilli “Atomic force microscopy images suggest aggregation mechanisms in cerato-platanin” European Biophysical Journal 36 7 (2007).

  124. A. Antoniazzi, F. Califano, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo,“Exploring the thermodynamic limit of Hamiltonian models: convergence to the Vlasov equation” Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 150602 (2007).

  125. A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, J. Barrè, P.H. Chavanis, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo “A maximum entropy principle explains quasi-stationary states in system with long-range interactions” Phys. Rev E 75 011112 (2007).

  126. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, “From chemical equation to evolution: emergence of species” Europhys. Letters 77 18005 (2007).

  127. R. Bachelard, A. Antoniazzi, C. Chandre, D. Fanelli, X. Leoncini, M. Vittot “Stabilizing the intensity of a wave amplified by a beam of particles”, European Physical Journal B 42 207 (2007).

  128. S. Svensson, M. Gedda, D. Fanelli, U. Skoglund, S. Sandin, L.G. Öfverstedt “Using a fuzzy framework for delineation and decomposition of Immunoglobulin G in cryo electron tomographic images” ICPR’06, IEEE (2006).

  129. A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, Y. Elskens, S. Ruffo “Statistical mechanics and Vlasov equation allow for a simplified Hamiltonian description of Single Pass Free Electron Laser dynamics”, European Physical Journal B, 50 603-611 (2006) .

  130. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, “How to make an efficient Propaganda”, Europhys. Lett.74(2) 222-228 (2006).

  131. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, “A simple model for gait time series in neurodegenerative disease”, Neuroscience Letters, 394 3 252-255 (2006).

  132. De Ninno, A. Antoniazzi, B. Diviacco, D. Fanelli, L. Giannessi, R. Meucci, M. Trovò “Stabilization of the Elettra storage-ring free-electron laser using a closed-loop derivative feedback”, Phys. Rev E. 71, 066504 (2005).

  133. F. Piazza, P. De Los Rios, L. Bongini, D. Fanelli "Anticooperativity in diffusion controlled reactions with pairs of partially absorbing spheres: a model for the antigen-antibody encounter", European Biophysics Journal, 34 7 899-911 (2005).

  134. A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno, A. Guarino, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo “Wave-particles interactions: from plasma physics to free electron laser dynamics”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 7 143-153 (2005).

  135. L. Bongini, D. Fanelli, F. Piazza, P. De Los Rios, S. Sandin, U. Skoglund, “Dynamics of antibodies from cryo-electron tomography”, Biophysical Chemistry, 115 235-240 (2005).

  136. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “A fully analytical approach to the longitudinal dynamics of a storage-ring free-electron laser”, Phys. Rev. E, 70 016503 (2004).

  137. L. Bongini, D. Fanelli, F. Piazza, P. De Los Rios, S. Sandin, U. Skoglund, “Freezing immunoglobulins to see them move”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101 17 6466-6471 (2004).

  138. J. Barre’, T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, “Statistical theory of high-gain free-electron laser saturation”, Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Communication, 69, 045501 (2004).

  139. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “A deeper analytical insight into the longitudinal dynamics of a storage-ring free-electron laser”, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research A 528 1-2, 39-43 (2004).

  140. G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “Controlled Hopf Bifurcation of a Storage Ring Free-Electron Laser” , Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 094801 (2004).

  141. E. Aurell, D. Fanelli, S.N. Gurbatov, A. Moshkov, “The inner structure of Zeldovich’ pancakes”, Physica D 186, 171-184 (2003).

  142. A. Noullez, D. Fanelli, E. Aurell, "A heap-based algorithm for the study of one-dimensional particles system", Journ. of Comp. Phys. 186, 697-703 (2003).

  143. G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, C. Bruni, M.E. Couprie, “Chaotic dynamics in a Storage Ring Free Electron Laser”, Europ. Phys. Journ. D 22, 269-277 (2003).

  144. D. Fanelli, E. Aurell, " Asymptotic behaviour of a stratified perturbation in a three dimensional expanding Universe", Astron. & Astrophys. 395, 399-408 (2002).

  145. G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, M.E. Couprie, " Detuned Dynamics of a Storage-Ring Free-Electron Laser", Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research A, 483, 177 (2002).

  146. D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, "Self-gravitating shells systems and globular clusters", Physica A 305 253 (2002).

  147. D. Fanelli, M. Merafina, S. Ruffo, "A one dimensional toy model of globular clusters" , Phys. Rev. E 63 066614 (2001).

  148. E. Aurell, D. Fanelli, P. Muratore-Ginnaneschi, "On the dynamics of a self-gravitating medium with random and non-random initial conditions", Physica D, 148 272-288 (2001).

  149. G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “Resonances families and their action on betatron motion”, Phys. Rev. S T- Accel . Beams 3, 054001 (2000).

Other Journals and Refereed Proceedings

  1. D. Fanelli, ”Collective and microscopic dynamics in mean field Hamiltonian models”, Proceedings of the the 12th Marcel Grossman Meeting, Paris (2010).

  2. R. Bachelard, M.-E. Couprie, P. de Buyl, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, C. Chandre, X. Leoncini, “Deep saturation dynamics in a Free Electron Laser”, Proceedings of the 29th International Free Electron Laser Conference, Liverpool, UK (2009).

  3. R. Bachelard, C. Chandre, M.-E. Couprie, D. Fanelli, X. Leoncini, S. Ruffo, “Orbites regulieres et transition de phases hors-d'equilibre dans les systemes avec interactions a longue portee”, Compte-rendus de la 12e Rencontre du Non-Lineaire, edited by C. Josserand, M. Lefranc and C. Letellier (Non Lineaire Publications, 2009).

  4. P. De Buyl, R. Bachelard, M.-E. Couprie, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “Transition de phases hors-d'equilibre dans le Laser a Electrons Libres”, Compte-rendus de la 12e Rencontre du Non-Lineaire, edited by C. Josserand, M. Lefranc and C. Letellier (Non Lineaire Publications, 2009).

  5. A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, “The HMF model: anomalous or normal diffusion?” AIP conf Proceedings, CTNEXT07, Catania, Stathys23 Satellite (2008).

  6. R. Bachelard, C. Chandre, A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli and G. De Ninno, “Control of the Intensity of a Wave Interacting with Charged Particle”, Proceedings of the 28th International Free Electron Laser Conference (2008).

  7. P.H. Chavanis, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, "Out of equilibrium phase transitions in Mean Field Hamiltonian dynamics", World Scientific Conf. Proceedings, and Chaos and Transport, X. Leoncini et al. (Eds.) (2008).

  8. R. Bachelard, A. Antoniazzi, C. Chandre, D. Fanelli, M. Vittot “Enhancement of particle trapping in the free electron laser”, proceedings of Chaos06, Reims (Elsevier) (2006).

  9. R. Bachelard, C. Chandre, X. Leoncini, M. Vittot, A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli “Control of the Intensity of a Wave Interacting with Charged Particles”, Proceedings of the 28th international FEL conference 2006 (2006).

  10. A. Antoniazzi, J. Barrè, T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, . Ruffo, “Free Electron Laser as a paradigmatic model example of sytems with long-range interactions”, Proceedings of the 28th international FEL conference 2006 (2006).

  11. F. Curbis, A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno D. Fanelli, “The saturated regime of a seeded single pass Free Electron Laser”, Proceedings of the 28th international FEL conference 2006 (2006).

  12. E. Allaria, G. De Ninno, A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, “Dynamics Control of the Elettra Storage Ring Free-Electron Laser with Digital Feedbacks”, Proceedings of the 28th international FEL conference 2006 (2006).

  13. R. Bachelard, C. Chandre, X. Leoncini, M.Vittot, A.Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, Contrôler l'interaction onde-particules, Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, Paris (2006).

  14. L. Sguanci, F. Bagnoli, D. Fanelli “A cellular automata model for ripple formation” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry ACRI2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4773, Springer, Berlin (2006) 407-416.

  15. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, “Evolution of a population of protocells: emergence of species” Proceedings of BIOMAT2006 International Symposium (2006).

  16. E. Allaria, A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, R. Meucci, F.T. Arecchi, “Stabilization of the Elettra storage ring free electron laser through a delayed feedback control method” Proceedings of the 27th international FEL conference 2005, (2005).

  17. S. Bielawski, C. Szwaj, C. Bruni, D. Garzella, G-L. Orlandi, M.E. Couprie, M. Hosaka, Amochihashi, Y. Takashima, M. Katoh, G. De Ninno, M. Trovò , B. Diviacco, D. Fanelli, “Feedback Control of Dynamical Instabilities in Classical Lasers and FELs” Proceedings of the 27th international FEL conference 2005, (2005).

  18. E. Aurell, D. Fanelli, S.N. Gurbatov, A. Moshkov, “The non-linear regime of the gravitational instability. The inner structure of the pancake”, Frontier of Nonlinear Physics (2005).

  19. .C. Bruni, M.E. Couprie, D. Garzella, G.L. Orlandi, L. Giannessi, E. Allaria, R. Meucci, D. Fanelli, S. Bielawski, M. Danailov, G. De Ninno, B. Diviacco, M. Trovo’, “Stabilization of the pulsed regimes on a Storage Ring Free Electron Laser: The cases of Super-ACO and ELETTRA” , EPAC 2004 (2004).

  20. M.E. Couprie, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, D. Garzella , "Etudes théoriques de chaos sur le Laser à Electrons libres de Super-ACO", Comptes-Rendus de la 5e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Paris, 61-66 (2002).

  21. D. Fanelli, E. Aurell, A. Noullez, "Heap-based scheme and 1D expanding Universe", proceeding of IAU Symposium 208 (Tokyo) (2001).

  22. D. Fanelli, M. Merafina, S. Ruffo, "1-D toy model of globular cluster formation", proceedings of the Ninth Marcel Grossman Meeting, Rome (2001).

  23. E. Aurell, D. Fanelli, "Self-gravitating systems in a three-dimensional expanding Universe", cond-mat/0106444 (2001).

  24. G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, "Multiple resonance treatment for linear coupling", EPAC 2000, Wien (2000).

  25. Aurell, D. Fanelli, P. Muratore-Ginnaneschi, "Self-gravitating systems and expanding Universe ", proceeding of "Rencontre de Blois: the birth of galaxies", Blois, France (1998).

  26. D. Guyomarc'h, F. Doveil, Y. Elskens, D. Fanelli, "Warm beam-plasma instability beyond saturation", Transport, Chaos and Plasma Physics 2, S. Benkadda, F. Doveil, Y. Elskens eds. (World Scientific) (1997).

  27. D. Guyomarc'h, F. Doveil, Y. Elskens, D. Fanelli, “Long time evolution of a warm beam plasma instability”, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. (ser. II) 41 (1997) 1493.

Chapters of Books

  1. A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, “Stabilization of the temporal dynamics of a storage-ring free-electron laser” , “Focus on Laser and Electro- Optics Research II”, Nova Science Publisher Inc. (2005).

  2. A. Ciani, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, “Long-range interactions and diluted neworks”, Long-range Interactions, Stochasticity and Fractional Dynamics, HEP and Springer,(2010).D. Fanelli, "Temporal and spatial ordering beyond the deterministic limit: the role of stochastic fluctuations in population dynamics”, Book Chapter in "From Hamiltonian Chaos to Complex Systems", Springer (2012).


  1. D. Fanelli, V. Fiorentini, S. Ruffo, G. Ciccotti, G. Parisi “Balance Research Funds across Europe” Nature 530 33 (2016) (see

  2. D. Fanelli, R. Livi “Aggiornamento sullo stato della ricerca in Fisica in Italia” in A. Baracca “Storia della Fisica italiana - Un’introduzione” Jaca book (2017).


  1. M. Bruzzi, F.S. Cataliotti, D. Fanelli “Elementi di Meccanica e Termodinamica” Esculapio (First Edition 2013 / Second Edition 2017 / Third Edition 2021).

  2. A. Campa, T. Dauxois, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, “The Physics of Long Range Systems”, Oxford University Press (2014) .

  3. M. Bruzzi, F. S. Cataliotti, D. Fanelli, M. Siciliani De Cumis, “Esercizi di Meccanica” Esculapio (First Edition 2015 / Second Edition 2018)