About Us

D-TEA is an annual workshop dealing with decision sciences, held by HEC Paris.  The idea behind D-TEA is to promote dialogs between theory, experimental findings, and applications (where “applications” might mean actual decision making as well as the construction of theoretical or empirical models in the social sciences).  One of D-TEA’s goals is to highlight recent development in the field, and bring together researchers who work on similar questions.  To this end, D-TEA has an annual “theme”, and it gives priority to papers related to the theme.  (Some talks are even invited by the organizing committee.)  At the same time, D-TEA also features general, non-theme talks.

Organization Committee (Email: dteaparis@gmail.com):

Mohammed ABDELLAOUI, Itzhak GILBOA, Brian HILL, Emmanuel KEMEL, Rida LARAKI, Stefania MINARDI, Jean-Marc TALLON, Fan WANG

Logistics: Mme Camilla PATER (Email: pater@hec.fr)

Website Maintenance: Giacomo ROSTAGNO (Email: giacomo.rostagno@hec.edu)