


題目:Passive or Active? Behavioral Changes in Different Designs of Search Experiments.

講演者: 三上亮


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室



題目:Dual Role of the Platform and Search Order Distortion

講演者: 橘高勇太


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室



題目:Stability, Strategy-Proofness, and Respecting-Improvement Properties

講演者: 糟谷 祐介 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:In priority-based two-sided matchings, a respecting-improvements property of a mechanism requires that an agent should get weakly better off when she is assigned a higher priority. Not only is it a normative desideratum, it is also important for ex-ante investments and for disclosure of non-preference information. In the general model of matching with contracts, we demonstrate that respect for improvements is closely related to strategy-proofness (with respect to preference information): With a number of different sets of assumptions and two definitions of improvements, a stable mechanism respects improvements if and ``almost'' only if it is strategy-proof, although the precise statements vary across different layers of our assumptions. Our results suggest that strategy-proofness is desirable not only as a strategic property, but also for its normative implication. We also provide a new sufficient condition for the cumulative offer mechanism to be strategy-proof, which also suffices for respect for improvements.



講演者: 広瀬 純夫 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室




講演者:幸崎 寛大 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:本論文は、Moldovanu and Sela (2001)が論じたコンテスト・モデルと、それを実証的に分析したMuller and Schotter (2010)の実験モデルを基に、コンテストの勝者が獲得する賞金構造の変化が、参加者の行動にどう影響するか検証するものである。そのために、先行研究によって行われたコンテストに、優勝者が最大額の賞金を獲得し準優勝者がそれよりも小さい額の賞金を獲得するという、「賞金格差ありコンテスト」を加えた経済実験を、z-Treeを用いて実施した。分析の結果、賞金格差ありコンテストは他のコンテストに比べ効率的なコンテストを実現したうえ、参加者の過剰努力と過少努力の二極化を緩和したことが分かった。しかし、才能が高い参加者が期待以上に成果を発揮せず、全体的に過少努力の特徴が見られ、主催者の観点からは課題が残る結果となった。しかし、先行研究には見られない参加者の行動を引き出すなど、賞金構造の変化が参加者の行動の変化をもたらす可能性が示唆された。


題目:Compatibility between incentives and efficiency in the probabilistic assignment problem on the full preference domain




概要:We consider the probabilistic assignment problems of n agents and n objects in which every agent receives probabilities that he is allocated each object on. For those problems, there are two main desiderata: strategyproof-ness and ordinal efficiency. When all agents have strict preferences, the random priority (RP) mech-anism satisfies strategyproofness, ex post efficiency and equal treatment of equals. The probabilistic serial (PS) mechanism which Bogomolnaia and Moulin (2001) propose is weakly strategyproof, ordinally efficient and envy-free. Thus, efficiency and incentives are compatible. Katta and Sethuraman (2006) extend PS mechanism to the full preference domain, which indifferences are allowed. Their extended PS mechanism satisfies ordinal efficiency but not even weak strategyproofness. They further show that there is no mechanism that is weakly strategyproof, ordinal efficient and envy-free. Consequently, it is still unknown if there exists a mechanism which possesses both efficiency and incentives on the full preference domain. Finally, we propose a novel extension of the RP mechanism to the full preference domain, which satisfies strategyproofness, ex post efficiency and equal treatment of equals. Therefore ex post efficiency and strategyproofness are compatible even on the full preference domain


題目:Nash implementation of weakly stable correspondence with distributional constraints




概要:In this study, we consider many to one matching problems with distributional constraints. For the theory of two-sided matching, stability is a key solution concept and the main objective of studies. In contrast to the conventional model, however, the notion of stability varies in a matching model with distributional constraints since some deviation sometimes violates feasibility. Kamada and Kojima (2017) propose two notions of stability, strong stability and weak stability. They show that the former does not necessarily exist and the latter always exists. However, it is unknown how to achieve a weakly stable matching in some strategic solution concepts. This paper focuses on Nash equilibria and asks whether a weakly stable correspondence is Nash implementable or not. Surprisingly, Nash implementability of the weakly stable correspondence depends on the total number of doctors. We show that, on one hand, the weakly stable correspondence is Nash implementable, when the number of doctors is large enough to overflow the seats, or when it is small enough not to violate feasibility constraints, on the other hand, when the number of doctors does not fall in the above, the weakly stable correspondence is generally not Nash implementable.