

日程:2019年5月13日(月) 16:30--18:00

題目:Demand Uncertainty, Product Differentiation, and Entry Timing under Spatial Competition (Authors: Takeshi Ebina, Noriaki Matsushima, and Katsumasa Nishide)

講演者:海老名 剛 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟2階 会議室A

概要:We investigate entry timing and location decisions under market size uncertainty with Brownian motion for continuous-time spatial duopoly competition. We show the following results. First, the leader is more likely to increase the degree of product differentiation as volatility increases and decrease it as volatility decreases. Second, the entry threshold of the follower non-monotonically increases in volatility, which is in contrast to previous studies in the real options literature. Finally, a larger entry cost asymmetry between firms places the leader closer to the edge in a preemptive-entry equilibrium and closer to the center in a sequential-entry equilibrium.

日程:2019年5月14日(火) 15:00--16:00

題目:新国富(Inclusive Wealth)における多様な資本の連関

講演者:八木 迪幸 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟2階 会議室A


日程:2019年6月26日(水) 16:30--18:00


講演者:大野 太郎 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室


日程:2019年7月24日(水) 16:30--18:00


講演者:芝 啓太 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:東日本大震災による予想を上回る甚大な津波被害は、東南海地方で発生するとされる南海トラフ大地震への警戒を強めた。このような震災の発生する可能性が高い地域において、被災の大きさに対する認識が変化すると、人々の移住行動や土地に対する選好に大き な影響を与えると考えられる。本研究では津波による被災リスクに着目し、公的な指標であるハザードマップの利用と、主観的な指標も含む標高や海岸線からの距離を用いて、地価の変動を推定した。その結果、東日本大震災後には土地に対する選好として、標高を強く意識していることが明らかとなり、震災後に統計的有意に地価を変動させた。一方で、ハザードマップに則った地価の変動は起きていなかった。つまり、人々は標高を参考として主観的に土地への選好を変化させたことが示唆された。

日程:2019年10月30日(水) 16:30--18:00


講演者:山沖 義和 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室



題目:Optimal Taxation in an Endogenous Fertility Model with Non-Cooperative Couples

講演者:小川 禎友 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:This study examines the optimal structure of income taxes and child subsidies/taxes in an endogenous fertility model. If the behavior of couples is non-cooperative, both the quality and number of children are suboptimal. Moreover, the study considers the external effects of children across families. The optimal income tax expression is characterized by allowances with regard to price distortions, non-cooperative behavior of couples, and the suboptimal number of children. The child subsidy becomes optimal if the bargaining power of the wife is larger than that of the husband or if the external effects of children are enough large. In addition, this study analyzes optimal taxation in an extensive model that introduces a childcare facility, which can substitute for the time spent by the spouses in child-caring duties.



講演者:徳井 丞次 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室



題目1: Schur-Concavity, Social Value Orientation and Social Risk

講演者:西村 直子 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:It is not rare occation in a daily life to face a risk that affect not only one's own payoff but also the other's payoff, simultaneously. When we consider the risk attitude of an individual who chooses such social risk, we have to care about the stochastic nature of one's own payoff and the distributive issue between two persons' payoffs. The previous studies are not successful in separating these two issues. This paper proposes to measure the risk attitude of a social risk decision maker based on Schur-concavity. We report the laboratory experiments where a dictator makes a choice on social risks. We find that the subjects' risk attitude changes depending on whether they face a social risk or an individual risk. The difference between individual and social risks also depend on whether the risk involves negative paoff or not. Furthermore, the difference depends on whether the expost payoffs of the pair differ or not. This is ofcourse inconsistent with the expected utility preferences. Also it is not consistent with the expected utility replacing von Neumann Morgenstern utility with nequality averse type of social preferences. We investigate the ultimatum game and show the difference in risk attitude between individual and social risk differs dependent upon whether an individual is a proposer or a responder

題目2: Impact of Imaninary Future Generation on Time Preference and Risk Preference

講演者:西村 直子 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:Conflict in interests between the current and future generations is the heart of issues on the sustainability problems. "Future Design (hereafter FD)" is a new method to cope with this hard issue in the pracitcal level. Specifically, let people play an imaginary future generation to consider such intergeneration dilemma problem. The recent case studies on various attempts of FD implemetation on public policy report some qualitative difference in the policy ecommendation generated from the public discourse between when the participants experience the imaginary future generation and when they do not. This research is an attempt to identify quantitatively such difference by measuring the participants' time preference and risk preference indices via context independent questionnaires. We use the field data from the actual participants in the public discourse held in Matsumoto and find their social orientation is

correlated with the degree of their time discount rate and the degree of risk aversion. Playing the role of future generation makes people more far-sighted and less risk averse. Such impact is more prominent on the pro-self participants than the pro-social.


題目: Moment convergence of the generalized maximum composite likelihood estimators for determinantal point processes

講演者:藤森 洸 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:The maximum composite likelihood estimator for parametric models of determinantal point processes (DPPs) is discussed. Since the joint intensities of these point processes are given by determinant of positive definite kernels, we have the explicit form of the joint intensities for every order. This fact enables us to consider the generalized maximum composite likelihood estimator for any order. This talk introduces the two-step generalized composite likelihood estimator and shows the moment convergence of the estimator under a stationarity. Moreover, our results can yield information criteria for statistical model selection within DPPs.

日程:2020年2月20日 (木)14:00--15:30

題目:Measuring attitudes toward uncertainty generated by multiple sources: An experimental study

講演者: 芝 正太郎 氏


場所:経法学部研究棟4階 研究会室

概要:We do not usually face uncertainty of artificial events like Ellsberg urn experiment, but natural events which cannot be controlled in the laboratory. Recently, experimental methods are proposed to measure the preference toward uncertainty of natural events. While uncertainty is generated by a single source in the literature on measuring uncertainty attitude for natural events, uncertainty is often generated by multiple sources. We apply the source method proposed by Abdellaoui, Baillon, Placid, and Wakker (2011, AER) to measure attitude toward uncertainty generated by multiple sources. In the source method, uncertainty attitude is measured by two indexes, optimism or pessimism, and likelihood insensitivity. In this presentation, we report some interim results about our experiment where the uncertainty is generated by a temperature of two different cities. For such sources, our participants exhibited weak tendencies of more aversion for uncertainty from multiple sources than that from single sources. Indeed, we found that the two indexes for multiple sources were related to those for the single sources, but such relations were bit different between the indexes. Since those tendencies may change when uncertainty is generated by different two sources, we are planning to examine it in next spring.