Human-Centric Software Engineering


Human-Centric Software Engineering

Please visit Prof. John Grundy's page on human-centric software engineering to get a more general view at:

Currently, one of our on-going projects is "A Virtual Reality Platform to Assist Human-Centric Requirements Engineering". We invented a VR based requirements engineering platform (VR4HcRE) which can assist requirement engineers to create immersive experiences to capture special user requirements during the requirement workshop. The early version of the system can be found at here:

The platform has some key features such as: 

VR4HcRE Platform

This is an on-going project with more features to be added to support both software engineers and users to take advantage of the immersive envoironment to eliciate, design and validate software requirements 


An edge computing based platform to capture real-time user movement and synchronise the movement of the Avatar

The VR4HcRE platform: showing two participants with remote multiplayer based collaboration (A) multiplayer communication through audio transcription, (B) simulation of human/environmental factors panel, (C) keywords capture from audio transcription and (D) virtual mobile phone prototype.

We are also interested in investigating the following topics:


We have also organised the following venues for people who are interested in the similar areas:

Given the cross-discipline nature of Human-Centric Software Engineering, we are actively looking for collaborators from both research and industry communities. If you are interested in our work or would like to discuss potentional collaboration opportunities, please feel free to conact us.