Reviews & Comments




“There is no doubt that the support we get from you and from friends all over the Islamic world for our Islamic policy encourages us to advance on the path we are going and through which we seek the happiness of the people here and the strengthening of the brotherly relations with all the Islamic peoples.”

“May Allah bless you and your Islamic fervour. So far your suggestions are concerned, they have been referred to the authorities concerned so that they may get necessary attention.”

“As for the matter of King Abd al-Aziz University. . . . . . . . . it would be our great pleasure to have you as one of the Visiting Professors and to deliver lectures in it.”

King Faisal bin Abd al-Aziz

“I would like to thank you for your kind gesture in sending me your recently published books, ‘Ideals of Islam and Other Essays’ and ‘Saudi Arabia-An Epitome of History and Progress.’

Your scholarly works are an important contribution to the cause of Islam and deserve appreciation. I wish you every success in your endeavours.”

M. Zia-ul-Haq

President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

“It is heartening to know that we may count on your friendship and support to make the years ahead a time of which Americans as a nation, and we as Americans, can truly be proud.”

Richard M. Nixon,

President, United States of America

“Indeed, I am overwhelmed by your energies, your productivity and your vision. Certainly you ought to fulfil your projects and write your books. They will provide an inspiration to future generations and a contribution to knowledge.”

Prof. Ismail Raje’ al-Faruqi

Temple University, Pennsylvania, USA.

“Dr Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal, a well-known scholar, has devoted his life in the service of Islam, defending its issues, illuminating its ways, explaining its principles and frame and elucidating the fundamentals of its system and its perception. In this (vast) field he has to his credit published books and several important contributions which prove his thorough knowledge (of the subjects), dedication, sincerity and detachment. In (accomplishing) his task he does not wait for reward or compensation.”

Iyad Amin Madani

Director-General, OKAZ Organization,

Formerly, Minister of Hajj & Information, KSA

Former Secretary-General, OIC

“Reports coming to me from Illinois College have been that you made valuable contributions to their curriculum and that the whole community profited from your stay.”

Dr Burvil H. Glenn,


Asian Studies Program, Buffalo, USA.

“We value his services very highly. He has done an excellent job as a lecturer . . . we have found him to be a man of high character and a real scholar.”

Dr L. Vernon Caine,


Illinois College, Illinois, USA.

“We wish to thank you for enhancing Farleigh Dickinson University’s program of Asian Studies through your interesting and enlightening lectures on Saudi Arabia. I can assure you that both the faculty members and the students who heard you were gratified and enjoyed your erudition.”

Dr Nasrollah Fatemi,

Chairman, Social Science Department,

Farleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, USA.

“I have gone through Dr Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal’s latest work, Saudi Arabia: Landmarks in Islamic Solidarity . . . . its first chapter represents an admirable exposition of the Arabian situation in which the Najdi Reform Movement was started by its founder, Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, who in his time, provided a firm ground for the collective strength of the Faith of Islam. The nature of the Movement and its achievements at home and effects abroad have been well told. As for other chapters of the book they are of factual and documentary value and with their help we very well comprehend the respective role of modern Saudi Rulers from Malik Abdul Aziz to the present King, Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, in promoting the cause of Islamic Solidarity.

Dr Zulfikar Ali Malik

Vice Chancellor

Islamic University, Bhawalpur, Pakistan

“I have had the privilege of going through the book written by Dr Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal, entitled, Saudi Arabia: Landmarks in Islamic Solidarity. It is certainly one of the best historical works compiled on this vital topic. Distinguished by his objectiveness and thorough understanding of the subject, the author has told the facts after consulting authentic sources on the Kingdom’s history from its inception until today. He has quite ably explained Saudi Arabia’s prominent role towards the solidarity of Islam and Muslims. I am confident that this excellent work will command the esteem of the expert scholars and readers interested in knowing the history of Islamic movements in modern times.

Dr Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Zulfa

Cambridge University, UK.

“I have gone through several issues of the Indo-Arab Star series. Its editor, Dr Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal, is well known to me. As a versatile and erudite scholar of Arab Affairs and Islamic History, Dr Iqbal has devoted all his energies towards promoting International understanding. Deeply interested in Arab developments, his knowledge of centuries old links between the subcontinent and Arab world profound. He has been doing an immense and valuable service in this respect and his performance should win him genuine appreciation of all those who want to strengthen international relations for the benefit of all Humanity and Indo-Arab détente in particular.”

M.A. Shahmiri

LL.M (London), Bar-at-Law

Rtd. Judge of High Court, (J&K),

Formerly: Constitutional and Legal Advisor to

Jammu & Kashmir Govt.

“Dr Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal, admittedly a very erudite and painstaking scholar, has been contributing a great deal to cement Indo-Arab relations and inform the concerned readers about the progress being made by the Arab world.”

“The Indo-Arab Star (Special Issue) coming out in September 1980 will, it is hoped, excel all previous issues as it will give valuable information on Saudi Arabia, the Hajj and on those Arab countries whose national days fall between April and September (ending).”

“I wish Dr Iqbal all the success.”

Hakeem Abdul Hameed

Waqf Mutwalli, Hamdard (Waqf) Laboratories &

President, Indian Institute of Islamic Studies.

“I am glad to receive the issues of Indo-Arab Star and other publications which you have so kindly sent. These will promote better understanding of the problems of the Arab countries in this country. Besides people here would also know about the great contribution made by the Arabs in the past to human culture, particularly in Science. You deserve the gratitude of intelligentia in India as well as in Arab countries for your work. My best wishes to you.”

Dr Mohinder Singh Randhawa

Vice Chancellor

Punjab Agricultural University.

“I am very glad that the interest in our work extends all the way to your country. I also enjoyed very much your essay entitled Space Voyage, Scientific Thought and the Quran.”

Col. Frank Borman



“I can honestly say that it will be considered as one of the best documentary and historical records on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from its beginning till now . . . . . your work shall certainly enrich the libraries with its excellent quality of research and historical analysis…” (This refers to the book ‘Saudi Arabia: Landmarks in Islamic Solidarity).’

Fuad Sadiq Mufti

Saudi Arabian Ambassador in India

“I am indeed encouraged by your interest and constructive comments on this difficult problem (of Palestine). I fully agree with you that there is a common ground between Jews, Christians and Muslims, which should help in achieving the solution.”

Dr D.W.T. Mallison

George Washington University.