Научни публикации

I. Публикации в периодични, научни издания:

1. Darlenski R, Surber C, Fluhr JW. Topical retinoids in the management of photodamaged skin: From theory to evidence-based practical approach. Br J Dermatol. 2010;163(6):1157-65

2. R. Darlenski, Dencheva R, Kazandjieva J, Svinarov D, Tsankov N., Guidelines in dermatology – Quo vadis?. Clinics in Dermatology, 2010;28(5):558-562

3. Fluhr JW, Darlenski R. Development of Skin Models – Sensitive Skin. SOFW-Journal. 2010;136 (11): 16-22

4. Darlenski RB, Neykov NV, Vlahov VD, Tsankov NK. Evidence-based medicine: Facts and controversies.Clin Dermatol. 2010 ;28(5):553-557

5. R. Darlenski, Tsankov N. The role of irritant threshold in allergic sensitization amongst professional cosmeticians. Allergy. 64 (s.90), 2009: p.120

6. J.W. Fluhr, R. Darlenski, W. Gehring. Requirements of Anti-Aging Products and Basic Skin Physiology in Aged Skin. JDDG, in press

7. L. Popova, Darlenski R, Tsankov N. Penicillin and vitamin A as possible therapeutic agents in pityriasis rubra pilaris. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges; 2010;8(5):354-6.

8. J. Kazandjieva, M. Gergovska, R. Darlenski, S. Márina, V. Broshtilova, M. Balabanova, L. Stransky. Recall dermatitis after systemic treatment with paclitaxel. International Journal of Dermatology, 2010, accepted

9. J. W. Fluhr, Darlenski R., Taieb A, Hachem J-P, Baudouin C, Msika P, Belilovsky C, Berardesca E. Functional skin adaptation in infancy - almost complete but not fully competent.. Experimental dermatology, 2010;19(6):483-92

10. R. Darlenski R, Sassning S, Tsankov N, Fluhr JW. Non-invasive in vivo methods for investigation of the skin barrier physical properties. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2009 Jun;72(2):295-303.

11. J.W. Fluhr, Darlenski R, Angelova-Fischer I, Tsankov N, Basketter D. Skin irritation and sensitization: Mechanisms and new approaches for risk assessment. Part I: Skin irritation. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, 2008;21:124-135

12. J.W. Fluhr, R Darlenski, C Surber. Glycerol and the skin: holistic approach to its origin and functions. Br J Dermatol. 2008;159(1):23-34

13. J. Kazandjieva J, Grozdev I, Darlenski R, Tsankov N. Climatotherapy of psoriasis. Clin Dermatol. 2008; 26(5):477-85.

14. J. Kaznadjieva, Broshtilova V., Darlenski R. Тhe price of а "rail-thin model" body: Pellagrа in a patient with self-imposed restriction diet.. Kosmetische Medizin. 2009;4:128-132

15. K. Drenovska, Darlenski R, Kazandjieva J, Vassileva S. Pemphigus vulgaris and pregnancy: report of two cases and review of the literature. SKINmed, 2010, accepted

16. Р. Дърленски, Казанджиева Ж. Алергични реакции на кожата към козметика: съвременни аспекти. GP News. 2010; 6: 22-25

17. Р. Дърленски, Ж. Казанджиева, А. Николова, Н. Найденов и Н. Цанков. Приложение на неинвазивни, биофизикални методи при доказване ефикасността на козметични продукти. Дерматология и Венерология; 2010; 1: 44-50

18. Kazandjieva J, R. Darlenski, N. Tsankov:"First National campaign:diagnosis and prevention of skin allergy". EADV News; 2010;34:5

19. P. Дърленски, А. Николова, Е. Григоров, Ж. Казанджиева. Пурпуричен контактен дерматит към медицински пластир с капсаицин. Дерматология и венерология. 2010; 1: 29-33

20. Ж. Казанджиева, Р. Дърленски, А. Николова, Н. Цанков. Алергичен контактен дерматит към временна татуировка с „къна” и кръстосана реактивност с азо-бои. Практическа педиатрия. 2009;6

21. D. Basketter, Darlenski R, Fluhr JW. Skin irritation and sensitization: Mechanisms and new approaches for risk assessment. Part II: Skin sensitization. Skin Pharmacology and physiology, 2008 May 29;21(4):191-202.

22. J.W. Fluhr, Darlenski R, Berardesca E. Ethnic groups and sensitive skin: two examples of special populations in dermatology. Drug discovery today: Disease mechanisms 5(2)2008; 249-263

23. R. Darlenski, Kazandjieva J, Tsankov N. Bullous shoe dermatitis - the responsibility of the industry. Dermatovenerol (Buc.), 2009; 54; 1 (s1); 15-16

24. Д. Етугов, Дърленски Р. Суха кожа-какво е то? МедикАрт.3;2009:46-8

25. Р. Дърленски. 67-а годишна среща на американска академия по дерматология – Дерматологията в условията на глобална финансова криза. В сборник "18-а Национална конфернция по дерматология и венерология. Стара Загора, 15-17 май, 2009.

26. Р. Дърленски, Вуков М., Цанков Н. Праг на иритация и контактна свръхчувствителност при професионални козметици. Journal of clinical medicine. 2009; 2(2): 28-35

27. А. Кулберг, А. Търев, М. Йорданова, М. Цветкова, Р. Дърленски, Л. Странски, Ж. Казанджиева. Контактни реакции към латекс при медицински специалисти. Дерматология и венерология. 2009; 1:22-27

28. J. Kazandjieva, Darlenski R, Marina S, Tsankov N. Multiple sensitization to essential oils in a massage therapist. Contact Dermatitis. 2008; 58 (s.1); 74

29. J. Kazandjieva J, Darlenski. New allergens in cosmetic dermatology. Aesthetic Dermatology News. 2008; 1(3); 8-10

30. J. Kazandjieva, Todorova M, Marina S, Botev I, Darlenski R, Nikolova A, Pramatarov K, Stransky L. Sister Mary Joseph's nodule. Dermatology and Venereology (Sofia). 2008; 1 (s.1): 8-9

31. S. Marina, Kazandjieva J, Botev I, Darlenski R, Argirov A, Vaneska L, Nikolova A, Stransky L.Xanthomata eruptiva. Dermatology and Venereology (Sofia). 2008; 1 (s.1): 12-14

32. Darlenski R et al. Depression, anxiety and suicidal risk in patients with chronic dermatological disorders. Psychosomatic dermatoses; Receptor; 2005; 4: 34-42

33. Darlenski R, Handjieva T, Handjiev S. Dermatological manifestations of obesity; Dermatology and Venereology (Sofia); 2004; 3: 7-11

34. Antonov D, Darlenski R, Tsankov N. Drugs associated with psoriasis: a retrospective case-control study. JEADV; 2004; 18, 775–815

35. Darlenski R, Darlenski B. Evaluation of the professional risk for skin diseases in veterinarian specialists, Res.Commun of USB, Dobrich; 2001; 3, 111-114

36. Darlenski R, Naidenov N, Tsankov N. Photodynamic diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma; Dermatology and Venereology (Sofia); 2004; 4: 18-21

II. Глави от книги и монографии:

1. J.W. Fluhr and Darlenski R. Skin Barrier. Chapter 1 in J. Revuz et al. (eds.): Life-Threatening Dermatoses and Emergencies in Dermatology, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009:3-18

2. R. Darlenski and J. W. Fluhr. Technical Bases of Biophysical Instruments Used In Aging Skin Testing. In (eds: L. Rhein and J. Fluhr) Aging skin: Current and future therapeutic strategies, 2010:345-377

3. R. Darlenski, J. W. Fluhr. Moisturizers and emollients. In (ed. J.W. Fluhr) Practical Aspects of Cosmetic Testing, Springer 2011

4. R. Darlenski, T. Callaghan, J. W. Fluhr. Anti-ageing and anti-wrinkle products. In (ed. J.W. Fluhr) Practical Aspects of Cosmetic Testing, Springer 2011

5. R. Darlenski, J. W. Fluhr. Anti-perspirants and deodorands In (ed. J.W. Fluhr) Practical Aspects of Cosmetic Testing, Springer 2011