Research Projects

SEERA: Software enginEEring Realities in sudAn (2016 - 2021)

SEERA will provide a comprehensive cross-analysis of the software engineering practices in Sudan. The main outputs will provide guidelines for ICT policy makers, software industry leaders and academics. Funded by the Sudanese Ministry of Higher Education.

OptiMAM: Optimising Model-Driven Service Design via Stochastic Analysis Methods (2015)

The main goal of OptiMAM is the defination of novel algorithms to enable the optimization of service-oriented architecture design and business process management. Visit the OptiMAM website. Funded by the UK EPSRC Council.

MODAClouds: A MOdel-Driven Approach for the design and execution of applications on multiple Clouds (2015)

The main goal of MODAClouds is to provide methods, a decision support system, an open source IDE and run-time environment for the high-level design, early prototyping, semi-automatic code generation, and automatic deployment of applications on multi-Clouds with guaranteed QoS. Visit the MODAClouds website. Funded by the European Commission FP7 Framework.

APROPOS: Approximate product-forms and reversed processes for performance analysis (2013-2015)

The objective of the APROPOS project is to enhance the Reversed Compound Agent Theorem (RCAT)-approach to product-forms and semi-product-forms for application in models with stochastic Petri-net specifications and in networks with batch-movements. Funded by the UK EPSRC Council.