
I work in the general area of noncommutative algebra. In particular, one area of focus is that of Artin Schelter-regular quadratic algebras. Such algebras can be thought of as noncommutative analogues of the polynomial ring. A good way to think about some of these things is to think of activities in your daily life that requires a certain order. E.g., when doing laundry, you need to wash clothes first and then dry them, not the other way around! Our daily life is full of such instances! I've used noncommutative algebraic geometry to describe graded skew Clifford algebras. I've also worked on a notion of rank for noncommutative quadratic forms and my two advisees (Leah Frauendienst & Jessica Cain) and I have continued that work. I have devoted some time to associating noncommutative algebraic geometry to Lie algebras as well. Moreover, I have explored the area of invariant group theory in the context of quadratic AS-regular algebras (see arXiv paper with J. Gaddis & X. Wang below). I am currently continuing my work in noncommutative algebraic geometry and examining twisted homogeneous coordinate rings with R. Chandler, H. Tran, and X. Wang. With my AIM - SQuaRE group, we have been focused on twists of an algebra's multiplicative structure and have associated those to 2-cocycle twists or Drinfeld twists of bialgebras/Hopf algebras.

In my work in noncommutative algebraic geometry, I often come across quadrics - here's a neat quadric!  (courtesy of Herwig Hauser, Universities of Innsbruck & Vienna, Austria)

Published/Accepted Papers

Submitted Papers

In preparation

Upcoming Invited Talks/Workshops

Talks/Workshops (since 2020)

Funding/Grant Applications

Seattle Noncommutative Algebra Days, Mar 2023

AIM SQuaRE # 2, San Jose Apr 2023