
My Google Scholar page is here.

Journal articles

Applied microeconomics

  1. Cook, J., Newberger, N., and S. Smalling (2020): "The spread of social distancing," Economics Letters, 196.

  2. Cook, J., Kowaleski, Z., Minnis, M., Sutherland, A., and K. Zehms (2020): "Auditors are known by the companies they keep," Journal of Accounting and Economics, 70(1).

  3. Cook, J. A. and F. Gale (2019): "Using food prices and consumption to examine Chinese cost of living," Pacific Economic Review, 24(1), p 3-26. (lead article)

  4. Cook, J. A. (2014): "The effect of firm-level productivity on exchange rate pass-through," Economics Letters, 122(1), p 27-30.

Applied econometrics

  1. Cook, J. (2022): "Sample-selection-adjusted random forests," International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 14, p 375–388.

  2. Cook, J., Lee, J. S., and N. Newberger (2021): "On identification and estimation of Heckman models," Stata Journal, 21(4), p 972-998.

  3. Chan, J. Y. and J. A. Cook (2020): "Inferring Zambia's HIV prevalence from a selected sample," Applied Economics, 52(39), p 4236-4249.

  4. Cook, J. and S. Siddiqui (2020): "Random forests and selected samples," Bulletin of Economic Research, 72(3), p 272-287.

  5. Cook, J. (2017): "Estimating the portion of technical analysts in a market," Applied Economics, 49(41), p 4127-4137.

Evaluating predictions

  1. Cook, J. and V. Ramadas (2020): "When to consult precision-recall curves," Stata Journal, 20(1), p 131-148.

  2. Cook, J. and A. Rajbhandari (2018): "heckroccurve: ROC curves for selected samples," Stata Journal, 18(1), p 174-183.

  3. Cook, J. A. (2017): "ROC curves and nonrandom data," Pattern Recognition Letters, 85(1), p 35-41.

    • The Stata command heckroc, which implements the procedure from this paper, is now on SSC (ssc install heckroc).

Government publications

  1. Gale, F., Yang, Z., and J. Cook. (2013): “China’s vegetable exports peak as attention shifts to domestic market.” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Situation and Outlook VGS-353-SA3.

Work in progress

Wage and sensitivity to trade conditions

A heterogeneous-firm trade model with endogenous markups predicts that wage affects an exporter's sensitivity to trade conditions. When trade costs increase, the extensive margin of trade is more sensitive for low-wage exporters than high-wage exporters, but the intensive margin is less sensitive. This model explains the large impact of Chinese exports on US manufacturing. We present empirical evidence in support of this model by testing its implications for the sensitivity of trade volume and exchange rate pass-through.

Researching international prices