enzyme function


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Enzymes and Chemical Reactions

Catalyst - a chemical agent that changes the state of a reaction without being consumed in the reaction

Substrate - reactants

Intermediates - compounds formed between initial reactants & products

Products - products

Cofactors- helpers for enzymes (carry e-)

Energy Carriers - sources of quick energy (ATP)

Enzymes are protein catalysts

Actually, some RNA molecules possess enzymatic functions, but well over 99% of all enzymes are proteins

they do not do the impossible - they only speed up reactions

they are not consumed in a reaction

they work for both the forward and the reverse reaction

they are highly selectiveHow Energy Relates to Reactions

Initial state transition state final state must overcome an energy barrier

Any reaction requires some energy to overcome the activation energy barrier

An enzyme lowers this energy barrier, thus speeding up the reaction

An enzyme has an active site which holds the reactants in a particular way to facilitate the bonding/bond breaking

Note: it lowers the activation energy for the forward and the reverse (but not in a proportionate way)

Lock and Key Hypothesis - there is only one active site which precisely fits the reactants (more or less)

Enzymes are Substrate Specific

The enzyme binds to the substrate or substrate when there are two or more reactants

While bound, the catalytic action of the enzyme converts the substrate(s) to product(s)

An enzyme can distinguish its substrate from similar molecules and even isomers of the same molecule

Only a restricted region of the enzyme molecule actually binds to the substrate - this is called the active site

This match is not perfect - as the enzyme and substrate come together, a small conformation change occurs so that the active site fits even more snugly around the substrate

This is know as an induced fit. Think of a handshake - as your hands come together, your fingers move to more tightly grasp the other hand.

When the enzyme and substrate come together, they form an enzyme-stubstate complex

Held together by hydrogen and/or ionic bondsThe Catalytic Cycle of an Enzyme

The enzyme and the substrate form the enzyme-substrate complex

R-groups of the amino acids comprising the active site catalyze the reaction

They often pull or contort the substrate, temporarily weakening bonds or some configuration

In reactions with two or more substrates, they can form a template to guide the substrates into the most energy-efficient configuration

The active site may also provide a microenvironment more conducible to the reaction, such as providing a pocket of low pH in an otherwise neutral cell

The rate of enzyme action is proportional to the concentration of the substrate (more substrate, the faster the reaction rate)

However, saturation can occurA Cell's Physical and Chemical Environment Affect Enzyme Activity

An enzyme's function is dependent upon its shape, so environmental conditions which affect shape will affect the catalytic properties of the enzyme

Temperature - a measure of average random molecular kinetic energy

For most chemical reactions, as temperature increases, reaction rate will increase

More molecules will possess enough energy to cross the activation energy barrier

However, as temperature increases, the molecular motion of the enzyme also increases

The enzyme's active site may become unstable and function poorly

Once a certain temperature is reached, bonds maintaining the 2o, 3o, and 4o structure of the protein collapse and the protein loses function

When a protein falls apart like this, it is called a denatured protein

There is usually a temperature at which the enzyme exhibits peak performance. This is known as the temperature optimum for this enzyme.

The temperature optimum for each enzyme is usually related to the environment in which it will operate

A DNA polymerase for a human would have a lower temperature optimum than that of a hot springs bacteria

pH -    pH= -log[H+]       - acidic and basic conditions

Like temperature, most enzymes have a pH at which they perform at peak efficiency - the pH optimum

Also like temperature, the pH optimum is related to the conditions in which it will be found

At extreme pH's, the enzyme may denature

Cofactors - a non-protein enzyme helper

aid in enzyme catalytic function

may be bound tightly to the active site or may be loosely bound

may be inorganic, such as a zinc or copper ion, or it may be an organic molecule

if organic, it is commonly called a coenzymemost vitamins are coenzymes or provide raw materials for the construction of coenzymes, so take your vitamins!

Enzyme Inhibitors - chemicals which interfere with enzyme function

Can be reversible (if hydrogen or ionic bonded) or more-or-less permanent (if covalently bonded to enzyme)

Some molecules can fit into the active site and may compete for admission into the active site. These are known as competitive inhibitors.

Other molecules may bind to the enzyme and cause an conformation change which affect the ability of the enzyme to bind to the substrate. These are known as noncompetitive inhibitors

In cells inhibition is usually reversible; that is the inhibitor isn't permanently bound to the enzyme. 

Irreversible inhibition of enzymes also occurs, due to the presence of a poison.

Penicillin cause the death of bacteria due to irreversible inhibition of an enzyme needed to form the bacterial cell wall.

In humans, hydrogen cyanide irreversibly bind to a very important enzyme (cytochrome oxidase) present in all cells, and this accounts for its lethal effect on the body.

Enzyme Enhancers - chemicals which increase enzyme function

Like noncompetitive inhibitors, enzyme enhancers can bind to a non-active site and cause a conformation change which enhances enzyme function

The Control of Metabolism 

In many cases, the molecules that naturally regulate enzyme activity behave like reversible noncompetitive inhibitors

Alter enzyme's shape and function by binding to an allosteric site

Allosteric site - receptor site on some part of the enzyme remote from the active site

can speed up or slow down enzyme function (enhancers and noncompetitive inhibitors)

Example - enzymes of catabolic pathways have allosteric sites which can bind ATP and AMP

ATP is an inhibitor, AMP is an enhancer

When ATP prodction is greater than use, ATP will accumulate and then slow down or shut off the pathway

When ATP production lags behind use, AMP will accumulate and enhance the pathway, creating more ATP

Feedback Inhibition - when the product of a pathway acts as an inhibitor of the pathway

Prevents too much buildup of product

The reaction series converting theronine to isoleucine is a classic example of allosteric regulation. 

Five enzymes acting in sequence catalyze the pathway. 

The final product of the sequence, isoleucine, acts as an inhibitor of the first enzyme of the pathway, threonine deaminase. 

As the pathway produces isoleucine, any molecules made in excess of cell requirements combine reversibly with threonine deaminase at a location outside the active site. 

The combination converts threonine deaminase to the T state and inhibits its ability to combine with threonine. 

The pathway is then turned off. 

If the concentration of isoleucine later falls as a result of its use in cell synthesis, isoleucine releases from the threonine deaminase enzymes, converting them to the R state in which they have high affinity of the substrate, conversion of threonine to isoleucine takes place.