
Introduction and History of Microbiology

Louis PasteurKoch's postulates Microbial Underground

Walter Reed -The Panama Puzzle University of Leicester

Edward Jenner and the Discovery of Vaccination University of South Carolina

Kary B. Mullis (1945 - ) Access Excellence

The Slow Death of Spontaneous Generation (1668-1859) Access Excellence

Microbes Pfizer Inc.

Bacterial Morphology

Comparison of Prokaryote, Animal and Plant Cells by Rodney F. Boyer

Size Comparison: Virus, Bacteria, Red Blood Cell, Lymphocyte and Human Sperm Cells Alive!

Bacterial Structure

How Bacteria Swim and Tumble Cells Alive!

Bacterial Architecture: The Virtual Bacterium Dr. R. E. Hurlbert

Bacterial Movement

Bacterial Reproduction and Growth

Microbial Clock PBS

Bacteria Divide and Multiply, Growth Curve Cells Alive!

Bacterial Nutrition and Environmental Requirements Dr. R. E. Hurlbert

Bacterial Metabolism

Animation of Facultative Anaerobes from Cornell Department of Microbiology Cornell University

Anaerobic Respiration-Glycolysis and Fermentation Department of Microbiology Cornell University

Glycolysis North Harris College

Production of ATP by Oxidative Phosphorylation North Harris College

Reactions and Enzymes M.J. Farabee at Maricopa Community College

Cellular Respiration Kimball's Biology Pages

Questions with Tutorial - Excellent on Cellular Respiration

ATP and Biological Energy M.J. Farabee at Maricopa Community College

Bacterial Genetics

DNA Basics

Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes University of Arizona

Nucleic Acids Problem Set University of Arizona

Types of Mutations Kimball's Biology Pages

Protein Synthesis

Outline of all the Protein Synthesis Steps. Terre Haute Center For Medical Education

Protein Kinesis: Getting Proteins to Their Destination Kimball's Biology Pages

Genetic Material Transfers

Microbial Exchange of Genetic Material Dr. R. E. Hurlbert

Gene Regulation and the Operon North Harris College

Control of Gene Expression M.J. Farabee at Maricopa Community College

DNA Forensics Problem Set 1 University of Arizona

Recombinant DNA Technology Problem Set University of Arizona

Genetic Engineering

Tools of the Trade Human Genome Project.

Genetic Engineering Dr. R. E. Hurlbert

Bacterial Taxonomy

Bacteria: Systematics University of California, Berkeley


Fungal Infections of Man New York University School of Medicine

Phungophobe's Phear -- "Higher Fungi" Ross Koning , Eastern Connecticut State University

Medical Mycology Research Center UTMB Galveston

The Internet Guide to Myxomycetes

Classification and How Fungi are Named (Photo Links) University of Hawaii

Fun Facts about Fungi University of Michigan



Harmful Algae Page -Red Tide Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

NCSU Aquatic Botany -Pifesteria piscicida Page NC State University


Basic Biology of Cryptosporidium Kansas State University

Introduction to the Basal Eukaryotes University of California, Berkeley

Introduction to the Ciliata University of California, Berkeley

Parasitic Images and Descriptions Ohio State University Biological Sciences

Introduction to the Apicomplexa University of California, Berkeley

Fun with Fungi -- "Lower Fungi" Ross Koning , Eastern Connecticut State University


Introduction to the Platyhelminthes University of California, Berkeley

University of Nebraska -Nematology

Parasitic Images and Descriptions Ohio State University Biological Sciences

Nematode Basics USDA

The Parasitology Images List Queensland University of Technology


Herpes Virus Replication UC Irvine School of Biological Sciences

West Nile Virus National Biological Information Infrastructure

Hidden Killers: Deadly Viruses

All the Virology on the WWW Tulane University

Virus Structure University of Cape Town

Virus Structure and Life Cycle

Viruses and Bacteria Cells Alive!

All about Viruses Gary E. Kaiser at Community College Baltimore County

HIV Infection -Check out the sites on the HIV diagram Cells Alive!

The Body- a Wealth of Info on Aids

Mad Cow Disease and Prions Why Files

Nobel Prize on Prions Illustration

Molecular Virology Robert M. Bock Laboratories UW-Madison

Microbial Control

An Ounce of Prevention CDC

Pictures of People with Vaccine-Preventable Diseaases Immunization Action Coalition

Mechanisms of Actions of AntibioticsGlaxoSmithKline

Strategies for Vaccine Development Kuby

Antibiotics Attack Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Heterotrophic Plate Count---Method of monitoring water quality

Antimicrobial AgentsBacteriology at UW-Madison

Welcome to the Future of Immunology University of Arizona

How the body fights the invaders Discovery Channel

How Penicillin Kills Bacteria Cells Alive!

The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections FDA

When the antibiotics quit working Why Files

Host-Parasite Relationships

Normal Flora and their Location Mark Pallen

Water borne Parasites Cells Alive!

Malaria: a sophisticated collaboration between a mosquito and a parasite. Why Files

National Geographic -Parasites

Cool animation of E. coli pathogenesis HHMI

Cool animation of Salmonella pathogenesis HHMI

The Food Safety Home Page

Host Resistance

Non Specific Resistance

Cancer and the Immnue Response Cancer Research Institute

Specific Resistance

Introducing the Bloody Characters of Specific Immunity RM Chute

Immune System Animations Michigan State University

Immune System Davidson College

Immunology Animations Kuby Immunology

Immune System Animations (advanced) Blink Studio

Immune System Chapter Gary E. Kaiser at Community College of Baltimore County

Antigen Processing by the proteasome Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

Histocompatibility Molecules Kimball's Biology Pages

Antigen Presentation Kimball's Biology Pages

Lymphocytes Produce Antibody - Animation Cells Alive!

B Cells and T Cells Kimball's Biology Pages

Cell-Mediated Immunity Kimball's Biology Pages

Antigen Receptor Diversity Kimball's Biology Pages

Immunological Disorders

HIV Lifecycle Flash Animation by GalaxyGoo

See HIV in Action by PBS from PBS

HIV life cycle and Drug Interaction by Roche

AIDS Lifecycle Museum of Science and Industry

Animation of HIV life cycleCalifornia State College Fullerton

HIV Testing. Museum of Science and Industry

Understanding Autoimmune Diseases NIAID at National Institutes of Health

Examples of Autoimmune Diseases Kuby Immunology 4e

Allergies Kimball's Biology Pages

Beware of Dust Bunnies! Cells Alive!

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 1996 "the specificity of the cell mediated immune defense".

Pathogenic Microorganisms

Common InfectionsCommunity Outreach Health Information System

Food Net -Diseaes and Pathogens Under Surveillance CDC

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Facts & Information CDC

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Services Royal Adelaide Hospital

The Streptococcus The Rockefeller University, New York

Bacteria That Cause Ulcers - Helicobacter pylori Cells Alive!

Lyme Disease Bacteriology at UW-Madison

Parasitic Protozoa , Parasitic Helminths Gary E. Kaiser at Community College Baltimore County

Bugs on the Web Microbiology & Public Health - Canada

The "Bad Bug Book" U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Treating HIV Why Files

Epidemic-On the Trail of Killer Diseases

Lab Sites

Microbiology Laboratory Reviews by Brenda Wellmeyer

Lab Methods - Biochemical Tests, Media, Techniques UT - Houston Medical School

Viruses and Bacteria Lab Work University of Leicester

Online Lab Manual in Microbiology Gary E. Kaiser at Community College Baltimore County

Yeast Plate Count Lab - Making a Serial Dilution J. Stein Carter

Laboratory Methods and Results University of Maryland

Science News Sites


Bugs in the News

Science & Technology News

Science Daily - Today's Headlines

Science News (Well written and illustrated)

General Biology and Microbiology Sites

Atlas of Medical Parasitology Carlo Denegri Foundation

An Excellent Internet Text on Microbiology (lots of illustrations) Dr. R. E. Hurlbert

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

NIAID- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

A Bacteriological Source on many topics by Timothy Paustian at University of Wisconsin

Forensic Entomology Home Page Morten Stærkeby, Dept. of Biology, Oslo, Norway

Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology Communication Technology Lab, Michigan State University

Dedicated Pathology Site by Edward C. Klatt MD - Florida State University

The Curious Microbe - Essays of the Extreme and the UnusualCommunication Technology Lab, Michigan State University

Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health University of Pittsburgh

Excellent Source of Information on Cellular Biology Kimball's Biology Pages

Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response World Health Organization