Tissue parasites



(answers at end of document)

1.What species of malaria is shown in this blood film? What stage of the life cycle is demonstrated?

2.Note the brown pigment in the intraerythrocytic form on this slide. Which species and developmental stage is shown?

3.Two different malaria stages are shown in this slide. What characteristics are useful for diagnosis? What stain has been used in all of the slides?

4,5,6,7.What species of malaria is shown in these slides? What characteristics are useful in making a diagnosis. What complications of malaria should you be concerned about in this patient?

8.This chart depicts the relationship between species of malaria, febrile response and intraerythrocytic development. Correlate these factors with the pathophysiology of malaria.

9.What organism is shown in this blood film, which was taken from a patient who lives in a rural area of the Atlantic coast of the US and has not traveled?

10.What does the presence of a "sheath" on the filarial worm shown in this slide indicate? Note arrangement of nuclei in tail.

11. Compare the arrangement of nuclei in the tail of this filaria to the previous specimen.

12. This diagram demonstrates the characteristics of some of the pathogenic filaria. What other characteristics are useful for diagnosis and differentiation of filarial worms?

13.Which hemoflagellate is shown in this blood film? Which developmental stage is shown? Does this stage cause disease?

14.Which hemoflagellate is this likely to be? The specimen was collected from Central America.

15.This slides shows a biopsy from a similar patient. What is the diagnosis?

16.Which hemoflagellate is transmitted by this bug? Which stage is transmitted and how?

17,18. The lesions illustrated on these slides are typical of disease caused by which hemoflagellate?

19. Which stage would be found in a biopsy of the ulcer as demonstrated on this slide?

20. If you saw these parasites in the cerebrospinal fluid, what would be the likely diagnosis? What predisposing factors would likely be present?

21. This cyst contains the slowly dividing forms of the parasite shown on the last slide. Which tissues would you be likely to find it in?

22. This illustrates the pathological lesion of which tissue invasive helminth?

23. This is the mature worm which is associated with the parasitic disease illustrated on the previous slide. Which host would it be found in?

24,25 These two slides illustrate the wall of the lesion found in slide 24. Which stage of the life cycle of the helminth is found here?