Intentional Academic Conferences


2024 (April) Pedagogy of War:Analysis of Images of Children in Jewish Schools in Italy During the Racial Laws, 1938-1943. Paper presented at IAIE conference, Chemnitz Germany.

2023 (July) Images of Italian Jewish Emancipation: An Analysis of Family Photographs after the Liberation from the Roman Ghetto in 1870. Paper presented at  the European Association of Jewish Studies.. Frankfurt, Germany.


2023 (June) Photographs of Patriotism in the Great War: A case study of the Roman Jews. Paper presented in IVMC8 conference. Rome.


2023 (June) Images of Italian Jewish Emancipation: An Analysis of Family Photographs after the Opening of   Roman Ghetto in 1870. Paper presented in IVMC8 conference. Rome.

2023 (June) When Images Look Back: A visual pedagogies workshop.  Workshop conducted in IVMC8 conference. Rome

2023 (February) Images of Italian Jewish Emancipation: An Analysis of Family Photographs after the Liberation from the Roman Ghetto in 1870. Poster presentation. Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione Population Days 2023. Rome, Italy

2022 (June)  ‘Bedouin Boy with Camel’: Analysis of Archival Photographs of Bedouin Children in Palestine and Israel. Paper to be presented at 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan  


(2022) June Portraits of Emancipation: Analysis of Photographs of Jewish Italian women in Rome  after the Liberation of the   ghetto in 1870. Paper to be presented at the conference: Emancipation in present days: Jewish women in Art and culture. From the Researcher's Desk. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan.

2021 (March) Visual Struggle for gender egalitarianism in Judaism in Israel. Paper presented at Helsinki Photomedia. Helsinki, Finland

2021 (November) Portraits of Emancipation: Analysis of Photographs of Jewish Italians after the Liberation of the Roman ghetto in 1870. Paper   presented at IMG2021 Conference, Milano, Italy.


 2021 ( אוקטובר). 'דיוקנאות אמנציפציה: ניתוח צילומי יהודים  ברומא לאחר שחרור הגטו ב1870. כנס מחקרי מרצים. מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים.


  2021 (July) Semiotic Analysis of Religious Photographs on Social Media: Case Study of a Reform Congregation in Tel Aviv.  Paper presented IVSA conference. Dublin, Ireland.


2021 (June)  Analysis of forms of presentation of Bedouin children in photographs in Palestine. Paper presented 8th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo, Italy.

2021 (February) Archival Photographs of Bedouin children in the Middle East.  

 Paper presented International Sociology Association conference, Puerto Allegre, Brazil.   

 2020  (אוקטובר)  ניתח  1צילומי ילדים בדווים בנגב- נקב. כנס מחקרי מרצים. מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים, תל אביב.


2020  (ספטמבר) יהדות אלטרנטיבית בקיבוץ, איך היא נראית? כנס של פורום חוקרי הקיבוץ ותנועת העבודה. גבעת חביבה.

2019 (אוקטובר) מאבק לפלורליזם דתי ושוויון מגדרי ביהדות: ניתוח  חומרים חזותיים של בית כנסת רפורמי ליברלי בתל אביב.  כנס מחקרי מרצים, מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים, תל אביב. 


April 2020-Visibility of gender egalitarianism in Judaism: Analysis of visual materi al in Beit Daniel Synagogue in Tel Aviv”. Photomedia- conference Helsinki, Finland -postponed due to Covid 19-

2019 (October) Analysis of the use of visual material in the process of community building of a Jewish congregation.  Paper presented at the IVLA conference, Leuven Belgium.

2019 (July) Community building methods: Analysis of the use of visual material in Beit Daniel Synagogue in Tel Aviv. Paper presented at the International Visual Methods Conference 6. Bucharest, Romania.

2019 (February) Analysis of the visibility of Bedouin women in the Negev, as reflected in the private photographic archive of Dr. Ben-Assa, an Israeli physician.   Paper presented at the Association for Women's Art and Gender Research in Israel. Tel Aviv University

2018 (October) Barromi Perlman and Kark, Analysis of the visibility of Bedouin women in the Negev, as reflected in the private photographic archive of Dr. Ben-Assa, an Israeli physician.  International panel: Paper presented at the International Panel of the Conference at Kibbutz College of Education, Tel Aviv.

2018 (July) Barromi Perlman and Kark, Analysis of the visibility of Bedouin women in the Negev, as reflected in the private photographic archive of Dr. Ben-Assa, an Israeli physician.  Paper presented at the Conference of the International Sociology Association. Toronto, Canada

2018, (July) The Politics of Visual Pedagogy   Panel convener and  discussant at the Conference of the International Sociology Association. Toronto, Canada

(2018) (June) Barromi Perlman and Kark, Analysis of the visibility of Bedouin women in the Negev, as reflected in the private photographic collection of Dr. Ben-Assa.  Workshop on Intermediary Images, Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem.

(2018) Barromi Perlman and Kark, Analysis of the visibility of Bedouin women in the Negev, as reflected in the private photographic collection of Dr. Ben-Assa. The 7the ethnography and qualitative research conference (ERQ). University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy

2018 (March)  Kedra, J. Cambre  C., Barromi-Perlman.  E. Post-disciplinary pedagogical routes through the photograph.  Workshop held at the  Photomedia 2019 conference, Helsinki, Finland.

2018 (March)Barromi Perlman and Kark Analysis of the visibility of Bedouin women in the Negev, as reflected in the private photographic archive of Dr. Ben-Assa, an Israeli physician.  Helsinki Photomedia  conference, Helsinki, Finland.

2018 (April) Socio-Semiotic Analysis of Photographs of Kibbutz Youth Hikes in Israel between 1939–1959. Budapest Visual Learning Conference

2017  (March). From   photographs of archaeological sites in Palestine to photographs of  Jewish pioneers in Palestine: Analysis of dimensions of people in photographs as a material culture. Conference on Landscape Archaeology. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

2016 (December) Is this land mine? What should it look like? Landscape photography in Palestine and Israel. Conference of International Association of Photography and Theory. Nicosia, Cyprus.

 2016 (אוקטובר) ניתוח צילומי טיולים בקיבוצים ככלי להטמעת חינוך. כנס מחקרי סגל, מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים, תל אביב.

2016 (ספטמבר)  ניתוח צילומי טיולים בקיבוצים ככלי להטמעת חינוך ערכי. כנס של פורום חוקרי הקיבוץ ותנועת העבודה לשנת. גבעת חביבה

2016- (February). Images of a Socialist Childhood in Kibbutzim. International workshop Images of socialist childhoods and youth. University of Bremmen, Germany.

2015 (דצמבר) האם האדמה הזאת שייכת לי? איך היא צריכה להיראות? ניתוח צילומי נוף בפלשתינה ובישראל. כנס מחקרי מרצים. חוג לאוריינות חזותית, מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים.

2015  - (December) Is this land mine? What should it look like? Landscape photography in Palestine and Israel. Conference of the PEF and the Early Exploration of the Holy Land. University of Haifa.

2015- (אוקטובר). שימוש בצילומי בניין בית הספר כבסיס לבניית יומן רפלקסיבי חזותי בהכשרת מורים מאמר שהוצג בכנס מחקרי  מרצים "מחקר – מעשה" . מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים. תל אביב.

2015 – (July) Analysis of Images  of Socialist Childhood on Kibbutz. Paper presented at the international conference of "Writing and Screening Socialisms in an Entangled World". Evangelisches Stift. Universität Tübingen, Germany.



2015 (May) Analysis of Genres of photography of Kibbutz hikes during the Yishuv period in Israel . Paper presented at the ninth conference of the History and Activities of the Jewish National Fund, Israel: Bari Ilan University.


2015- (May) Is This My Home? What Should it Look Like? Landscape Photography in the Holy Land, Palestine and Israel.  Paper presented at the Finnish Research Pavilion. Venice Biennale. Venice, Italy.

2014 - ( נובמבר)- ניתוח ז'אנרים צילומי טיולים בתנועה הקיבוצית.  הרצאה בכנס קום והצטלם בארץ: הטיול והסיור בראי הצילום.  מכון יד בן צבי, ירושלים


2014- (November) Harnessing visual literacy skills to engage with media: Analysis of photographs of IDF soldiers in the Israeli press. Paper presented at  Fifth international conference on The Image, Berlin, Germany.

2014- (September) "Why we do what we do? Ice Breaking Fantasies Festival". Research Center of  Finnish Academy of Fine arts. DFA program. Helsinki, Finland.

2014- (אוקטובר) מורות בישראל מצלמות את עצמן בעבודה. הרצאה בכנס מחקרי מרצים, מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים. תל אביב

2014- (August) Harnessing Visual literacy of Press Photographs for Peace Building. Paper presented at the 25th International Peace Research Association conference, Turkey, Istanbul.


2014-(June)The Role of the Photographer on Kibbutz as the Observer: Case Study of Photographer on Kibbutz in Israel. Paper presented at Visual Methods Conference, a Post discipline of Inclusion. Neuchatel, Switzerland.

2014- (April). Symposium of international supervisors of Doctoral program. Finnish Academy of Fine Arts. Helsinki, Finland.

בר-רומי פרלמן, עד. ( מאי 2014) תיעוד אידאולוגי בקיבוץ- חקר מקרה של צלם בקיבוץ בית אלפא. הרצאה בכנס ה16: מחקרים חדשים של הגליל וסביבותיו. מכללה אקדמית תל חי.

בר-רומי פרלמן,  ע. ( פברואר 2014) מורות בישראל מצלמות את עצמן בעובדה. הרצאה בכנס הישראלי הבינתחומי השישי למחקר איכותני בפעולה. אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון, באר שבע.

בר-רומי פרלמן, ע. (2013 נובמבר) אלבומי משפחה בקבוץ. הרצאה בנושא  צלמי חצר: צלמים בקיבוצים משנות העשרים ועד היום. יד טבנקין, רמת אפעל.

בר-רומי פרלמן ,ע. ( 2013 נובמבר) ניתוח אלבומי צילום: גישות ושיטות. הרצאת מבוא: מבט צילומי: בין היסטוריה פרטית להיסטוריה ציבורית לפני קום המדינה: חקר אלבומי משפחה בישראל – שיטות וגישות. מכון יד בן צבי, ירושלים.

Barromi Perlman, E. (July, 2013) Analysis of the Role and Function of Realist Photography on Kibbutz in Constructing Ideology. Paper presented at the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA), Findhorn, Scotland, UK.  

Barromi  Perlman, E. ( Sept 2011) Analysis of Photographs 

 of Childhood on Kibbutz.  Paper presented at th International Visual Methods Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK


Barromi Perlman, E. (Nov 2010) Signs and Symbols in Israeli Photojournalism, paper presented at the third International Conference of ROASS: Romanian Association of Semiotic Studies: Semiotics' Creativity: Unifying Diversities, Differences, Divides. Iasi, Romania.


Barromi Perlman, E. (Sept 2010 ) Military and Political Photographs and Symbols in Jewish High School Websites in Israel: Analysis and Discussion. Paper presented at the IVlA 42nd Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association. Limmassol, Cypress.


Barromi Perlman, E.(June 2010)  Analysis of Photographs of Childhood on Kibbutz.  Kibbutz 100.:Paper presented at the The 10th International Conference of the International Communal Studies Association. The  Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel.


Barromi Perlman, E. (May 2009), Analysis of Signs, symbols and Icons in Israeli Photojournalism. Paper presented at the Conference of the dept. of Communication of Haifa University. The Battle of the Photographs: Photojournalism in Israel, Between Military Icons and Cultural Icons. Haifa, Israel


Barromi Perlman (2009) The 37th Annual Conference of the Anthropological Association in Israel: Presentation of a case study of a family on kibbutz through the analysis of photographs in the photo album. Kineret College, Israel


Barromi Perlman (2008). The 36th Annual Conference of the Anthropological  Association in Israel: The Story of an Archivist. Creating the Memory of the Collective: Case Study of an Archivist on Kibbutz. Bet Berl College, Israel


Barromi Perlman (2008). The 36th Annual Conference of the Anthropological  Association in Israel: Conference poster:  Researching forms of photographic representationn of biological families in kibbutzim in Israel between 1948-1967. Family Snaps on Kibbutz- Do They Exist? Bet Berl College, Israel



Barromi Perlman, E. (June 2008) Assessing the Function of Computer Technology in the Process of Training Teachers in the Field of Design. Mofet Institute: Conference of Technology  Education- Essence or packaging? . Tel Aviv, Israel


Barromi Perlman, E. (2005) Exhibition stand and poster;  Educational Intervention Work of Students in the Design Program. Intervention Means of Dealing with Violence amongst Adolescents.  Mofet  Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel


Barromi Perlman, E. (August 1997)  CAJE: Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education: Researching Your History through Your Family Album. California, USA


Barromi Perlman, E. ( Dec 1997) Limmud: The Jewish Educational Experience:.Family Snaps -The Use of Photo Albums in Researching Our Heritage and Family Origins. Manchester, U.K.