• The body is equal to the sum of its parts. When bodies suffer from pain, sickness or disease, health can be added to the body from the outside-in (invasive); introducing medicine, vitamins, food, exercise, surgery, etc.

    • There is basic distrust of the individual. People therefore respond best to negative motivation such as: fear of pain, disease, sickness, or punishment.

    • The universe and its inhabitants are intrinsically evil. There is a very limited "supply" of good, for which we must compete.

    • The individual cannot take care of himself. He does not possess the adequate or proper intelligence. In order to best take care of himself an external authority (doctor, leader, ruler) should be in control.

    • The patient surrenders responsibility for himself, assigning it over to the care of the doctor. The doctor actively makes the decisions and the patient passively follows orders.

    • The highest developed living being of society is the ruler who, through his competitive drive to control and manipulate the environment, has risen above the rest to become a leader.


    • The body is greater than the sum of its parts. Our nervous system expresses an innate or resident intelligence which animates, motivates, heals, coordinates, and inspires living beings. Health comes from the inside-out. By removing interference in the nervous system, our innate intelligence may better maintain each of our body's cells naturally.

    • There is a basic trust and respect for the individual. People respond best to positive motivation, such as trust in the individual's ability to maintain his or her own well-being and to reach his or her fullest potential.

    • The universe and its inhabitants are intrinsically good. There is an infinite "supply" of good since we can perpetually create more, both individually and cooperatively.

    • The individual is fully capable of taking care of her or himself . A nervous system free of interference can more fully express the inborn intelligence of the body . In order to best take care of himself, the individual might consult a chiropractor, mentor, or initiator for guidance.

    • Practitioner and patient or practice member have a cooperative, mutually responsible relationship. Both are committed to health and well being. Both trust their innate ability to take care of themselves.

    • The highest developed living being within society is the person who, through his creative abilities, is reaching his or her fullest potential and is helping others to do the same.