
Publication statistics

Total number of scientific publications: 1194

    In the last five years: 286

    In foreign languages: 88

    After PhD: 418

    Books: 26

        In foreign languages: 5

        In Hungarian: 18

        Single-author monographs: 11

        With co-authors: 3

        Edited books: 9

    Books chapters: 23

        In foreign languages: 11

        In Hungarian: 12

    Journal articles: 53

        In foreign languages: 21

        In Hungarian: 32

    Papers published in proceedings: 100

        In foreign languages: 13

        In Hungarian: 87

    Psychological software: 66

        In foreign languages: 27

        In Hungarian: 39

    Manuscripts independently cited or published: 38

        In foreign languages: 8

        In Hungarian: 30

    Lecture notes and accredited study material: 11

    Dissertations: 4

Films, reports, interviews: 58

Total number of scientific talks: 228 

    In foreign languages: 41

    In Hungarian: 205

Most significant publications

List of publications*

*For a complete list see: Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára

In press

Scientific talks

Films, reports, interviews etc.