Conferences & Scientific events
Ponte Ahón, S. A., Aidelman, Y., Cidale, L., Gamen, R., Seery, J. M., Quiroga, F., Bariviera, A.F. (2024). An Open-Source Solution for Automating the Digitization of Historical Astronomical Plates. Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. The Eurographics Association. Darmstadt (Germany), 2024.
R. Torres, M.A. Solis, R. Sala and A.F. Bariviera. Multi-period decision making applied to cryptocurrency investment scenario. 25th. IFF Workshop: Predictive Analytics Conference: Theory, Applications and Algorithms. Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, 2019.
A.F. Bariviera, and O.A. Rosso. Finance at ultra-high frequency: the case of cryptocurrencies. XX Conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics. Santiago, Chile. 2018.
A.F. Bariviera and O.A. Rosso. Cryptocurrency informational efficiency beyond bitcoin. Cryptocurrency Research Conference. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK.. 2018.
A. Villa-Monte, L. Lanzarini, A.F. Bariviera and J. A. Olivas. Obtaining and evaluation of extractive summaries from stored text documents. Third Conference on Business Analytics in Finance and Industry (BAFI). Santiago, Chile, 2018.
M.E. Charnelli, L. Lanzarini, A.F. Bariviera and J. Díaz. New Item Recommendation Method Based on Latent Topic Extraction. Third Conference on Business Analytics in Finance and Industry (BAFI). Santiago, Chile, 2018.
A.F. Bariviera and O.A. Rosso. Cryptocurrency analysis using information theory quantifiers. XIX Conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics. Valdivia, Chile. 2016.
A.F. Bariviera, L. Zunino, and O.A. Rosso.Bitcoin time series under the lens of information theory’ quantifiers. Econophysics Colloquium. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2016
L.B. Martinez, M.B. Guercio, I. Cuchiara, G. Barbera, and Fernandez Bariviera, A. Caracterizacion de las PyMEs: Sudoeste vs conourbano bonaerense. XX Reunión Anual de la Red PyMEs del Mercosur, 2015.
Fernandez Bariviera, A., M.B. Guercio, and L.B. Martinez. Data manipulation detection via permutation information theory quantifiers. XVII Conference on Nonequilibrium StatisticalMechanics and Nonlinear Physics. Maceió, Brazil. 2014.
M.B. Guercio, A.E. Briozzo, and A. Fernandez. The relationship between juridic form and financing with financial institutions. XXVIII AEDEM Congress, European Academy of Management and Business Economics, 2014.
Fernandez Bariviera, A., L. Zunino, M.B. Guercio, L.B. Martinez, and O.A. Rosso. European sovereign bonds, monetary union and financial crisis: an information theory approach. XXI Finance Forum, 2013.
L. Zunino, O.A. Rosso, Fernandez Bariviera, A., M.B. Guercio, and L.B. Martinez. Chaotic and random dynamics discrimination in .nancial time series. NOMA'13 International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Application, 2013.
L. Lanzarini, F. Ronchetti, C. Estrebou, L. Lens, and Fernandez Barivera, A. Face recognition based on fuzzy probabilistic SOM. 2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), 2013.
M. T. Sorrosal Forradellas, A. Terceno Gomez, G. Barber.a Marine, Fernandez Bariviera, A., and M.J. Garbajosa Cabello. Enquestes de valoraci.o de l'activitat docent: una proposta metodol.ogica per a la seva an.alisi. VII Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria i Innonvación (CIDUI), 2012.
L. Lanzarini, J.M. Iglesias Caride, and Fernandez Barivera, A. Are technical trading rules useful to beat the market? evidence from the Brazilian stock market. The 2011 IFSA World Congress and the 2011 AFSS, 2011.
Fernandez Bariviera, A. Una aproximacion a la e.ciencia informativa y la memoria de largo plazo del mercado de valores de argentina. 18º Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Ciencias Económicas, FACPCE, 2010.
Fernandez Barivera, A., M.J. Garbajosa-Cabello, and M.B. Guercio. Fuzzy duration and convexity: A proposal for inflation-linked bond. Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Fuzzy (CBSF), 2010.
Fernandez, A., M.J. Garbajosa, M.B. Guercio, and A. Terceno. Duration and convexity of a fixed income bond in a fuzzy environment. XV SIGEF Congress: International Association for Fuzzy Sets Management and Economy, 2009.
X. Camara Turull, M.G. Barbera Marine, M. Bel.en Guercio, and A. Fernandez Barivera. Valor final neto modificado. una revisión del valor final neto en incertidumbre. XIII SIGEF Congress: International Association for Fuzzy Sets Management and Economy, 2006.
M.G. Barbera, X. Camara, Fernandez, A., M.J. Garbajosa, and A. Terceno. Application of multiobjective fuzzy programming in the determination of the optimal financial structure of a project financed by project finance. XII SIGEF Congress: International Association for Fuzzy Sets Management and Economy, 2005.
M.G. Barbera Marine, Y. Laumann, A. Terceno, A. Fernandez Barivera, and X. C.amara Turull. Analysis of beta stability by using fuzzy regression methods. an application to the Spanish stock market. XI SIGEF Congress: International Association for Fuzzy Sets Management and Economy, 2004.
A. Terceno, M.G. Barbera, Fernandez, A., and Y. Laumann. A proposal for ex-ante estimation of the financial magnitudes of an indexed loan. X SIGEF Congress: International Association for Fuzzy Sets Management and Economy, 2003.
Jorge de Andres, M.G. Barbera Marine, A. Terceno, X. C.amara Turull, and A. Fernandez Barivera. Determinación de la provisión para siniestros pendientes de declaración con técnicas de regresión borrosa. IX SIGEF Congress: International Association for Fuzzy Sets Management and Economy, 2002.
J. de Andres and Fernandez, A. Estacionalidad diaria en el mercado español de deuda pública durante el período 1994-2002. XVI Congreso Nacional y XII Congreso Hispano-Francés de la Asociación Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2002. Best Papers Proceedings.
J. de Andres and Fernandez, A. Predicting portfolio returns using a multiple beta model and multilayer perceptrons: An application to Madrid stock market. International Conference on Modelling and Simulation in Technical and Social Sciences, AMSE, 2002.
J. de Andres, M.G. Barbera, Fernandez, A., and A. Terceno. Analysis of the life insurer's solvency in whole life annuities using fuzzy parameters. VIII SIGEF Congress: International Association for Fuzzy Sets Management and Economy, 2001.
Forthcoming conferences (where I aim to participate)
Past conferences (where my coauthors or myself have participated)
Course: tools of information theory for time series analysis
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Universidad Nacional de La Plata