About me

Brief bio

I studied and worked in Argentina, USA, and Italy. Now I'm based in Spain. I like opera, classical music, and 1980s  experimental music.

I am a quantitative economist, specializing in the analysis of time series. My main interests are finance, econophysics, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics, macroeconomics, financial crises, and artificial intelligence.

Since 2016, I have been a Mendeley Advisor.

I am an associate professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain), a member of the executive board of the Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS), and an associated researcher to the I+D+I Consortium on Cloud Computing, Big Data & Emerging Topics (Argentina).  I have the habilitation as full professor (acreditación a catedrático de Universidad) by ANECA (Spanish Quality Agency).

I am honored to be within the top 4% worldwide (last 10 years publications). according to  RePEc/Ideas ranking, and the top 2% worldwide in my field according to the standardized metrics constructed by Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2022)

Research interests