
  • Member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP).

  • Member of ACM's Committee on Women in Computing (ACM - W).

  • Life member of Indian Science Congress Association.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing Technology 2018 (Springer ICICCT 2018), New Delhi.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Reliable and Convergent Systems 2016 (ACM RACS 2016), Odense, Denmark.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Reliable and Convergent Systems 2015 (ACM RACS 2015), Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Reliable and Convergent Systems 2014 (ACM RACS 2014), Towson, MD, USA.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies 2014 (ICSENT 2014), Hammamet, Tunisia.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies 2013 (ICSENT 2013), Hammamet, Tunisia.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 2013 (ICIST 2013), Tangier, Morocco.

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Reliable and Convergent Systems 2013 (ACM RACS 2013), Montreal, Canada.