This English translation is provided per information. In case of unclarity or contradiction, the original, Dutch version is always the reference.
Name and purpose
The asociation was formally created on Januari 23, 2012 on the intiative of Xu Yi, Lou Zhe en Pieter Blommaert under the name "De Draken van A".
The association has as purpose to help the members to practice badminton in an amateurs spirit and a friendly context. The assocation also aims to involve as much as possible the entire family.
The registered office is Brederodestraat 31, 2018 Antwerpen.
The association was found for an undefined period of time.
The board
The board consists of 3 members and is lead by the chairman.
The board is autorized to take decision and action in all affairs that are related to the management of the organization and this in the most broad interpretation possible.
All documents that must be submitted to the commercial court, shall be signed by two members of the board.
The board can delegate any authority to any agent of its choice.
All claims under title of the association, both as plaintiff and defendant are brought or defended by the Board or by a Steering Committee or an appointed agent.
The board counts three members: a chairman, a treasurer and a secretary. They divide all tasks amongst each other or by appointing agents.
The board is not elected. Whenever a member of the board chooses to resign, the remaining members of the board invite a new member to the board by joint agreement. Latest 1 year after the appointment of the new member, the other two can cancel this appointment. After that period, the appointment is final.
Any change in the composition of the board will be anounced to all members maximum one week there-after.
All decision are taken by consensus of all members of the board. Only when the board fails to reach a decision, the matter shall be submitted to the general assembly. In the general meeting, decisions are taking by regular majority (50% plus one). Every decision must be in line with the statutes. A change of statutes must alsways be approved by the general assembly by regular majority.
In urgent cases, any member of the board can take decisions without consulting the other members. He shall however contact the other members as soon as possible in order to discuss the matter in-depth.
The board meets at least once a year formaly and physically. The board does not need to meet physically otherwise to take decisions, but can use any means of telecommunication.
The board and its members can by no means award any compensation for their work and regular expenses as there are telecomunication or transportation withing the region of Antwerp. The budgest of the association can not be used by the board for any purpose that is not open to all members, unless such is decided by a two-third (66.6%) majority of the general assembly.
After closure of the season (Juli 1st), the board must prepare a budget summary and distribute that amongst the members latest by the start of the new season (September 1st). The budget summary shall contain at least the sum of all revenues and the sum of all expenses of the past season, as well as the current reserve. Any member has the right to ask the board to consult a detailed budget review. In the detailed budget review, all expenses and revenues must be listed.
The general assembly
The general assembly shall take place at least once a year. Every assembly must be announced at least one week in advance. All topics to be votes shall be mentioned clearly in the announcement.
The general assembly is presided by the chairman or in his absense by an agent appointed by him.
All paying members older then 18 have one (1) vote in the general assembly. Members who are married can represent their husband/wife if those cannot be present (if this is also a paying member.) Members can also submit their votes in writing to any of the members of the board, prior to the general assembly.
The general assembly takes decisions by ordinary majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the vote of the chairman is decisive. An extra-ordinary majority of 2/3 of the votes is required for any decision that leadst to a change of the statues or volutary dissolution of the association.
The board will make a report of each general assembly and spread it amongst its members. All reports will be distributed in Dutch and in English.
The members
A player formally becomes a member upon payment of the fee. A paying member remains a member until the start of a new season, after which he/she can renew membership by paying the fee valid for the new season. Members of the board must also pay the fee if they want to become a playing member. In order to emphasize the family oriented nature of the club, children less then 12 years old, joined by at least one parent, shall be offered a reduction of at least 50% of the regular fee. During sport activities, space (at least 20%) shall be foreseen where the children can learn to play badminton or can relax otherwise.
In order to maintain the friendly and family oriented nature of the club, but not limited to that, the board has the possibility to decide to refuse or exclude a member, without any justification, at any time and without any refund of fees.
Also people who wish to play only once or spectators are welcome. They as well can be refused access to the acvitities after decision of the board. People who play once or occasionally have nor voting rights in the general assembly.
The official language
The statutes, rules, all meetings of the board and all general assemblies, all reports here-of and all formal announcement will be made in Dutch.
In order to emphasize the open character of the association, a translation to English or any other languages can be foreseen. This translition is in no case mandatory or stringent In case of doubt, the original Dutch version is the reference. Also in the general assembly and in mutual communication, the best possible care is take to adapt to members who speak broken Dutch or express themselves in another language. These however thereby implicitly accept the interpretation of the board to be the only valid one.