
This privacy statement covers this Douglas Owner's Group web site. Because I want to demonstrate my commitment to our user's privacy, I agree to disclose its information practices. If users have questions or concerns regarding this statement, they should contact the webmaster.

Information Collection

The only way I collect information is if you send it to me via snail mail or email. I employ no methods of gathering information from folks who surf this site.


I require no registration. If you want to share information about you and your boat, it is entirely voluntary. I hope that you do.


This is a non-profit site, I sell nothing, and therefore take no orders. If you follow a link to another site that does take orders, consult that site's privacy statement for what they do with your information.

Information Use

Any information you provide will be posted only with your permission. If I've posted something with which you are uncomfortable, tell me and I'll fix it.


I store no information online - except what you see, nor do I create profiles. I do keep the emails you send me. I never share any information you provide me with third parties.


I don't use them. If you follow a link to another site, they might. However, I have no access to that information, or any control over that.

Third Party Advertising

I don't do advertising. Well, I guess that whatever google sites do is a form of advertising. Certainly Amazon uses cookies. Consult their privacy statement for details of how they collect information. They share no personal information with me.

Log Files

I don't use them.

Legal Disclaimer

Though I make every effort to preserve user privacy, google sites may need to disclose personal information if required by law, when google have a good-faith belief that doing so is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on their Web site.


This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that I am not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. I encourage you to become aware of their policys by reading the privacy statements of each Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site.

Message Boards, Email Lists and Public Forums

While there are no message boards integral to this site, I encourage users to join Cruiser Forums or the Facebook Group to share information with the rest of us. Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online - for example on message boards or through e-mail - that information can be collected and used by others. In short, by posting personal information online that is publicly accessible, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return. If you are concerned about what Google sites might gather, consult their privacy notice.

Do you have information, brochures, owners manuals, photos, slides, negatives, stories, or feedback that you are willing to share?

Contact the Webmaster at kimgregory97(at)