Ken Schlotfeldt

Ken Schlotfeldt is the President of Badger Airbrush, and he has given me a lot of support in creating this website. I recently passed the 10,000 visitor mark, and I wrote Ken and thanked him. He wrote back that he was coming to California and would I like to meet him. I said I sure would. So this week he stopped by the house. I think he's the only company president who has done that for me.

Here he is at my workbench.

Ken has got to be about the nicest person you would ever want to meet. We discussed airbrushes and Badger for over an hour, and he patiently answered all my questions and listened to my suggestions. He is a really busy man. He had just returned from a trip to England, and had several other stops to make locally, and yet he took time to go out of his way just to say Hi. You've got to root for a guy like that. I think his attitude pervades Badger and is why they are renowned for customer service.

If you'd like to know more about Ken, there is a nice interview at Agape Models.

To be fair, if Mr. Paasche or Mr. Iwata or even Mr. Fengda ever stop by, I will do a page on them as well.

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