
My Believes                                                              

" The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards by Anatole France"


Teaching Experience

(i) List of courses taught at Postgraduate level

                 Data Structure and Algorithms, Geographic Resources Analysis Support System,Visual Programming, Analysis and Design of Information System, Soft Computing      

(ii)  List of courses taught at Undergraduate level

                 Introduction to Data Structure, Operating Systems, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Algorithm Analysis and               Design, Image and Vision Computing, Data Structures and Algorithms, Mathematics for    Intelligent Systems-5, Reinforcement Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision,  AI Tools, Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Requirement Engineering, Advance Database, Database Management Systems, Python programming, C, C++, Java 


Digital Image Processing -Presentation slides

Acknowledge- internet resources and textbook informations 

Design and Analysis of Algorithm 

Lecture materials [2022] 

MCQ Questions and answers

Sample Questions 

Assignment 1 

Assignment 2

Quiz 1 


In _______traversal technique the root node is visited at the end i.e after visiting all the nodes(left subtree & right subtree )in the binary tree 

The max number of nodes in a binary tree with depth k is ….

The maximum number of nodes in a binary search tree which have the same preorder and inorder is when height of the tree is 16_____(Assume that root at height 0)

 In preorder traversal of a binary tree the second step is ____________

 Breadth First Search traversal is equivalent to which of the traversal in the Binary Trees?

In postorder traversal of a binary tree the second step is ____________

The searching techniques for graphs used to solve the _____problem in the graph theory.

A postman visited a post office and its connected branches sequentially. This resembles

An immediate application of a Depth First Search traversal is __________

The data structure used for depth first search traversal of a graph is

The solution to many problems

involves the manipulation of binary trees,

trees or graphs to determine a vertex

(node) or a subset of vertices in the given data object that satisfies a given

property. The determination

of a subset of vertices satisfying a given property can be carried out

by systematically examining the vertices of the given data object. When the search necessarily

involves the examination of every vertex in the object being searched, it is

called a ___________. 

If there are no articulation points in the graph then the graph is a biconnected graph. 

In graph coloring, once the search is finished, then the node color is changed to ...

……………… is known as a greedy algorithm, because it chooses at each step the cheapest edge to add to subgraph S.

A graph G is _________ if and only if it contains no articulation points

How many articulation points are there in a graph 

If the original graph consists of ‘n’  vertices, then a spanning tree is a subgraph of G that contains ………… no of vertices.

Spanning trees which are constructed using BFT and DFT for the connected graph G are the Identical? 

For every spanning tree with n vertices and n edges what is the least number of different Spanning trees can be formed? 

What happens when the backtracking algorithm reaches a complete solution.

Backtracking algorithm uses …... 

Which of the problems cannot be solved by backtracking method? 

Backtracking algorithm is implemented by constructing a tree of choices called as?

State space trees are used to reduce______of a problem by applying a bounding function that kills the node or ends the path.

How many possible solutions exists for 8 queens problem

The queens on a chessboard attack in __________directions

Backtracking algorithm can be used to find the optimal solution for the eight queens problem.

In how many directions do queens attack each other? 

Out of the following given options, which one of the following is a correct option that provides an optimal solution for the 4-queens problem?


How many fundamental solutions are there for 3 queens on a 3x3 board? 

How many possible solutions exist for the 4 queens problem on a 4x4 board?

The problem of finding a subset of positive integers whose sum is equal to given positive integer is called as_____


In the sum of subsets problem n=7numbers {5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20} and m=35, Which one is a feasible solution.


Under what condition any set A will be subset of B