
Most Influenced Books

Many Life many Masters by Brian L.Weiss,MD

       "Life is a school. We are here to learn compassion, non-violence, faith and charity. We are here to unlearn negative emotions like fear, anger, jealousy, and greed".

The Secret

        "One word change every thing"'

Change Your Thoughts,Change Your Life, By Wayne Dyer

         "The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exist was once imagined"


Tips for a Healthy and Happy Life

Mudra for self Healing 

Countries Visited : California-USA, Sapporo-Japan,Beijing-China, Seoul- S.Korea, Hong Kong, Philippines and Singapore

About Konkuk University


Hobby -Photography, Hiking 

Camera Model :NIKON D5300  

Forthcoming Hiking: Tungnath chandrashila and Thiksey Monastry Ladakh

My dream Hiking: Mount Kailas Inner Kora