Image Analysis

Developed a semantic web application for analyzing the Mammogram images 

System Configuration 

Protégé , Jena ARQ, TDB , Fuseki  SPARQL1.1 Server,Ruby ,Drools-CEP and Matlab


SPARQL Queries 

SELECT ?profile ?findings ?patient WHERE {     ?profile :hasType ?findings .     ?patient rdf:type :Patient .     ?patient :isBelongsTo ?profile .     ?patient :hasFD "0.22904"^^xsd:float . } 

SELECT ?findings ?patient WHERE {     ?patient rdf:type :Patient .     ?patient :hasType ?findings .     ?patient :hasPatID "3011"^^xsd:int . }

SELECT ?findings WHERE {     :Findings_28 rdf:type :Abnormalities .     ?findings rdf:type :Abnormalities .     ?findings :hasFType "Fatty Glandular"^^xsd:string . }

SELECT ?profile ?findings ?patient WHERE {     ?profile :hasType ?findings .     ?patient rdf:type :Patient .     ?patient :isBelongsTo ?profile .     ?patient :hasFD "0.22904"^^xsd:float .     ?patient :hasFS "0.07214"^^xsd:float .     ?patient :hasKurtosis "3.369066"^^xsd:float .     ?patient :hasMean "73.99159"^^xsd:float .     ?patient :hasSD "71.27591"^^xsd:float .     ?patient :hasVariance "0.02562"^^xsd:float . }

SELECT ?patient WHERE {     ?patient rdf:type :Patient .     ?patient :hasFType "Fatty"^^xsd:string . }

Useful Links for Semantic Application Development

Ontology Development Tools: Protégé, Topbraid Composer

Develop your first ontology: Screencast

Ontology Tutorial :Part1

Technical Forum , 

How to create a Linked data site

Apache Jena home page

SPARQL Implementations 

SPARQL query server: Joseki

SPARQL update server: Apache Fuseki

Semantic Technology Consultant: Rivuli  


* All the credit goes to the corresponding groups.