M.S; The Effects of Types of Knowledge on the Performance of Fault Diagnosis (1995, KAIST)
Ph.D.: Ecological Design of Information Content and Layout for Process Control Based on Abstraction Hierarchy (2001, KAIST)
Book, Book Chapters, and Proceedings
Dong-Han Ham, Jeongyun Heo, Peter Fossick, William Wong, Sanghyun Park, Chiwon Song, and Mike Bradley, “Framework and Models of Usability Factors of Mobile Phones," Joanna Lumsden. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, Idea Group Reference (2008)
Willem-Paul Brinkman, Dong-Han Ham, and William Wong, Conference Proceedings of ECCE 2007 (the 25th Anniversary Conference of European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics), ISBN 978-1-84799-1, Lulu Inc., USA (2007)
Huhn Kim, Tae Y. Song, Dong-Han Ham, Wan C. Yoon, and Young C. Shin, "Interface Design for Monitoring and Recovering Critical Safety Functions in APR1400 Control Room," in Johannsen, G. (Eds) Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Elsevier Science Ltd (2002)
International Journals
Changwon Son, Dong-Han Ham, Sangeun Jin, and Taezoon Park, "158 Deaths at Halloween Night: An AcciMap Analysis of 2022 Itaewon Crowd Crush in South Korea," Safety Science, Vol. 184, 106741, (2025)
Shelly Salim, Seon-Yeong Yeom, and Dong-Han Ham, “Collecting and Organizing the Influencing Factors of Team Communications to Handle Nuclear Power Plants Emergencies,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 14(4), 1407, (2024)
Shelly Salim, Eun-Bi Choi, and Dong-Han Ham, "Information Requirements of Decision Support System for Severe Accidents Management in Nuclear Power Plants," Applied Sciences, Vol. 12(8), 3803, (2022)
Dong-Han Ham, "Safety-II and Resilience Engineering in a Nutshell: An Introductory Guide to Their Concepts and Methods," Safety and Heath at Work, Vol. 12(1), pp. 10-19, (2021)
Dong-Han Ham, Won-Jun Jung, and JinKyun Park, "Identifying Key Factors Affecting the Performance of Team Decision-Making under Severe Accident Conditions Based on the Analysis of Investigation Reports Issued from Diverse Industries," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 206, 107304, (2021)
Dong-Han Ham and JinKyun Park, "Use of a Big Data Analysis Technique for Extracting HRA Data from Event Investigation Reports Based on Safety-II Concept," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 194, 106232, (2020)
Young Sik Yoon, Dong-Han Ham, and Wan Chul Yoon, "A New Approach to Analysing Human-Related Accidents by Combined Use of HFACS and Activity Theory-Based Method," Cognition, Technology, and Work, Vol. 19(4), pp. 759-783, (2017)
Young Sik Yoon, Dong-Han Ham, and Wan Chul Yoon, "Application of Activity Theory to Analysis of Human-Related Accidents: Method and Case Studies," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 150, pp. 22-34, (2016)
Dong-Han Ham, "Modelling Work Domain Knowledge with the Combined Use of Abstraction Hieararchy and Living System Theory," Cognition, Technology, and Work, Vol. 17(4), pp. 575-591, (2015)
Huhn Kim and Dong-Han Ham, “Development of Frequency-Separated Knob with Variable Change Rates by Rotation Speeds," Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 45(6), pp. 1518-1529, (2014)
Dong-Han Ham, "A Model-Based Framework for Classifying and Diagnosing Usability Problems," Cognition, Technology, and Work, Vol. 16(3), pp. 373-388, (2014)
Kai Xu, Chris Rooney, Peter Passmore, Dong-Han Ham, and Phong H. Nguyen “A User Study on Curved Edges in Graph Visualization,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18(12), pp. 2449-2456, (2012) (Presented at InfoVis 2012 as well)
Dong-Han Ham, JinKyun Park, and Wondea Jung, "Model-Based Identification and Use of Task Complexity Factors of Human Integrated Systems," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 100, pp. 33-47, (2012)
Dong-Han Ham, JinKyun Park, and Wondea Jung, "Extension of TACOM to the Complexity of Tasks Designed for Abnormal Situations in Nuclear Power Plants," Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 24(5), pp. 601-611, (2011)
Dong-Han Ham, JinKyun Park, and Wondea Jung, "A Framework-Based Approach to Identifying and Organizing the Complexity Factors of Human-System Interaction," IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 5(2), pp. 213-222, (2011)
Jeongyun Heo, Dong-Han Ham, Sanghyun Park, Chiwon Song, and Wan Chul Yoon, “A Framework for Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Phones Based on Multi-level, Hierarchical Model of Usability Factors," Interacting with Computers, Vol. 21(4), pp. 263-275, (2009)
Dong-Han Ham, Willem-Paul Brinkman, and William Wong, “Editorial: Selected Papers from ECCE 2007, the 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics," International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 39(3), pp. 477-479, (2009)
Dong-Han Ham, JinKyun Park, and Wondea Jung, "Evaluation of Human Interaction with Complex Systems Using a Full-Scope Simulator: Lessons Learned and Methodological Issues," International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 24(4), pp. 361-384, (2008)
Dong-Han Ham, Wan Chul Yoon, and Byoung-Tae Han, "Experimental Study on the Effects of Visualized Functionally Abstracted Information on Process Control Tasks," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 93(2), pp. 254-270, (2008)
Dong-Han Ham, Jeongyun Heo, Peter Fossick, William Wong, Sanghyun Park, Chiwon Song, and Mike Bradley, “Model-Based Approaches to Quantifying the Usability of Mobile Phones," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 4551, pp. 288-297, (2007)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Training Effects of Principle Knowledge on Fault Diagnosis Performance," Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, Vol. 17(3), pp. 263-282, (2007)
Dong-Han Ham, Jin Sam Kim, Jin Hee Cho, and Su Jung Ha, "MaRMI-III: a Methodology for Component-Based Development," ETRI Journal, Vol. 26(2), pp. 167-180, (2004)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "Design of Information Content and Layout for Process Control Based on Goal-Means Domain Analysis," Cognition, Technology, and Work, Vol. 3(4), pp. 205-223, (2001)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Effects of Presenting Functionally Abstracted Information in Fault Diagnosis Tasks," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 73(2), pp. 103-119, (2001)
Domestic Journals (Korean)
Piljae Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Hyunchul Lee, "Conceptual Design of Information Displays Supporting Severe Accident Management in Nuclear Power Plants Based on Ecological Interface Design (EID) Framework," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 24(1), pp. 61-72, (2022)
Jae-Rim Choi, Hyeok Jae Han, and Dong-Han Ham, "Predicting Human Errors in Landing Situation of Aircraft by Using SHERPA (Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach)," Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics, Vol. 29(2), pp. 14-24, (2021)
Jae Geun Lim, Joung Dock Choi, Tae Won Kang, Byung Chul Kim, and Dong-Han Ham, “HFACS-K: A Method for Analyzing Human Error-Related Accidents in Manufacturing Systems: Development and Case Study,” Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, Vol. 35(4), pp. 64-73, (2020)
Eun-Bi Choi and Dong-Han Ham, "A FRAM-Based Systemic Investigation of a Rail Accident Involving Human Errors," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 22(1), pp. 23-32, (2020)
Sung-Jae Han and Dong-Han Ham, "A Study on the Improvement of Human Operators' Performance in Detection of External Defects in Visual Inspection," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 21(4), pp. 67-74, (2019)
Hyeon-Woo Oh and Dong-Han Ham, "Specifying Information Requirements for Designing Ecological Displays Supporting Responsive Actions under Severe Accident Situations of Nuclear Power Plants," Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 38(4), pp. 307-323, (2019)
Won-Jun Jung and Dong-Han Ham, "Investigating the Roles of Team Decision Making Performance Factors through Analyzing Accidents in Complex Socio-Technical Systems," Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 38(4), pp. 291-306, (2019)
Hyeon-Woo Oh and Dong-Han Ham, "Effective Use of Key Questions and Keywords for Work Domain Analysis Based on Abstraction Hierarchy: Focusing on Reactor Cooling Systems in Nuclear Power Plants," Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 37(3), pp. 411-429, (2018)
Won-Jun Jung and Dong-Han Ham, "Identification and Organization of Factors Influencing Team Decision Making by Analyzing Accidents in Complex Systems," Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 37(3), pp. 387-401, (2018)
Hyeon-Woo Oh and Dong-Han Ham, "Identification of Requirements for Improving Healthcare Services with the Combined Use of SERVPERF and Customer Journey Map," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 19(4), pp. 273-282, (2017)
Won-Jun Jung and Dong-Han Ham, "Analysis of a New Product Failure by the Use of Root Cause Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis: The Case of Samsung Galaxy 7," Journal of Digital Convergence, Vol. 15(8), pp. 69-83, (2017)
Jimin Baik, Dong-Han Ham, and Yangji Lee, "A Study on the Effective Use of Virtual Reality for Improving Safety Training Systems," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 18(4), pp. 19-30, (2016)
Ha Yeon Jin, Jun Young Park, and Dong-Han Ham, "Classification of Functional Requirements of Main Appliances of Home Automation by the Use of Kano Model," Journal of Integrated Design Research, Vol. 15(4), pp. 107-120, (2016)
Changgyun Kim, Taeyong Bae, and Dong-Han Ham, "An Approach to Improving the Quality of Airport Services for the Mobility Handicapped," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 18(1), pp. 99-109, (2016)
Jun-Seok Kim and Dong-Han Ham, "Development of User-Centred Items for Evaluating the Usability of Smartphone Navigation App Based on Repertory Grid Technique," Journal of Integrated Design Research, Vol. 15(1), pp. 9-20, (2016)
Jihye Lee and Dong-Han Ham, "User-Centred Analysis of Functional Requirements of Navigation Systems Based on Kano Model," Journal of Integrated Design Research, Vol. 14(3), pp. 9-18, (2015)
Chea-Song Lim and Dong-Han Ham, "A Systematic Method for Analyzing Human Factors-Related Accidents to Improve Aviation Safety in the Air Force," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 16(4), pp. 101-111, (2014)
Sung-Jae Han and Dong-Han Ham, "Enhancement of Quality Assurance System for Improving the Quality of Suppliers' Product," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 16(3), pp. 351-362, (2014)
Dong-Han Ham, "Work Domain Analysis Based on Abstraction Hierarchy: Modelling Concept and Principles for Its Application," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 15(3), pp. 133-141, (2013)
Dong-Han Ham, “Identification and Organization of Task Complexity Factors Based on a Model Combining Task Design Aspects and Complexity Dimensions," Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 32(1), pp. 59-68, (2013)
Dong-Han Ham, "An Approach to Designing Visual Forms for Process Control Displays Based on Ecological Interface Design," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 14(4), pp. 239-246, (2012)
Dong-Han Ham, "Cognitive Systems Engineering as a New Approach to Designing Software-Based Systems," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 14(3), pp. 229-236, (2012)
Dong-Han Ham, “Research Trends of Cognitive Systems Engineering Approaches to Human Error and Accident Modelling in Complex Systems," Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 30(1), pp. 41-53, (2011)
Dong-Han Ham, “Classification Scheme of Usability Problems: Literature Review and New Conceptual Framework," Journal of Korea Society of IT Services, Vol. 7(4), pp. 179-198, (2008)
Dong-Han Ham, “Design Requirements-Driven Process for Developing Human-System Interfaces," Journal of Korea Safety Management and Science, Vol. 10(1), pp. 83-90, (2008)
Su Jung Ha, Jin Hee Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Jin Sam Kim, "Development of a Component-Based Web Service Development Methodology," The Korea Information Processing Society-Journal of Software Engineering, Vol. 6(4), pp. 3-7, (2004)
Eun Man Choi, Young Ho Kwon, Young Hee An, Dong-Han Ham, and Woo Hyun Jang, "A Study on Software Product Metrics and Data Analysis Technique," The Korea Information Science Society-Software Engineering Review, Vol. 14(4), pp. 62-73, (2001)
Dong-Han Ham, Woo Hyun Jang, and Ji Won Ryu, "Human-Computer Interaction Approach to Software Quality Evaluation," Communications of the Korea Information Science Society, Vol. 19(11), pp. 35-42, (2001)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Effects of Types of Knowledge on the Performance of Fault Diagnosis," Journal of Korea Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 22(3), pp. 399-412, (1996)
International Conferences
Shelly Salim, Seon-Young Yeom, and Dong-Han Ham, " Team Communication Analysis Model for Human Reliability Analysis in Nuclear Power Plants,” The 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association Jointly with INCOSE HIS 2004 (IEA 2024) (2024, Jeju, South Korea)
Piljae Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Hyunchul Lee, "Conceptual Design of Information Displays for Supporting Severe Accident Management in Nuclear Power Plants Using Ecological Interface Design (EID) Framework," The 13th Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control & Human-Machine Interface Technologies (2023, Knoxville, USA)
Dong-Han Ham, "Development of a Model-Based Method for Analyzing Team Communication Activities for Coping with Emergency Situations in Nuclear Power Plants," International Workshop on Human Reliability Analysis and Human Factors Related Issues (2023, Hokkaido University, Japan)
Sam Hepenstal, Dong-Han Ham, Leishi Zhang, and William Wong, “Developing Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence through Cognitive Engineering,” Human-Centered AI Workshop at Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021 (2021, Online)
Jinkyun Park and Dong-Han Ham, "Validating a Team Decision-Making Performance Model Based on the Event Investigation Reports of Diverse Industries," Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management 2019 (2019, Gyeongju, South Korea)
Jinkyun Park, Dong-Han Ham, Won-Jun Jung, and Hyeon-Woo Oh, "Identifying Key Factors Affecting a Team Decision Making Task Based on the Analysis of Investigating Reports Issued from Diverse Industries," The 16th International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (2019, Charleston, USA)
Jinkyun Park, Dong-Han Ham, Jaewhan Kim, and Won-Jun Jung, "Characterizing Decision-Making Tasks Included in SAMGs," International Workshop on Status of Site Level PSA Developments (2018, Munich, Germany)
Young Sik Yoon, Dong-Han Ham, and Wan Chul Yoon, “Applying Activity System Model to Human-Related Accident Analysis,” 2013 IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of HMS (2013, USA-Las Vegas)
Kai Xu, Chris Rooney, Peter Passmore, Dong-Han Ham, and Phong H. Nguyen “A User Study on Curved Edges in Graph Visualization,” 2012 IEEE Information Visualization Conference (InfoVis 2012) (2012, Seattle, USA)
Kai Xu, Chris Rooney, Peter Passmore, and Dong-Han Ham, “A User Study on Curved Edges on Graph Visualization," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (Diagram 2012) (2012, Canterbury, UK)
Dong-Han Ham, JinKyun Park, and Wondea Jung, "TACOM-Based Evaluation of the Complexity of Tasks for Abnormal Situations in Nuclear Power Plants," Proceedings of the 9th Annual Symposium on Human Interaction with Complex Systems (HICS 2009) (2009, Maryland, USA)
Dong-Han Ham, “The State of the Art of Visual Analytics," 2009 EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC 2009) (2009, Reading, UK)
Dong-Han Ham, “A New Framework for Characterizing and Categorizing Usability Problems," 2008 EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC 2008) (2008, Heidelberg, Germany)
William Wong and Dong-Han Ham, “Future Design: Human-Centred Innovation and the Case of the 3D-in-2D Displays," Proceedings of the 2008 CRREATE Conference (CREATE 2008) (2008, London, UK)
Dong-Han Ham, JinKyun Park, and Wondea Jung, "Multi-View Based Conceptual Framework for Identifying and Organizing Complexity Factors of Human-System Interaction," Proceedings of the 8th Annual Symposium on Human Interaction with Complex Systems (HICS 2008) (2008, Virginia, USA)
Gyuhyun Kwon, Dong-Han Ham, and Wan Chul Yoon, “Evaluation of Software Usability Using Scenarios Organized by Abstraction Structure," Proceedings of European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2007) (2007, London, UK)
Dong-Han Ham, Jeongyun Heo, Peter Fossick, William Wong, Sanghyun Park, Chiwon Song, and Mike Bradley, “Conceptual Framework and Models for Identifying and Organizing Usability Impact Factors of Mobile Phones," Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (OZCHI 2006) (2006, Sydney, Australia)
Dong-Han Ham, JinKyun Park, and Wondea Jung, "Empirical Studies Using a Full-Scope Simulator of Nuclear Power Plants," Proceedings In-Use, In-Situ: Extending Field Research Methods Workshop (2005, London, UK)
Dong-Han Ham, William Wong, and Paola Amaldi, "Comparison of Three Methods for Analyzing Human Work in Terms of Design Approaches," Proceedings of INTERACT 2005, Human-Work Interaction Design Workshop (2005, Rome, Italy)
Ji-Hyun Lee, Jin Hee Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Jin Sam Kim, “Methodology for Embedded System Development Based on Product Line," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT 2005) (2005, Phoenix Park, Korea)
Dong-Han Ham, Jin Sam Kim, Jin Hee Cho, and Su Jung Ha, "Developing a Methodology for Component-Based Development," Proceedings of 2002 Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science (2002 APIEMS) (2002, Taiwan)
Jong Kook Lee, Seung Jae Jung, Soo Dong Kim, Dong-Han Ham, and Woo Hyun Jang, "Component Idenfication Method with Coupling and Cohesion," Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (2001, Macau)
Huhn Kim, TaeYoung Son, Dong-Han Ham, Wan Chul Yoon, and Youngchul Shin, "Interface Design for Monitoring and Recovering Critical Safety Functions in KNGR Control Room," Proceedings of 2001 IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of HMS (2001, Kassel, Germany)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "Abstraction Hierarchy-based Information Representation in Designing UI of DSS," Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE' 2001)) (2001, Las Vegas, USA)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Effects of Providing Functionally Abstracted Information in Process Control Tasks," Proceedings of CSEPC (Cognitive Systems Engineering in Process Control) 2000 (2000, Taejon, Korea)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Role of Functionally Abstracted Information in Visual Information Display Design," Proceedings of ESK (Ergonomic Society of Korea) and JES (Japan Ergonomics society) Joint Conference (2000, KyungJoo, Korea)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Effects of Principle Knowledge in Novel Fault Diagnosis," Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference (1996, HongKong)
Domestic Conferences (Korean)
Seon-Young Yeom, Shelly Salim, and Dong-Han Ham, "Modelling a Team Communication Process of Emergency Response Organizations for Handling Emergency Situations in Nuclear Power Plants," 2024 Conference of Korean Society of System Safety (2024, Korean Science and Technology Hall)
Minji Kim, Hyunkyung Lee, Seunguen Lee, Sangyeob Yoo, Okcheol Lee, and Dong-Han Ham, "An Organizational Resilience Model of Infectious Disease-Specific Healthcare Organizations from the Perspective of Nurse Managers: Mixed Methods," 2024 Conference of Korean Society of System Safety (2024, Korean Science and Technology Hall)
Dong-Han Ham, “Introduction to Human Error-Related Accident Analysis Methods for Improving Aviation Safety,” 2024 Spring Conference of Korea Association of Aviation Human Factors (2024, National Aviation Museum of Korea)
Seon-Young Yeom, Shelly Salim, and Dong-Han Ham, "Development of a Method for Modelling Team Communication Process by Using a Resilience Engineering Method,” 2024 Spring Conference of of Korea Institute of Industrial Engineers (2024, Yeosu Expo Convention Centre)
Yun Hyung Chung and Dong-Han Ham, "Modeling a Process of Coping with Fire Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants by Using Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM)," 2023 Fall Conference of Ergonomic Society of Korea (2023, ICC Jeju)
Seon-Young Yeom and Dong-Han Ham, "Analysis of the Interaction between a Driver and Automated Systems by Different Automation Levels of Autonomous Vehicles by Using STAMP," 2023 Conference of Korean Society of System Safety (2023, Korean Science and Technology Hall)
Kiseob Jung and Dong-Han Ham, "Modelling a Process of Receiving and Handling an Emergency Call (112 Call) by Using FRAM," 2023 Conference of Korean Society of System Safety (2023, Korean Science and Technology Hall)
Soojung Yang and Dong-Han Ham, " Analysis of the Collapse Accident of Demolition Work of Hakdong Building in Gwangju Metropolitan City by using FRAM," 2023 Conference of Korean Society of System Safety (2023, Korean Science and Technology Hall)
Eun-Bi Choi, Seon Young Yeom, and Dong-Han Ham, "Analyzing the Cognitive Characteristics of a Human Driver in Automated Vehicles Using the Decision Ladder," 2022 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering (2022, ICC Jeju)
Shelly Salim, Eun-Bi Choi, and Dong-Han Ham, "A Cognitive Systems Engineering Approach to Identifying Information Requirements of Decision Support Systems for Handling Severe Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants," 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering (2021, NIA Jeju Global Centre)
Eun-Bi Choi and Dong-Han Ham, "A FRAM-Based Systemic Analysis for a Crane Collision Accident on Shipyard," 2021 Spring Conference of Ergonomic Society of Korea (2021, Seoul National University)
Piljae Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Hyunchul Lee, "Conceptual Design of Information Display Supporting Severe Accidents Management in Nuclear Power Plants Based on Ecological Information Display Framework," 2021 Spring Conference of Ergonomic Society of Korea (2021, Seoul National University)
Dong-Han Ham, “A Review of Accident Analysis Methods and Their Future Research Directions," 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety (2019, Pusan Haewoondae Grand Hotel)
Byung Chul Kim, Soo Hyun Chaee, and Dong-Han Ham, "A Study on Development and Application of HFACS-K," 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety (2019, Pusan Haewoondae Grand Hotel)
Jong Douck Choi, Soo Hyun Chaee, and Dong-Han Ham, "Application of GMTA for Identifying and Analyzing Functions in the Use of FRAM," 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety (2019, Pusan Haewoondae Grand Hotel)
Tea Won Kang, Soo Hyun Chaee, and Dong-Han Ham, "An Application of FRAM in Manufacturing Industry," 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety (2019, Pusan Haewoondae Grand Hotel)
Jae Geun Lim, Soo Hyun Chaee, and Dong-Han Ham, "Study of Resilience FRAM Method Tailored to the Characteristics of Domestic Industry," 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety (2019, Pusan Haewoondae Grand Hotel)
Hyeon-Woo Oh and Dong-Han Ham, "Developing of Information Displays Based on Ecological Interface Design for Supporting Responsive Actions in Critical Situations in Nuclear Power Plants,” 2018 Fall Conference of Ergonomic Society of Korea (2018, Kyungju Hyudai Hotel)
Seungmin Lee and Dong-Han Ham, "Suggesting Information Security Consulting Methodology Customized for State of SMB ICT Infra,” 2018 Fall Conference of Ergonomic Society of Korea (2018, Kyungju Hyudai Hotel)
Dong-Han Ham, “The State of the Art of Cognitive Systems Engineering in Nuclear Industry,” 2018 Fall Conference of Korean Nuclear Society (2018, Yeosu Expo Convention Centre)
Dong-Han Ham, "A Study on Effective Management of Near-Miss," 2017 Spring Conference of Korea Association of Aviation Human Factors (2017, Korea Airports Corporation)
Young Sik Yoon, Dong-Han Ham, and Wan Chul Yoon, "Enhancement of System Resilience through Integrating Safety-I and Safety-II," 2016 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety (2016, Chungju Grand Plaza Hotel)
Min Seok Kim, Dong Woo Seo, Jae Yeol Lee, Dong-Han Ham, and Sang Min Lee, “Development of VR/AR Integrated System for Supporting Multi View of Large-Scale Structural Analysis Models,” 2013 Fall Conference of Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (2013, JeJu KAL Hotel)
Ji Hyun Lee, Jin Hee Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Jin Sam Kim, “Methodology for Embedded Systems Development Based on Product Line," 2004 Fall Conference Proceedings of Korea Information Processing Society (2004, TaeGu Catholic University)
Dong-Han Ham, Jin Sam Kim, and Chang Soon Park, "Incorporating User-Centered Design Process into CBD Methodology," 2003 Fall Conference Proceedings of the Korea Society of System Integration (2003, Korea Science and Technology Hall)
Dong-Han Ham, Jin Sam Kim, Su Jung Ha, and Jin Hee Cho, "Outline of Domain Theory as a New Approach to Software Reuse," 2002 Fall Conference Proceedings of the Korea Society of System Integration (2002, Korea Science and Technology Hall)
Su Jung Ha, Jin Hee Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Jin Sam Kim, "Development of a Methodology for Component-Based Systems Development," 2002 Fall Conference Proceedings of Korea Information Processing Society (2002, SunMoon University)
Dong-Han Ham, Jin Sam Kim, Su Jung Ha, and Jin Hee Cho, “Cognitive Systems Engineering: New Paradigm for Human-Centered Software and Systems Design," 2002 Spring Symposium Proceedings of Korea Systems Engineering Associations (2002, Agency for Defense Development)
Dong-Han Ham, Woo Hyun Jang, Ji Won Ryu, and Sang Duk Lee, "Overview of Software Quality Certification Service and the Roles of Cognitive Systems Engineering," 2001 Fall Conference Proceedings of Korea Institute of Industrial Engineers (2001, MyongJi University)
Byoungtae Han, Huhn Kim, Dong-Han Ham, and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Role of Graphical Format in Designing Information Display for Process Control," 2001 Conference Proceedings of Korea Human-Computer Interaction Society (2001, Phoenix Park)
Dong-Han Ham, Huhn Kim, Jungyoon Huh, Haekyoung Lee, and Wan Chul Yoon, "A Design Process and Requirements for Advanced Control Room from Cognitive Engineering Perspective," 1999 Fall Conference Proceedings of Ergonomic Society of Korea (1999, Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency)
Kyunghoon Jung, Wan Chul Yoon, and Dong-Han Ham, "Evaluation of Next Generation NPP Control Room Design from Cognitive Engineering Perspective," 1996 Spring Conference Proceedings of Korea Institute of Industrial Engineers (1996, Korea Air Force Academy)
Dong-Han Ham and Wan Chul Yoon, "The Effects of Types of Knowledge on the Performance of Fault Diagnosis," 1995 Spring Conference Proceedings of Korea Institute of Industrial Engineers (1995, Chonnam University)
Dong-Han Ham, “Overview of Research Areas of Software Architecture and International Standard IEEE 1471," IT Standard Weekly-TTA, Vol. 12 (2004)
Dong-Han Ham, “The State of the Art of Real-Time Enterprise Research and Development," Report on International Trends of Industrial Technologies-KISTI (2005)
Dong-Han Ham, “Research Trends of Human-Computer Interaction," Article of ChungBuk TechnoPark Webzine-ChungBuk TechnoPark (2006)
"System Safety Engineering from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Systems Engineering: Concepts and Recent Case Studies," (November 2024, Korean Science and Technology Hall)
"Evaluation Methods of Non-Technical Skills of Nuclear Power Plant Operators," (October 2024, Changwon Convention Centre)
"Introduction to Functional Resonance Analysis Method and Its Applications to Healthcare Industry," (November 2023, Yeongwol Medical Center)
"Introduction to Functional Resonance Analysis Method and Its Applications to Healthcare Industry," (November 2023, Namwon Medical Center)
"Introduction to Functional Resonance Analysis Method and Its Applications to Healthcare Industry," (November 2023, Jeju Seogwipo Medical Center)
"System Approaches to Aviation Safety Issues," Invited Lecture on Safety Management System of Aviation Industry (2020 ~ 2023, Korea Transportation Safety Authority)
"Introduction to Functional Resonance Analysis Method and Its Applications," Invited Lecture (August 2023, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
"Introduction to Safety-II and Reslience Engineering"," Invited Lecture (August 2022, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
"Introduction to Safety Management Systems (SMS) in Aviation Industry," Invited Lecture (August 2019, Incheon International Airport Corporation)
"Resilience Engineering: State-of-the-Art and Research Issues," Invited Expert Speaking (August 2019, Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute)
"Introduction to Accident Analysis and Modelling Methods," Invited Expert Speaking (July 2019, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency)
"Overview of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM)," Invited Expert Speaking (July 2019, Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute)
"Resilience Engineering and Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM)," Invited Lecture (June 2019, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
"New Concept of System Safety and Systems Approach to Safety," Invited Lecture (May, June 2019, Korea Transportation Safety Authority)
"Current Research Trends of Resilience Engineering in Healthcare Systems," Invited Lecture (July 2018, Korean Society for Quality in Health Care)
"Introduction to Safety-II and Resilience Engineering," Invited Expert Speaking (March 2017, Korea Industrial Safety Association)
"State of the Art of Cognitive Work Analysis and Ecological Interface Design," Invited Expert Speaking (January 2017, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
"Improvement of Human Performance Enhancement System and Near-Miss Management in Complex Systems," Invited Expert Speaking at the 3rd Human Performance Enhancement Workshop (November 2016, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power)
"Introduction to Safety-II and Resilience Engineering," Invited Expert Speaking (October 2016, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
"Introduction to Safety-II and Resilience Engineering," Invited Expert Speaking (July 2016, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
"Application of Activity Theory to the Analysis of Human Errors in Complex Systems," Invited Expert Speaking (January 2015, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
"A Model-Based Identification and Use of Task Complexity Factors for Designing and Evaluating Human-System Interaction," Human-Computer Interaction in Human Thinking Workshop (October 2014, KAIST)
"Application of Activity Theory to Analysis of Human-Related Accidents," Invited Expert Speaking at the 1st Human Performance Enhancement Workshop (September 2014, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power)
"A Conceptual Model for Identifying and Using Task Complexity Factors in Human Integrated Systems," Invited Expert Speaking (March 2013, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
"Model-Based Identification and Use of Task Complexity Factors in Human Integrated Systems," Interaction Design Centre Meeting (February 2013, Middlesex University)
“Model-Based Approach to Identifying and Using Task Complexity Factors,” Invited Expert Speaking (December 2012, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
"Overview of Cognitive Systems Engineering," Invited Expert Speaking (December 2012, Chosun University)
"Model-Based Identification and Use of Task Complexity Factors of Human Integrated Systems," Invited Expert Speaking (June 2010, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
"The State of the Art of Visual Analytics," Invited Expert Speaking (June 2010, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
“Measuring the Complexity of Procedure-Based Tasks in Nuclear Power Plants," The First Annual Interaction Design Symposium (April 2009, Middlesex University)
“Overview of KAERI Project and HCI Studies at OECD Halden Reactor Project," Interaction Design Centre Meeting (March 2008, Middlesex University)
“Usability Factors of Mobile Phones and Quantification of Usability," Invited Expert Speaking (December 2007, Telecommunications Technology Association)
“Overview and Research Trends of Cognitive Systems Engineering," Invited Expert Speaking (June 2007, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
"The State of the Art of Cognitive Systems Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction," Invited Speaking Program (June 2007, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
“Methodological Consideration for Studying Context Factors from the Research of Usability Factors of Mobile Phones," Invited Expert Speaking (June 2007, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
“Research Trends of Cognitive Work Analysis and Ecological Interface Design," Invited Speaker Programme (March 2006, University of Leceister)
“The State of the Art of Embedded Systems Development Methodology," Korean Quality council for Information Technology (October 2004, Posdata)
"Research Trends of Software Component Standardization," Software Engineering Standardization Workshop (October 2004, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards)
"Domain Architecture Modeling Description," Software Modeling Workshop (October 2003, Bit Computer)
"Overview of UML and Its Applications" (May 2002, KAIST)
“Software Quality Evaluation and Certification” (May 2001, KAIST)
Ji Hyun Lee, Jin Hee Cho, Dong-Han Ham, and Jin Sam Kim “Method and Apparatus for Analyzing Functionality and Test Path of Product Line Using Priority Graph," (Korea, Patent Number: 10-0575581), (USA, Patent Number: 20060129418