Development of a Communication Analysis Model and Investigation of Communication Performance Influencing Factors at Emergency Response Organizations of Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plants (National Research Foundation of Korea, 2022-2024)
Theoretical and Application Studies of Resilient Systems Based on Safety-II and Resilience Engineering (National Research Foundation of Korea, 2020-2024)
Theoretical Studies and Case Studies for Improving the Practicality of FRAM (Functional Resonance Analysis Method) (Chonnam National University, 2020-2021)
Identification of Decision Requirements for Managing Severe Accident Situations of Nuclear Power Plants Based on Resilience Engineering Methods (KAERI, 2020-2022)
A Basic Study for Developing a New Accident Analysis Method Based on Safety-II (National Research Foundation of Korea, 2019-2020)
Development of Ecological Information Displays for Supporting Responsive Action in the Severe Accident Situation (KAERI, 2017-2021)
Identification of Factors Influencing Group Decision Making Based on Integrated Cognition Model (KAERI, 2017-2019)
Development of System Safety Enhancement Methodology Based on Systems Science and Cognitive Science (National Research Foundation of Korea, 2016-2019)
Development of a System Theory-Based Methodology for Designing Human-System Interfaces to Improve the Productivity of Smart Factories (Chonnam National University, 2016)
Development of a Method for Analyzing and Predicting Human-Related Accidents Based on Activity Theory (Chonnam National University, 2016-2017)
Development of System Safety Enhancement Methodology Based on Resilience Engineering Concept (Chonnam National University, 2015)
Application of Cognitive Systems Engineering Principles to Design of Method and Software for Supporting Foreign Language Education (Union & EC, 2013-2015)
Development of Human-Centred Systems Engineering Methodology Based on Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) Framework (National Research Foundation of Korea, 2012-2015)
Theoretical and Practical Advancement of Cognitive Work Analysis Framework (Chonnam National University, 2012-2014)
UK Visual Analytics Consortium Joint Research Project (Mod of UK and DHS of US, 2011-2012)
Interactive Visual Search and Query Environment (JISC, 2009)
Development of Model-Based Method for Evaluating Cognitive Task Complexity Evaluation and Human-Machine Interfaces Design (KAERI, 2007-2010)
Usability Impact Factors of Mobile Phones for Expert Evaluation and Benchmarking (LG Electronics, 2005-2006)
Establishment of Embedded Systems Development Framework (MIC, 2004 ~ 2006)
Research on Software Component Standards (MIC, 2004 ~ 2006)
Development of Methods for Evaluating a Technological Level of Package Software (MIC, 2003)
A Study on the State of the Art of Software Bench Marking Testing and a Method Promoting it (MIC, 2003)
Standardization of Software Component and Its Development Method (MIC, 2001-2003)
Development of Component-Based System Development Methodology-MaRMI (III) (MIC, 2001-2003)
Development of Software Usability Evaluation Process and Modules (ETRI, 2001)
Development of Methods to Evaluate the Quality of Web-based Application Software (ETRI, 2001)
Development of Software Quality Evaluation and Measurement Techniques (ETRI, 2001)
Improvement of Current Software Quality Evaluation Manual and Module Used by ETRI (MIC, 2001)
Performing Task Analysis and Developing Computer-Support System for Human Error Analysis in NPP, (KAERI, 1999-2001)
Concurrent Evaluation for KNGR Control Room Design from Cognitive Engineering Perspective, (KEPRI, 1999-2001)
Evaluation of Cognitive Usability on Electric and Communication Device (Samsung Electronics, 1996-1998)
Evaluation of NPP-MCR from Human Engineering Perspective, (KEPRI, 1995-1998)
Development of K-HPES(Korean Human Performance Enhancement System)(II), (KEPRI, 1995-1998)
Development of NPP Operator's Cognitive Task Analysis Method, (KAERI, 1995-1996)