Transaction Templates

The DocVerify Transaction System uses either text based or HTML based templates to dynamically create new DocVerify documents.

The Transaction API allows for data to be passed directly to the template, and templates must follow some simple rules in order for them to function properly.

The following template elements below are allowed. It's very important that all elements have an opening "[" and closing "]" bracket, and must be in uppercase. When the document is created, the elements below will be replaced with the data you provide when calling the method. The system is also capable of accepting XML based structered data as well, and please refer to the XML documentation for more information.

In the example below, the template is a very simple and basic authorization form that will utilize some of the elements above.

I, [SIGNERNAME], on [DATE], accept the following terms of the agreement.

When DocVerify receives the data it will simply replace the element [SIGNERNAME] with the name you provided, and the element [DATE] will be replaced with the date you provide. In addition to creating the dynamic document, DocVerify will also add the Signer's electronic signature to the document as well as any Digital Signatures if applicable.

The template system also accepts HTML tags such as:




<DIV ALIGN="..." STYLE="...">

<FONT SIZE="..." COLOR="...">

<FONT STYLE="...">




