E-Notary Easy Sign System API Integration
DocVerify E-Notary Easy Sign System API Integration
The DocVerify Easy Sign API System will allow our e-notary integration partners to easily integrate DocVerify inside an IFrame directly within their own portals giving full flexibility, and allowing the participants and notary to e-notarize or remote notarize the document directly from your own portals.
The system works by allowing you to upload a document, and allowing you to display that document from within an IFrame. The system is also fully integrated with our Smart Tags, which will allow you to designate special fields, and locations where you want signature elements to appear within the document. The Smart Tags will also allow you the flexibility of creating any type of text field within your PDF for DocVerify to populate. In addition to the Smart Tags, you can also create signature elements on the fly using our XML system. Please refer to both the Smart Tags and XML documentation for more information about the two systems.
The Easy Sign System also works with the DocVerify URL Push or Web Hook system. If both are activated, DocVerify will update your system in real time when new signature documents are created and their status as signers do things such as view or sign documents. The system allows up to three participants per document allowing the notary to e-notarize any document directly from within your own portal.
This feature is a closed API / widget and only available to strategic partners with special activation, notarization trust permissions, and API access to the e-notary platform. This API is also not available to everyone with an edition that allows for API access, and requires partnership contracts to be able to have full access to it. Please contact DocVerify for more info.
For more information visit www.docverify.com or contact DocVerify sales at sales@docverify.com.
To use the system, you MUST be an e-notary strategic partner, and after agreements are activated this feature will be enabled for the organization.
IMPORTANT: When testing, make sure you are not signed in to DocVerify.
Once you have special permissions from DocVerify. To activate:
- Sign in to DocVerify
- Go to "My Account"
- Click on the API tab
- Click on API Activation.
- Click on Active Easy Sign.
After activation, you will receive an "API Key" and "API Signature" needed for the API, and an "IKey" needed for the Easy Sign System, which you will use to access the Easy Sign system from within your own web site.
Note: By using the DocVerify Easy Sign System you agree to the DocVerify Terms of Use. It is also the responsibility to guarantee ALL of the data collected is accurate as it may violate state laws if it's not.
Precautions: Although not required, it is highly recommended to utilize javascript in order to hide certain aspects of the url when submitting to DocVerify such as creating the src link for the iframe.
Creating a new document signature request is a two step process. Step 1, you must upload the document through the API. Step 2, after a successful upload you will take the DocVerify ID and use that ID to access the document through an IFrame. The steps are fully explained below.
Step 1:
Your account MUST be permitted by DocVerify to allow for the E-Notary Easy Sign integration as this feature is not available to most clients. Please contact DocVerify for more information about including this integration in your e-closing, escrow, title, or any other application where e-notarizations are required.
Access to the Internet over port 443. Support for XML Web Services. Such support is available through a wide range of tools, such as:
- Microsoft .NET languages (VB.net, C#, ASPX)
- Java
- SOAP toolkits
- etc.
Document MUST be a PDF, and cannot exceed 4MB in size.
IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to accurately collect the information for the e-notarizations, you are NOT permitted to save the notary's DocVerify credentials OR each of the participant's notary journal information. Failure to follow or any violation of these rules or state laws will get your account revoked or suspended without notice.
Programmers Guide
Accessing the DocVerify API Web Service
DocVerify Notary API Web Service WSDL may be accessed at https://api.docverify.com/notary/?wsdl.
The DocVerify Notary API Web Service may be accessed at https://api.docverify.com/notary/.
Method Reference
All properties or variables are required unless they are specifically stated as being optional.
IMPORTANT: If there is more than one participant, the same requirements apply to all of the participants as participant one. If you have more than one participant, please look at Participant one's required properties because if the Participant two or three do not have all of their required respective properties then the request will be rejected.
Step 1:
Method Name: AddNewNotaryTransaction - Please refer to the method documentation found in the notary API page for creating new transactions that can also be accessed through the Easy Sign Iframe. https://apidocs.docverify.com/home/notary-partners
Step 2:
After you have successfully received a DocVerify ID, you will be able to access that document through an IFrame.
Note: After receiving the DocVerifyID you may have to wait a couple of seconds before invoking the IFrame.
IMPORTANT: The Easy Sign system should be in a secure authenticated area of your website in order to maintain the highest levels of authenticity.
Basic Integration:
<iframe id="dviframe" src="https://www.docverify.com?ikey={YOUR IKEY HERE}&enid={DOCVERIFY ID AFTER SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSION}" width="840" height="1150" frameborder="0" allow="microphone; camera">
Simply copy and paste the above HTML IFrame code into your existing web site, replace the ikey with your DocVerify IKey, replace the email with the signer's email, and replace the templateid with the Template ID from your DocVerify library. Also make sure to include allow="microphone; camera" in your iframe markup otherwise it will not allow the iframe to access the camera or microphone.
For example, if our ikey is "1234567890", and the DocVerify ID is "ABCD1234-0000-0000-0000-ABCD1234ABCD". The Iframe HTML would look like the one below.
<iframe id="dviframe" src="https://www.docverify.com?ikey=1234567890&enid=ABCD1234-0000-0000-0000-ABCD1234ABCD" width="840" height="1150" frameborder="0" allow="microphone; camera">
And that's it.... every time the IFrame loads a new document is created on the fly for the signer to sign right within your own web site
Important: All IFrame source MUST be URL Encoded.
IFrame Testing:
You can easily test the IFrame from within your own web site without incurring any charges until the functionality is achieved on your web site If the testmode parameter is included, and testmode=true, the IFrame will load with a test document that will have a similar layout as the actual live documents. Simply use the code below as a reference, and replace ikey with your own DocVerify IKey.
<iframe id="dviframe" src="https://www.docverify.com?ikey={YOUR IKEY HERE}&testmode=true" width="840" height="1150" frameborder="0" allow="microphone; camera">
Javascript or Server Side:
In some cases you will have to either use javascript for client side source manipulation of the Iframe src or use server side applications to manipulate or change the IFrame src. We will not be discussing any of the server side methods because any number of technologies such as .Net, PHP, Java, Ruby, etc., can be used. For most Javascript will do the job.
For this example we will use Javascript, and the only assumption we will make is that the page will have a textbox with the id of "txtemail" where the signer can enter their email address; however, this email address can be derived from any number of places, but for this example the signer will enter it.
<script type="text/javascript">
//set IKey
var ikey = "1234567890";
//Set DocVerify ID
var docverifyid = "ABCD1234-0000-0000-0000-ABCD1234ABCD";
//create the source string for the IFrame
var src = "http://www.docverify.com?" + "ikey=" + ikey + "&enid=" + docverifyid
// set the iframe src
window.frames['dviframe'].src = src;
There is lots of information out there on the web on how to do all of the above, we also recommend taking a look at jquery as well for simplifying Javascripting.
Javascript Tools:
Additional URL Parameters:
- psize - By default the UI where the document is previewed is set to a size that maximizes user experience; however in some instances you may not want the user to scroll vertically to see the entire page. There are two values that you can set in the URL to dynamically change the vertical preview size. You can either set the value to letter or legal.
- bgcol - The background color for some of the elements can actually be controlled through the preferences setting for the user's account; however, in some cases you may want to override those settings to inject your own background color scheme. If you use this option you must use Hex Color Codes, and if it's not in the proper format the override color will be ignored.
- txtcol - The text color for some of the bar elements can actually be controlled through the preferences setting for the user's account; however, in some cases you may want to override those settings to inject your own text color scheme. If you use this option you must use Hex Color Codes, and if it's not in the proper format the override color will be ignored.
Post Message to Parent Frame:
When using IFrames, and if you're not using the Webhook it may get difficult knowing when the signer has completed the transaction in the child Iframe. DocVerify also utilizes the window.parent.postMessage javascript function to send a message from the DV Iframe to the parent frame that it is residing in. When the transaction completes the message "completed" will be sent to the parent. You can search Google as there are a few ways of consuming the postMessage messages from the DV Iframe as it's best to set up a listener to wait for the event to occur.