Media & Blog posts

Daryl has been a regular studio guest on BBC Radio 4's All in the Mind with the fantastic Claudia Hammond (click on the dates below for links to each of the programmes).

4th June 2024: Discussing adolescents' perceptions of household chaos and adult mental health, the psychology of contacting old friends and more.  

12th December 2023: Discussing compassion fatigue, natural emotion word use & cardiovascular responses and much more

21st November 2023:  Discussing our own recent research on interventions to change cortisol levels, as well as links between private renting and biological ageing, and the benefits of exercising before work. 

31st October 2023: Discussing new research on brain activity & sleep, thought suppression & benefical effects of expressing gratitude. 

6th June 2023: Discussing new research on whether nominative determinism exists in the real world & links between intelligence and decision-making (& there’s much more). 

9th May 2023: Discussing whether lonely people process the world in different ways and about a new mindfulness study for trauma recovery for refugees

20th December 2022: Discussing the findings of his recent research investigating contracting COVID and longer-term mental health as well as research on how to reduce PTSD and more.

13th December 2022: Commenting on new findings on using pretend play to increase persistence in science in girls and on the beneficial effects of an emotional regulation strategy known as temporal distancing 

31st May 2022: Commenting on his new research into the long-term effects of COVID-19 on mental health as well as discussing work on self-perceptions of aging and mortality and more. 

10th May 2022: Commenting on on-going mental health research including new findings that show that deliberately seeking out discomfort can help drive personal growth. 

23rd November 2021: Commenting on new research on air pollution and mental health, depersonalisation disorder and an exciting new counter-messaging strategy called the Poison Parasite Counter.

2nd June 2021: Talking about new research using behavioural activation for depression in older people, gratitude and motivation and beneficial effects of remembering times when you handled difficult situations well.

4th May 2021: Talking about the links between racial microaggressions and mental health, whether the pen is mightier than the keyboard, and using nostalgia to promote help-seeking.  

10th November 2020: Talking about COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs & health protective behaviours, whether smiling is associated with health care seeking & how loneliness “can get under the skin”. 

16th June 2020: Talking about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of NHS frontline workers and early life stress and catching the common cold as an adult.

14th January 2020: Amongst other things, Daryl and Claudia discuss one of the finest papers I've read in a while - on altruism reducing pain perception.

26th November 2019: Discussing recent research on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, his own recent work in this area and research on conscientiousness and brain health. 

4th June 2019: Discussing a new technique to reduce fear of spiders, the need for more psychologists, empathic cars and affective computing.

5th December 2018: Daryl is discussing the importance of self-care amongst many other things on today's episode.

15th May 2018: Talking about the relationship between conscientiousness and stress and the contagious effects of yawning.



Daryl is special guest on the excellent Food, We Need to Talk podcast talking to Juna Gjata and Eddie Phillips about stress and cortisol, eating, trauma & suicide

Daryl joins the Engagement Coach podcast to discuss stress, work and health.

A really enjoyable discussion with Stevie Ward and Chris O'Connor. Scroll to #27 to listen.

INTERVIEWS IN The Psychologist

January 2015 (Vol. 28, pp. 40-41)

9th April 2020

Old media favourites: Behavioural effects of testosterone