Materials list for optional practical exercises, Understanding and Applying Colour


Assortment of flat and round, bristle and/or synthetic soft-hair brushes of various sizes from fine to large, in good condition.


Any basic set of good-quality oil paints will suffice, but if you do not already have paints then preferably obtain:

Titanium white

Winsor & Newton ‘Charcoal Grey’ (a black) OR any ivory black

Bright magenta (like Winsor & Newton ‘Permanent Rose’ OR Gamblin 1980 ‘Quinacridone Magenta’)

Bright red (like cadmium red OR ‘Cadmium Red Hue’ OR Winsor & Newton/Art Spectrum Red)

Bright yellow (like cadmium yellow OR ‘Cadmium Yellow Hue’ OR Winsor & Newton/Art Spectrum Yellow)

Phthalocyanine blue (might be labelled ‘Phthalo Blue’ or ‘Winsor Blue’ etc.)

Phthalocyanine green (might be labelled 'Phtalo Green' or 'Winsor Green' etc.)

Yellow ochre

Raw umber.


Pieces of acrylic-primed canvas, a bit bigger than A4 (most offcuts sold at Parkers Art Supplies are suitable); stretched canvases around 30cmx40cm may be used instead for the later classes.

Other equipment and materials

Pen, pencil, notebook and ruler

Tube of Matisse Carbon Grey acrylic paint for toning canvas

Palette: either a wooden palette (not white) OR a small glass clip frame or plate of glass

Stainless steel palette or mixing knife (not plastic)

Sealed container (‘dipper’ or ‘palette cup’) for painting medium

Linseed oil (small bottle)

Odourless solvent

Old rags and paper towels.