IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference

6-9 April 2020 // Seoul, South Korea

Beyond Connectivity: What Comes After 5G


IEEE WCNC 2rd Workshop on 5G and Beyond Technology-enabled Remote Health Systems (5G Remote Health)

(in conjunction with IEEE WCNC)


Scope of interest:

High-quality hospitals and medical resources are mostly in big cities. Remote areas are lack of these infrastructures and resources. Technology development is to make human life more convenient, but not to distinguish people according to their living places or any other characters. However, up to now, in digital-technology developments such as fifth generation (5G), less attention has been paid to the remote areas. In order to alleviate the difference between big cities and remote areas, some technologies with a purpose of providing people living in remote areas with high-quality health services, are thus of great significance. One of these technologies is the 5G and beyond technology-enabled remote health systems.

The goal of this Workshop in IEEE WCNC is to invite researchers from academia, industry and government to publish their latest efforts, to identify and discuss technical challenges, solutions, legislations and recent advances related to 5G remote health systems. It is designed to attract papers that will address the key challenges of 5G remote health systems. Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers in any of, but not limited to, the following or related topics of interest:

o Massive MIMO technologies for 5G remote health

o Mmwave technologies for 5G remote health

o NOMA technologies for 5G remote health

o Rate splitting multiple access technologies for 5G remote health

o Compress Sensing technologies for 5G remote health

o Internet of things (IoT) technologies for 5G remote health

o Cyber security technologies for vital sign protection and sharing

o Spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency analysis in 5G remote health systems

o Software defined network (SDN) technologies for 5G remote health

o Network slicing-based deeply programmable networks for 5G remote health

Information centralized networking (ICN) technologies for 5G remote health

o Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) technologies for 5G remote health

o Centralized and decentralized network architectures for 5G remote health

o Content division strategies for 5G remote health

o Energy efficiency analysis for 5G remote health

o Unlicensed frequency band usage for 5G remote health

o Optimal resource allocation strategies for 5G remote health

o Network architectures and optimal routing for 5G remote health

o Government legislations for 5G remote health

o Ethical issues on 5G remote health

o Public education activities and analysis for 5G remote health

o Standardization activities and analysis for 5G remote health


Paper Submission: 31 December 2019 Di Zhang (Zhengzhou University, China & Seoul National University, South Korea)

Acceptance Notification: 31 January 2020 Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues (Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) & Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal)

Camera-Ready: 15 February 2020 Yunkai Zhai (National Engineering Laboratory for Internet Medical Systems and Applications, China)

Full details of submission procedures are available at https://wcnc2020.ieee-wcnc.org/ Kaoru Sezaki (the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)

Paper Submission link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=26944&track=100040


Haesik Kim (VTT Tech. Res. Centre of Finland, Oulu, Finland)


Byonghyo Shim (Seoul National University, South Korea)

Jae-Hyun Kim (Ajou University, South Korea)

Zhisheng Niu (Tsinghua University, China)

Hsiao Hwa Chen (National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan)

Tarik Taleb (Aalto University, Finland)

Guu-Chang Yang (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)