General Co-Chairs:
Di Zhang (Zhengzhou Univ., China)
Karabulut Kurt, Gunes (Polytechnique Montreal, CA)
Symeon Chatzinotas, (Univ. Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Yuwei Su (State Key Laboratory of Space-Ground Integrated Information Technology)
Technical Program Chairs:
Ying He, UT Sydney, Australia
Minghua Xia, SYSU, China
Miaowen Wen, SCUT, China
Neng Ye, BIT, China
Li You, Southeast Univ., China
Shigeru Shimamoto, Waseda Univ., Japan
Yume Abe, NICT, Japan
Jihwan Choi, KAIST, South Korea
Giovanni Giambene, Uni. Siena, Italy
Ubiquitous space air ground integrated communication (USGIC) is emerging as a vital aspect of the sixth generation (6G) wireless communications. Due to the long transmission distance and complex communication environments, reliable communication become a challenging issue for 6G USGIC. Some new fundamental information theory and signal processing methods that can adaptively match the channel changes are needed. On the other hand, a comprehensive scope from the networking and the communication aspects are required. The goal of this workshop is to invite researchers from both academia, industry and other related areas to publish their latest efforts, to identify and discuss technical challenges, solutions of 6G-USGIC.Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers in any of, but not limited to, the following topics:
Information theory and performance analysis for 6G-USGIC
Fundamental information theory
Quantum information theory
Channel estimation and modeling
Space to ground signal propagation analysis
Signal processing technologies for 6G-USGIC
Quantum signal processing technologies
Orthogonal/non-orthogonal access technologies
Spatial, time, and spectrum diversity technologies
Source and channel coding technologies
Networking technologies for 6G-USGIC
Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) networking technologies
Queuing theory and optimization algorithms
Network protocol and routing technologies
Time sensitive networking technologies
Location: Rhodes is the capital of the Dodecanese group of islands in the southeast Aegean archipelagos, where east meets west. Rich in historic heritage, it has been a crossroad of many civilizations and features a UNESCO-heritage medieval old town. It offers a cosmopolitan mix of a vibrant city lifestyle, idyllic beaches, historic tours, easy access to other Greek islands and many other Mediterranean attractions. Rhodes airport has direct air connections to many European cities.
Paper Submission Guidelines: The workshop papers will follow the standard IEEE ICASSP format. See the ICASSP Paper Submission Guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions section in the paper kit.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission: February 24, 2023
Paper Acceptance: 14 April 2023
Camera Ready: 28 April 2023
Session Chair: Saed Daoud, Université du Luxembourg
Room:Nefeli Hall
Date:Sat June 10th, morning
Session AM-1, 8:30 - 10:00 am
8:30-9:30 am Keynote 1:Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations – A game-changer for global connectivity?
Professor Björn Ottersten, Université du Luxembourg
9:30-9:45am ID: 6874 Title: Air-to-Ground Communications Beyond 5G: The Formation Control of UAV Swarm
9:45-10:00am ID 6938 Title: Cyclic Delay-Doppler Shift: A Simple Transmit Diversity Technique for Delay-Doppler Waveforms in Doubly Selective Channels
Coffee break AM: 10:00 - 10:30 am
Session AM-2, 10:30 - 12:00 noon
10:30-11:15 am Keynote 2: From age of information to data importance and relevance
Professor Nikolaos Pappas, Linköping University
11:15-11:30 am ID: 6972 Title: Towards High-Security Ubiquitous IoT Networks Using AI
11:30-11: 45 am ID: 7116 Title: LEO Satellite-based Space Solar Power Systems
11:45-12:00 am ID:7142 Title: Research on Multipath Separation and Parameter Estimation Algorithm Based on DHA
Keynote 1: Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations – A game-changer for global connectivity?
Björn Ottersten – Professor, University of Luxembourg
Abstract: The satellite communications sector is experiencing an unprecedented revolution pushed by the popularity of low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations for satellite Internet access. Satellite communication networks are evolving to become an integral part of terrestrial networks. With this integration comes the promise of wireless services to remote underserved areas and also backup connectivity in the presence of network failures or disaster events. We discuss broad trends that are changing the design of satellite communication networks fundamentally. Specifically, signal processing advances will be addressed with focus on multi-antenna transmit precoding techniques to improve coverage and spectral/energy efficiency, as well as link reliability and security. Recent advances validating these technologies over satellite and bringing them closer exploitation will also be presented.
Bio: Professor Björn Ottersten is Director for the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust at the University of Luxembourg. He received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1991 and then appointed Professor of Signal Processing at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. He has received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award, the IEEE Communications Society Satellite Communications Distinguished Service Award, the EURASIP Group Technical Achievement Award, and is a two-time recipient of the European Research Council advanced research grant. His research interests include signal processing, wireless communications, and radar systems.
Keynote 2: From age of information to data importance and relevance
Nikolaos Pappas, Linköping University
Abstract: Wireless networks are evolving to cater to emerging cyber-physical and mission-critical interactive systems, such as swarm robotics, self-driving cars, and the intelligent Internet of Things. A fundamental shift in thinking is necessary to satisfy the requirements for real-time communication, autonomous decision-making, and efficient distributed processing. In this talk, we will focus on the freshness and value of information and present some initial results and ongoing works on semantics-aware goal-oriented communication. In addition, we will discuss potential research directions for satellite communication networks and how the incorporation of semantics can enhance their performance.
Bio: Nikolaos Pappas received the B.Sc. degree in computer science, the B.Sc. degree in mathematics, the M.Sc. degree in computer science, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Crete, Greece, in 2005, 2012, 2007, and 2012, respectively. From 2005 to 2012, he was a Graduate Research Assistant with the Telecommunications and Networks Laboratory, Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece, and a Visiting Scholar with the Institute of Systems Research, University of Maryland at College Park, College Park, MD, USA. From 2012 to 2014, he was a postdoctoral Researcher with the Department of Telecommunications, CentraleSupelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Linkoping, Sweden. His main research interests include the field of wireless communication networks with an emphasis on semantics-aware communications, energy harvesting networks, network-level cooperation, age of information, and stochastic geometry. Dr. Pappas has served as the Symposium Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Communications in 2022 and the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference in 2022. He is an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, the IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, the IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, Area Editor of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society and an Expert Editor for invited papers of the IEEE Communication Letters. He is a guest editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine and the IEEE Network. He was a Guest Editor of the IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL on Age of Information and Data Semantics for Sensing, Communication and Control Co-Design in IoT.