- Sewing Instructions

Printable pattern is on the "Pattern" page.

Lightweight cotton works well. You will need 11 inches of 45 inch wide fabric for 1-2 covers. Download and print the pattern, making sure the scale on the bottom left is accurate. This requires basic sewing skills, it's easy, you can make a bunch! Watch my video to have a better idea of how to sew this project. This pattern fits Hollister 12 inch adult bags, with either a 1 3/4 or 2 1/4 inch flange opening. Cut all pieces on the fold of your fabric.

1. Hem top edge of "C" piece: Fold edge over 1/4 inch, twice, then sew.

2. Sew Circle: With right sides facing, sew both sides of "B" piece together, around the circle , 1/4" from the edge. Clip around the circle without cutting stiches. Turn inside out, through the hole. Press.

3. Hem bottom of "B" piece: Fold each bottom edge 1/4 inch inside, and sew across.

4. Assemble and sew: On work surface, place "A" piece right side up, then "B" piece right side down, then "C" piece right side down. Pin pieces together. ("Triangles" don't need to perfectly match up, they are just there so you know top from bottom). Sew all the way around, 1/4" from edge. Zig-Zag edge and turn inside out. You're done!