What Are Some Major Points Covered In The Divorce Law?

The process of divorce may become lengthy if there are cases involved like violence, dowry or the domestic assault. The necessary steps and points which can make you win the case are only in the hands of the experience divorce lawyer.

Day by day cases for divorce are registered at the local court in Singapore. Many of them are running from a long time because of the negligence of the lawyer or both the parties are unable to negotiate at some point. The major reasons for which divorce law is complex and known to be lengthy are- child custody, asset claim, maintenance amount and if any of the party is not ready to separate. Besides, nonnegotiable divorce cases, there are several couples who believe in mediation law and go for a mutual separation without any stress or physical pain.

The process to give divorce

How to do divorce process is the main concern of the couple once they have decided to separate. Actually the entire process starts when both the parties hire their individual lawyers and they present the case in the court on your behalf with all the points for which you need a divorce and request for monetary claims.

However, woman divorce lawyer are given first preference if the case is almost against the men who was being violent, did not maintain monetary requirements and unable to give the respect to the relationship. It is no where written that a man is guilty in the Singapore law if he keeps a marital affair or starts living with the other woman. Until and unless second marriage is done without giving the divorce to the first wife, then it is a punishable offense under the divorce law.

A woman can claim the child custody, ask for spousal maintenance money and request the share in assets of the spouse by filing the application. Hence, the case could only be registered for the divorce if the eligibility criteria are fulfilled by the couple-

    • Any one of the spouse should be the permanent citizen of the Singapore

    • They both must have served 3 years of their marriage period

    • The residence proof and income verification is must

Usually the child custody is given in the hands of the mother under the Act mentioned in divorce law. Thus, in any conditions, mother is incapable or not willing to take the child custody then automatically the father is eligible for the guardianship of the ward. Therefore, child abduction and outside the court harassment cases are considered offensive in the divorce law of Singapore. So what are you waiting for? Take help and support of the experienced Singapore divorce lawyer online today.