
I wanted to connect temperature sensors such as LM75 via I2C-bus to my DTV.

While getting it to work I had to implement some small tools so that I could monitor what is going on in the bus.

I realized that someone might find these useful, when connecting any kind of I2C -devices to DTV / C64.

So, I packed them into one executable and decided to call it i2cpeek.

v 0.2 features :

BUS features:

- User can select the userport pins to be used for SDA and SCL

- 4 different bus speeds ( no there is no HIGH-SPEED mode support ;)

Temperature reading features:

- Supports up to eight temperature sensors in the bus... Verified to be working with LM75 and TI TMP101.

- Supports autopolling of temperatures (f= 1...255 seconds) as well as manual polling

- Scanning of connected sensors

- MIN and MAX temperatures shown

- Resolution 0.5 degrees

Tracer features:

- Buffer size 432 items (1 item means SDA and SCL -state being stored)

- View states as numbers

0 = LOW written to bus

1 = HIGH written to bus

2 = LOW read from bus (applies to SDA only)

3 = HIGH read from bus (applies to SDA only)

- View trace in "graphical mode"

- Read / Write trace file from / to disk

Monitor features:

- See screenshots below:

In case you're interested in the sources I've done a very basic utility - lm75read - that simply asks you for an address and then reads two bytes from lm75 temperature reader and converts the result into temperature reading.

You can read a temperature data with this one. I'll also add source code for this one:

Below is a simple diagram showing how to connect I2C devices into C64 DTV. I take no responsibility if you fry your equipment, burn your house etc... :)
