Setting the offset for wg++
(copied from csa@dola crontab)
# Time offset can be set by editing on vila /nest/cfg/wg++/CC.config, where CC = cz, pl, ru, us
# Examples and instructions on how to set the offset are on vila in /nest/cfg/wg++/cz.config.xml
# Also,excellent instructions on editing wg++ config are at
# The cz schedule offset is currently (Jan 2017) set to +1
# which means that 1 hour is added to cz programs start times
# The pl schedule does not currently require setting an offset
# To test that the offset is set correctly, perform the following steps
# 1. edit on vila /nest/cfg/wg++/CC.config, where CC = cz, pl, ru, us
# 2. as csa@vila issue CC (you can check the format by issuing crontab -l)
# 3. wait until the grabbing process is finished (it may take a few minutes)
# 4. as csa@dola issue CC (you can check the format by issuing crontab -l)
# 5. as csa@dola issue, for example, schedule ČT1 "Události" 0 888 "National evening news" 19:00-20:00 s
# 6. check whether the schedule is correct. If not - perform steps 1-5 again