Access to Red Hen Tools and Data

Red Hen is a research cooperative of peers, or at least aspirational peers, who give each other the benefit of their resources, labor, and achievement so that every member is stronger in virtue of the cooperation.  Each Red Hen puts in something, but gets back the benefit of everything that the other hundreds of Red Hens accomplish. Red Hen is not available to the public. Red Hen is in no way a service. Red Hen has no staff. The directors of Red Hen take input and advice from wherever they can get it to establish fundamental principles of the cooperative, but they do not control the specific labor of other Red Hens.  Red Hens are highly independent and able to progress on their own initiative.  The main reason for the existence of any project in Red Hen is that some impressive Red Hen is willing to take responsibility.  Red Hen receives a flood of expressions of interest from students worldwide, but any student who wishes to join Red Hen should consider first whether they are prepared to operate as a Red Hen. Despite our great interest in students, Red Hen unfortunately does not have the time to design with detailed specifications projects for students and then to tutor them in how to complete each of the steps. A student who wishes to join the Red Hen cooperative needs to make a detailed proposal for a tractable, worthy project. Presented with such a proposal, some major participant in Red Hen will review it and respond.  If you need data that Red Hen has, let Red Hen know what you need.  If you need other data, propose how you would acquire it. If the student performs substantial impressive work, the major Red Hens are likely to be disposed to help the student over a difficult hump when it arises, but otherwise cannot monitor closely.  


All research must be supervised by a member of the Red Hen Access Board. In many cases, that supervision is, after the initial period, largely delegated to other senior members of the Red Hen research cooperative. 

If you wish to have initial access to the Red Hen Tools and Data, first study (as thoroughly as you can stand) the presentation at of Red Hen operations. Also recommended is Red Hen's public learning platform, Techne.   Then prepare and send to two items, as text presented directly in the email message; that is, not as attachments and not as links to documents:

The research proposal and the contribution proposal are sometimes interdependent.  Indeed, many contribution proposals point out that Red Hen's tools and data provide good help for the proposed research activity but are inadequate for the full job, and will accordingly propose as a contribution to improve the Red Hen tools and data in such a way as to make Red Hen yet better able to conduct such research.

The major Red Hens will muse upon the ways in which your proposals for research and contribution articulate with existing Red Hen research and infrastructure and ways in which they might articulate with developments in progress or similar proposals by other Red Hen supplicants, and send you a response.  On the basis of a thoughtful research proposal and contribution proposal, the Red Hen Access Board is typically able to grant initial access to the first level of tools and data so that new researchers can explore possibilities, on the ground that this will help them improve and sharpen their research and contribution proposals. 

Financial contributions: Contributions not infrequently come in the form of funding rather than research, labor, etc. The directors of Red Hen deploy such funding to improve and increase the Red Hen network of equipment and operations. Researchers offering to contribute funding should contact to discuss an amount of financial contribution suitable for the level of time, collaboration, and access needed. 

Access conditions

Development director

We look forward to hearing from you!

P.S. On the technical details of entry-level access, see Access to Red Hen: technical details. That page is written for students and postdocs of the Red Hen co-directors, but its technical instructions apply to nearly anyone who has been approved by the co-directors for initial Red Hen access.