Call For Papers

Topics of Interested

The DISPA workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners designing distributed systems for databases, programming frameworks, and machine learning. The suggested topics of interest for the DISPA workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Distributed data management and query processing

- Distributed machine learning

- Distributed systems for information retrieval

- Cloud computing and “cloud-native” system designs

- Programming models for distributed computing

- Code and runtime optimizations for distributed applications

- Machine learning for managing and optimizing distributed systems

- Management and operation of distributed systems

- Approximate algorithms for query processing and machine learning at scale

- Workload characterization and performance evaluation

- Experience with production systems operating at massive scale

- New use cases for distributed computing

Submission Guidelines

The DISPA workshop follows the VLDB formatting guideline and the submission guideline. The conference management tool for the submission of papers is accessible at:

Unlike the VLDB submission guideline, the paper length for a paper is up to 6 pages, excluding references. The accepted paper may have up to four extra pages if authors want, excluding reference. Here is a template of latex and word for the camera-ready.

At least one author of every accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop and give an oral presentation about the paper.

Important Dates (All deadlines at 23:59 AoE)

Paper Submission: Saturday, 6th June, 2020 Saturday, 20th June, 2020

Notification of Acceptance: Friday, 3rd July, 2020 Friday, 17th July, 2020

Camera-ready Submission: Friday, 24th July, 2020 Friday, 31th July, 2020

Workshop Date: August 31st, 2020