
  • Résonances près de seuils d’opérateurs magnétiques de Pauli et de Dirac,

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  • Lieb-Thirring type inequalities for non-self-adjoint perturbations of magnetic Schrödinger operators,

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  • Spectral clusters for magnetic exterior problems,

(avec Vincent Bruneau), Operator Theory : Advances and Applications 254 (2016), 57-70. pdf

  • Counting function of magnetic resonances for exterior problems,

(avec Vincent Bruneau), Ann. Henri Poincaré 17 (12) (2016), 3443–3471. pdf

  • Counting function of magnetic eigenvalues for non-definite sign perturbations,

Operator Theory : Advances and Applications 254 (2016), 205-221. pdf

  • Spectral analysis near the low ground energy of magnetic Pauli operators,

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  • A criterion for the existence of nonreal eigenvalues for a Dirac operator,

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  • On eigenvalue accumulation for non-self-adjoint magnetic operators,

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  • A simple criterion for the existence of nonreal eigenvalues for a class of 2D and 3D Pauli operators,

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  • Eigenvalues behaviours for self-adjoint Pauli operators with unsigned perturbations and admissible magnetic fields,

(avec Amal Taarabt), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 355 (5) (2017), 553-558. pdf

  • Spectral non-self-adjoint analysis of complex Dirac, Pauli and Schrödinger operators with constant magnetic fields of full rank,

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  • Quantum time delay for unitary operators: general theory,

(avec Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa), Rev. Math. Phys. 31 (2019), 1950018. pdf

  • Logarithmic stability inequality in an inverse source problem for the heat equation on a waveguide,

(avec Yavar Kian et Eric Soccorsi), Applicable Analysis 99 (2020), 2210-2228. pdf

  • On the spectral properties of non-selfadjoint discrete Schrödinger operators,

(avec Olivier Bourget et Amal Taarabt), J. Maths Pures Appl. 141 (2020), 1-49. pdf

  • On non-selfadjoint operators with finite discrete spectrum,

(avec Olivier Bourget et Amal Taarabt), Latine America Mathematics Series (2020), STMP 2018, Santiago, Chile, 63-86. pdf

  • Resonances on regular tree graphs,

(avec Olivier Bourget et Amal Taarabt), preprint Arxiv 1708.08032 pdf

  • Asymptotic estimates of solutions to time-fractional diffusion equations with space-dependent variable order,

(avec Yavar Kian et Eric Soccorsi), preprint Arxiv 1901.02958 pdf

  • Resonances near the spectral thresholds for multichannel discrete Schrödinger operators,

(avec Marouane Assal, Olivier Bourget et Pablo Miranda), preprint Arxiv 2203.01352 pdf

  • On the spectral properties of non-selfadjoint discrete Dirac operators,

(avec Olivier Bourget et Amal Taarabt), article en préparation


  • SENBrevet 2015, SUJETS et CORRIGÉS, 3ème, MATHS (ALGÈBRE TOME I), (avec Lamine Ndiaye), Collection MathSolo (2015) pdf

  • SENbrevet 2016, SUJETS et CORRIGÉS, 3ème, MATHS (GÉOMÉTRIE TOME II), (avec Lamine Ndiaye), Collection MathSolo (2016) pdf