Products & Services

This are some of the products that we currently offer:

  • Overall Research Design
  • Consulting over the use of Software Analysis in NVivo or SPSS Consulting over Data Analysis
  • Coding and Relationships among Categories
  • Mind Map Modelling & Cognitive Networks
  • Perceptual Mapping Design

This are our services:

  • Marketing & Social Research
  • E-Learning Solutions
  • Software Training

Product Details

We prepare your data analysis in a timely manner, highlighting the key emerging topics that arouse from the Research Data.

And we help you always in the discussion of the main results.

Our Consulting Services covers a wide spectrum of data analysis possibilities ranging from Enterprises to Social & Anthopological Research and/or Individual Consulting for Students Canditates in Doctoral, Master or College Programs.

Service Features

All our works are ad-hoc to fulfill your special needs with competitive prices either for domestic or international customers.

Each project is rated individually according to your special needs and the characteristics of your research.

If your are preparing a dissertation and need help with the data analysis, some valuable free extras made the difference in consulting when choosing our products:

  • FREE unlimited amendments
  • FREE title page
  • FREE outline
  • FREE e-mail delivery
  • FREE formatting in APA Style