Save our Horses

Sept 3rd,2016

Bring Ruidoso's Horses Back, facebook group QR code get QR code reader itunes/google play store FOR LINK

Livestock Board:Bill Saubie, at the Livestock board, 505 841-6141 to voice your opinion. He is on the Board of directors William Bunce is the Executive Director.

Our Lawyers: Steven K Sanders & Associates: 820 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 Phone: (505) 243-7170, Freda Howard McSwane : 1803 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345,Phone: (575) 257-1515

Governor Martinez - 505-476-2200

Petition to Governor Martinez and our US Senators,

Fundraising: donate online for legal costs and longer term planning and care.

NM State Representative Zachary J. Cook - (R)

District: 56

  • County: Lincoln and Otero
  • Address: 1703 Sudderth Drive #425 Ruidoso, NM 88345
  • Capitol Phone: 986-4411
  • Office Phone: (575) 937-7644
  • Email: