
History of The Buddhist Center of Dallas

Wat Buddha Dallas, Dallas, Texas is known in English as Buddhist Center of Dallas. It is located at 8484 Stults Rd., Dallas, TX 75243. This temple was unanimously founded with a contribution of Thai Buddhists in Texas and nearby states together with Buddhist monks in Thailand. Dallas is a big city with many Buddhists who are businessman, entrepreneur, including students living in the area. However, they do not have temples and monks to be their focal point of religious and peaceful mind. 

A Meeting to Build a Temple

On January 27, 1982, there were 6 Buddhist monks from Thailand traveled to Dallas to visit their disciples and Buddhists. Then they had a discussion on building a temple here. The Buddhist monks received some primary survey information and were persuaded by disciples and people who came to welcome them to build a temple in city of Dallas. Before returning to Thailand, these group of monks granted USD 700 to set up the plan. They also assigned Mr. Wirat Supawong to be in charge of providing a monk a temporary place to stay.

First Temple

We rented a house on 10335 Country Club Dr., Dallas, Texas 75218 for USD 450/month. Monks who came to stay here need to have their own support at first. Then Pra Amaraphirakkit helped find the support from time to time. We have a policy to gradually build a temple and not to put a burden to our devotees. After we took the first step in finding a temporary place for a temple, there were 3 monks stay at the temple permanently on February 15, 1982. 

The Opening Ceremony

On Saturday March 27, 1982, group of monks and Thai people in Dallas and nearby city held an opening ceremony for the temple. There were a group of monks from Thailand attending this ceremony also. After the opening ceremony, we formed a Board of Directors in order to register as a lawful temple under Texas Law. 

Monks and Buddhists have used this temporary temple to conduct religious ceremony, to make merit and offering, to meditate and practice Buddhism, and to listen to sermon. As people living in surrounding areas came to know about the temple and the monks, they visit the temple regularly. However, the monastery was located in residential area. It is not suitable to conduct certain religious activities as it’s against state law. Therefore, we agreed to find a new location which is in a legal zoning area for the temple.

Second Temple

In 1983, group of monks and temple committees of Wat Buddha Dallas bought 1.3 Acre of land and a building to build a new temple at 8484 Stults Rd., Dallas, Texas 75243. It costs USD 175,000 with 35,000 down payments and a monthly mortgage payment. The new location is more spacious and is convenient for Buddhists to pay a visit.

The Opening Ceremony of Second Temple

On May 29, 1983, there were Buddhist monks from Thailand attending the opening ceremony. Monks and Laity Committee at the temple have joined together with their utmost ability and devotion to manage the temple. They have built a hall and bought additional land and buildings till we have a spacious temple today.