
17. Natural history films generate more online interest in depicted species than in conservation messages.

Nolan, Kane & Fernández-Bellon2022.People and Nature.

16. Bird and small mammal community composition and abundance in upland open habitats and early conifer forests.

McCarthy, Caravaggi, Fernández-Bellon, Irwin, Lusby & O'Halloran.2021.European Journal of Wildlife Research.

15. Expert knowledge assessment of threats and conservation strategies for breeding hen harrier and short-eared owl across Europe.

Fernández-Bellon, Lusby, Bos, Schaub, McCarthy, Caravaggi, Irwin & O'Halloran.2021.Bird Conservation International.
          PDF          Infographic          On the BOU Blog, Cambridge Core blog

14. Unpaid 'CV-boosting' opportunities undermine efforts to reduce pressure and increase diversity of early-career researchers.

Fernández-Bellon & Kane.2020.Nature Ecology & Evolution.

13. Limited accessibility and bias in wildlife-wind energy knowledge: a bilingual systematic review of a globally distributed bird group.

Fernández-Bellon. 2020.Science of the Total Environment.
          PDF          Infographic          Infographic 2

12. Natural history films raise species awareness - a big data approach.

Fernández-Bellon & Kane.2020.Conservation Letters.
          PDF          On BBC News, The Conversation, RTE Brainstorm

11. Effects of development of wind energy and associated changes in land use on bird densities in upland areas.

Fernández-Bellon, Wilson, Irwin & O'Halloran. 2019.Conservation Biology.
          PDF          Video abstract          On The Times, RTE News

10. Video evidence of siblicide and cannibalism, movement of nestlings by adults and interactions with predators in nesting hen harriers.

Fernández-Bellon, Wilson, Irwin, Kelly, O'Mahony & O'Halloran. 2018.Journal of Raptor Research.
          PDF          Nest camera videos

9. Breeding ecology and habitat selection of merlin Falco columbarius in forested landscapes.

Lusby, Corkery, McGuinness, Fernández-Bellon, Toal, Norriss, Breen, O'Donaill, Clarke, Irwin, Quinn & O'Halloran.2017.Bird Study.

8. Activity patterns of breeding hen harriers Circus cyaneus assessed using nest cameras.

Fernández-Bellon, Wilson, Irwin, Kelly, O'Mahony & O'Halloran.2017.Bird Study.

7. Hen harrier Circus cyaneus population trends in relation to wind farms.

Wilson, Fernández-Bellon, Irwin & O'Halloran.2017.Bird Study.
          PDF          On the BOU blog

6. Density-dependent productivity in a colonial vulture at two spatial scales.

Fernández-Bellon, Cortés-Avizanda, Arenas & Donázar. 2016.Ecology.
          PDF          Cover and photographic abstract in the ESA Bulletin          On the BOU blog

5. Reproductive output of hen harriers Circus cyaneus in relation to wind turbine proximity.

Fernández-Bellon, Irwin, Wilson & O'Halloran.2015.Irish Birds.

4. Assessing the effectiveness of monitoring methods for merlin Falco columbarius in Ireland: the Pilot Merlin Survey 2010.

Lusby, Fernández-Bellon, Norriss & Lauder. 2011.Irish Birds.

3. The effectiveness of playback as a method for monitoring breeding merlin Falco columbarius in Ireland.

Fernández-Bellon & Lusby.2011.Irish Birds.

2. The feeding ecology of merlin Falco columbarius during the breeding season in Ireland, and an assessment of current diet analysis methods.

Fernández-Bellon & Lusby.2011.Irish Birds.

1. Diet of the crowned eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) during the breeding season in the Monte Desert, Mendoza, Argentina.

Pereyra Lobos, Santander, Orellana, Ramírez, Muñoz & Fernández-Bellon. 2010.Journal of Raptor Research.

Book chapters & technical reports

Greater sage-grouse conservation breeding and translocation workshop report 2022.

WICZ.2023.Report to Wilder Institute / Calgary Zoo.

Using big data to understand the impact of natural history films: Planet Earth II & Wild Ireland case studies.

Fernández-Bellon.2019.Report to Crossing the Line Films.

Shannon callows waterbirds project.

Fernández-Bellon & Caffrey.2019.Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service.

Supporting hen harrier in novel environments.

Irwin, Caravaggi, McCarthy, Fernández-Bellon, Lusby, Neville & O'Halloran.2019.Report to Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine. 

Interactions between hen harriers and wind turbines.

Wilson, Fernández-Bellon, Irwin & O'Halloran.2015.Report to Irish Wind Energy Association. 

Irish merlin ecological research. 

Fernández-Bellon & Lusby. 2011.Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service.

Machair breeding waders. 

Fernández-Bellon & Donaghy. 2011.Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service.

Duc (eagle owl), in Baucells (ed), Els rapinyaires nocturns de Catalunya (Owls of Catalonia), JBC Editions, Sta. Eulàlia de Ronçana. 

Vila, Margalida, Fernández-Bellon & Lapiedra. 2010. 

Pilot merlin survey 2010. 

Fernández-Bellon, Carroll & Lusby.2010.Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service.

Ridgway’s hawk assisted dispersal: Punta Cana release. 

Fernández-Bellon.2009.Report to the Peregrine Fund.

Shannon Callows breeding wader research project. 

Donahgy, Prosser, Fernández-Bellon & Denniston.2008.Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service.

Harpy eagle reintroduction

Fernández-Bellon.2007.Report to the Peregrine Fund.

Conference presentations & posters

Wildlife and wind energy interactions.

Fernández-Bellon.2021.Webinar at IWERN 2021 Irish Wind Energy Research Network, Dublin, Ireland.

Wind energy is the fastest growing renewable energy source... but is the science of wind farm impacts on wildlife keeping up? 

Fernández-Bellon.2021.Poster at IEA 2021 Irish Ecological Association Conference, Cork, Ireland.

Wildlife-wind energy knowledge accessibility and bias: a systematic review of a globally distributed bird group. 

Fernández-Bellon.2020.Thread at BOU Climate change and birds Twitter conference.

Temporal trends in female and male morphological traits of a river songbird. 

Fernández-Bellon, O'Mahony, Smiddy, Quinn & O'Halloran.2019.Presentation at 2nd Irish Ecological Association Conference, NUIG Galway, Ireland.

Lifetime variation in stress physiology: effects of land use and climate on a river passerine. 

Fernández-Bellon, Monclús, Copland, Smiddy, O'Mahony, Quinn, López-Béjar & O'Halloran.2018.Poster at Frontiers and horizons in ecology, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Responses to global change in a river passerine. 

Fernández-Bellon.2018.School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences Seminar Series, Cork, Ireland.

Interactions between hen harriers and wind turbines. 

Wilson, Fernández-Bellon, Irwin & O'Halloran.2017.Presentation at 7th Irish Ornithological Conference, Cork, Ireland.

Modern life stress: using hormones to measure environmental quality and land use effects. 

Fernández-Bellon, Copland, Smiddy, O'Mahony, Monclús, López-Béjar, Quinn & O'Halloran.2017.Presentation at British Ecological Society Macroecology SIG meeting, London, UK.

Displacement effects of wind energy development on upland bird communities. 

Fernández-Bellon, Wilson, Irwin & O'Halloran.2016.Presentation at British Ecological Society Conference, Liverpool, UK.

Water quality and land use: detecting effects on an aquatic passerine.

Fernández-Bellon, Copland, Smiddy, O'Mahony, Monclús, López-Béjar, Quinn & O'Halloran.2016.Presentation at Irish Ecological Association Conference, Sligo, Ireland.

From recovery to uncertainty: changing fortunes for cinereous vultures in southern Spain. 

Fernández-Bellon, Cortés-Avizanda, Arenas & Donázar. 2015.Presentation at Irish Raptor Study Group Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Hen harrier nesting behaviour: data from nest cameras.

Fernández-Bellon, Wilson, Irwin, Kelly, O'Mahony & O'Halloran. 2013.Presentation at 6th Irish Ornithological Conference, Cork, Ireland.

From merlin to harpy eagles: case studies in raptor conservation.

Fernández-Bellon.2013.Invited speaker at Scottish Ornithological Conference, Troon, Scotland.

Results of breeding wader monitoring at key machair sites.

Fernández-Bellon & Donaghy. 2011.Presentation to National Parks and Wildlife Service. Mullingar, Ireland.

Pilot merlin survey 2010: assessing merlin survey methods in Ireland. 

Fernández-Bellon & Lusby. 2011.Presentation at Irish Raptor Study Group Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Dieta del esmerejón Falco columbarius durante la época de cría en Irlanda. 

Fernández-Bellon & Lusby. 2010.Poster at XX SEO-BirdLife Ornithological Conference, Tremp, Spain.

Presentations to government agencies & working groups

State of wildlife-wind energy knowledge in Ireland.

Fernández-Bellon.2019.National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.

Threats and conservation strategies for hen harriers and short-eared owls across Europe: an expert knowledge approach. 

Fernández-Bellon.2019.International hen harrier and short-eared owl meeting, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hen harrier research in Ireland.

Fernández-Bellon & O'Halloran.2019.International hen harrier and short-eared owl meeting, Groningen, the Netherlands.

WindHarrier: Interactions between hen harriers and wind turbines. 

Fernández-Bellon, Irwin & O'Halloran.2015.Hen Harrier Threat Response Plan, Dublin, Ireland.

Results of breeding wader monitoring at key machair sites. 

Fernández-Bellon & Donaghy.2011.National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.

La reintroducción del gavilán domincano.

Fernández-Bellon & Brocca.2009.Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.